My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 123: 123

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Some time of these passing couple of days...

The world has been following eagerly when some media releasing separate articles about the family background of the Crow Corporation fiancee, Miss Cassandra Young.

The media have been digging every hole to find out of Cassie's real identity wanting a controversy to throw at her to destroy her name and for others who have no reason, they just want something to gossip about.

However, the world was surprised by the information the media releases about Cassandra's parents, Landon Young and Hannah Chen.

The couple who lives in Hiryuu Island with their daughter is amazing people which Landon was a remarkable person who transforms the dead mountain into something like a miracle.

And about Hannah Chen, she is the top Nurse board passer on her batches with an honor of a Cum Laude when she graduated at St. Ignatius Medical University in Mainland City, the most prestigious medical school in the country. As a scholar by the school, she often volunteered in a lot of Medical Missions in and out of the country before she graduated her first course and having unfinished courses in Medicine after she got married.

While Landon also has an outstanding degree on his major as a Biologist and Environmentalist in one of the best university in the United States, he becomes an exchange student for a year at Oxford University in the UK.

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Landon is the son of James Young, once a great surgeon of America, sadly died very early in unknown reason to everyone... which Landon Young himself died on a shipwreck at a young age as well.

On the same day, the shocking news was released to the public that starts the huge discussion and questions.

First; the article stated that James Young and the old Kang is who started the UKG Developer Company but left to Kang the full management of the firm until the present time and never seen that there is Young been associating at the company all these years, and that was over 50 years already...

Then the question arises if the Young did ever get any of their share on this past 50 years? Is it because everyone in the family suddenly died? It left a mystery why the Young family never get their share and assets from the company. Then, where is the Young family's share goes and who have a hold of their assets all these decades? And more question left that made everyone wonder.

Because of this article, most of the shareholders of UKG Company called for a meeting and began asking the President none other done is Julius Kang if this is true.

Julius Kang denied to everyone and said, it is a lie and why the company gets involved with the show business news?

With this, the Prosecutors began investigating while another article was released on midnight. Said, during the year 2010, Landon Young meet Julius Kang to ask all the assets and the 65% shares of the company his father invested in the very beginning.

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But after a couple of weeks, the Young family died in a shipwreck. But the question is, why Miss Cassandra Young is still alive?

Then another article released by another Social Media page about the records of hospital where Cassandra Young admitted because of the car crashed with her parents but died due to an explosion. However, after the accident, the car wasn't there anymore when the police went to investigate the accident.

So what really happens then? Why the Young family was said that died in a storm and why some say they died in a car crashed explosion?

With this new article, the shareholders called another meeting before the dawn break. Julius Kang been furious and calling his son to come and help him, but Jason just ignored his father. Maybe it's time for him to pay for his crime. Jason thought.

Then too early in the morning, a video came out that Julius Kang ordered his men to kill Landon's daughter named Cassandra Young. The video keeps repeating when Julius Kang says that line "Find Landon's daughter! Cassandra Young must die before she's 21 years old!"...

By this video, another question arises from the Prosecutors Office and found the documents and Last Will of Testament left by Landon, stating that Cassandra Young is the sole heir of the 65% shares at UKG Builder Company assets.

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The UKG company is in big chaos upon investigating like this. More shreds of evidence they gathered and show to the public, enough to arrest Julius Kang.

It was stated in another article, that the Young family is the real owner of this company and have the rights to sit any of the family members to be the CEO of this international company.

At the moment, Carla Kang was about to fly for her work abroad alibi when she was arrested at the airport. She was involved in the case of illegally using all Young's asset to build the Kang Production Incorporated without the permission of any of the Young family to spend their assets for all their film and TV series projects of the said production.

In the afternoon, Attorney Andrew Lawrence and son Karl Lawrence file multiple cases against Julius Kang with a lot of evidence they submitted to the Court of Justice. He then called for a press conference later in the evening.

"Six years ago, a friend of mine came to my office and asked for my help to do his Will of Testament because he has a feeling that someone been following them and attempted to kill his family. He also receives death threats when he insisted to take back Young's assets and want to take place as one of the board members in UKG Developer Company International."

Andrew releases more statement of how the Youngs was followed until they were chase that causes their death due to the car's explosion. However, to keep a secret that the daughter was never found in the car crash, Julius Kang's men decided to put the couple to another car and they secretly bring the dead bodies into a Ferry Boat pretended as passengers and planted the ship with bombs on the car to explode in the middle of the ocean.

Cassandra watched the entire statement. She felt terrified learning the truth of how her parents died, and she supposed to die as well if Martin Castillo did not save his niece, her... she was saved by her uncle is the truth. Tears keep falling down from her tears... she was happy to know that her uncle truly loved her regardless of how he allows Lydia to make illegal doings with her properties. She doesn't care anymore about it.

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Andrew was asked if who are the witnesses about this all. He answered:

"I recorded a video on my phone when Martin saves Miss Cassandra Young and the car explosion. Yes, you all heard right. I was there. Landon and I have a meeting that day with Martin Castillo. When he called me to cancel our meeting because they were on a chase, I decided to follows them instead. I was there in the hospital as well, and I was one who keeps the secret that Cassandra Young is alive. I have more witnesses to give their testimony during the court trial soon."

"I did not release this until today, one is, I need more evidence... also, because the man who we will be going to pay his crime is a man who doesn't care to kill every member of your family. Thank you." Attorney Andrew's answered when he was asked why he did not file the case before against Julius Kang.

Cassie felt like her body lost its strength, she feels like, her heart stops to beat. This is why she has these crazy hallucinations every time she misses of taking her medicines. They are her lost memories.

She wanted to call Daichi or Riley but no words coming out from her mouth. Before she lost consciousness, she has a glimpse of the person she longs to see on these passing days. The person who she wished to be held by and be comfort by him right now.

She could feel his strong arms catching her frail body from falling into the floor, she also felt his warmth, his familiar smell, and his beautiful voice yelling her name... she misses him badly.

•••any part of this is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my consent outside of Webnovel••• E. E.

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