My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 146: 146

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"Hello!" Levi greeted.

Shun just ignores Levi but stared at the woman who stood quietly behind him. In a first look, she and Cassandra almost no difference, they almost look exactly alike.

"Come on in," Shun let their visitors get inside.

"Shun? Who that was?" Cassie asked from the kitchen and now entering the living room area. She was stunned by who she is seeing, her mouth opens. If she was staring at the mirror, the woman she saw is a little old version of her.

"Cassie, hey…" Levi waves at her.

"Levi!" Cassie walks towards Levi and gives him a hug.

Madison was actually surprised by Cassie's gesture. She looks away as she felt a little bit of jealousy, besides she felt uncomfortable. Although Levi told her already about Carlisle Williams and Marivella Chen's tragic love story who is now reincarnated as Shun Crow and Cassandra Young hoping to continue their love story on this lifetime, she still in half-believe until today and seeing them both now feels like it was real.

Madison was on her own thoughts when she felt a warmed arm embraces her, Cassie also gives her a hug, and she didn't see it coming. She wasn't sure whether to hug her back or just let her be. But this feeling is such wonderful. Could really be true that there is such a thing on this world called Reincarnation?

Truth is, the cause of her headache is seeing the people who look like them. Madison hugs Cassie back in the end.

"Oh, am sorry," Cassie let go of her. "Cassandra by the way," she stretched her hands.

"Madison, I am glad to meet you."

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"I am very glad that I finally meet you as well... I don't meet any relatives, that is why I'm a bit excited to see you." Cassie smiled warmly.

"I see. I thought the same too, except for the Williams," Madison glance at Shun. She already knew about the Williams when she is 18th.

"Am… thank you, by the way, for sponsoring me…" Madison felt a little awkward to suddenly think that the two people standing in front of her, is said to be her parents in her past life.

Shun and Cassie look at each other. "Don't mention it, we are reincarnated or not, we still relatives who should help each other. We are glad to help of course," Cassie holds Madison's hand, she squeezed them gently.

"Actually, it was her who thinks of how we should help you," Shun talks about Cassie. "However, I do think about it already, because once Williams wants to achieve something, we don't give up even if cause our lives."

"What are you talking about? If it causes a life, I won't allow it!" Cassie disagrees with Shun's views, the first time it happens it seems. "That is why, make sure to drive safely, Madison," Cassie look at her with a worried expression.

Surprised, she was touched by Cassie's concerned, at the same time amused by her. Cassie is three years younger than her, and she looks a very wonderful person. No wonder why Levi is in love with her.

Thinking about it, there is a pinch in her heart. What is happening to her? She shouldn't get jealous, besides, Cassie has Shun who she loves and not Levi.

The way these two people look lovingly at each other is like no one could take them apart. She is curious about how Levi feels seeing this. Could he felt jealousy? Could this made him feel awkward being around them and showing sweetness? Madison glance at Levi. She still saw a mysterious guy behind those smiles.

"You know, both of you soon become a parent, but the way you disagree now is like, one would spoil and overprotective but one wants hard work and expecting huge from his children," Levi commented.

Cassie looks at Shun and gives a meaningful smile before she gives him a tongue. Shun open-mouth dropped.

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"Alright, that's enough. Let's go and have some coffee, I'll prepare them." Cassie left and went to the kitchen.

"You, come here," Shun calls Levi to follow him quickly.

Madison left alone so she doesn't know what to do, either stay here, sit on the sofa, or follow Cassie if where she goes.

"Madison, let's go to the garden, the butler offers to prepare our drinks. I think the men want to talk alone for now so, just hang out with me." Cassie put her arms around Madison, together they went to the back garden of this mansion.

Wow, she was amazed by the view here. It overlooks the central city of Paris, so beautiful. She could see the famous Eiffel Tower.

"Beautiful right? It is now one of my favorite places in the world."

"Indeed, it's beautiful," Madison agreed. "Uhm, if am not mistaken, you were pregnant, right?" She asked Cassie.

"Ah, yes…" Cassie smiled, happiness shown on her eyes. "I still felt overwhelmed after I learned about it. Sometimes, I wonder if I felt the same way when I am pregnant in my past life. I died the moment I gave birth to her, so I missed a lot of memories with her growing up. I hope she has a good life even though she grows up without a mother and a parent."

Madison didn't notice the tears trailing down on her cheeks. She was surprised when a teardrop falls on her hand. She turns around and quickly wipes her eyes.

"Oh, sorry if I just speak what's on my mind, I probably bore you," Cassie said did not notice the teary Madison.

"No. That's not it," Madison's voice is a little shaky. " In fact, that was touching." She looked up and smiled at Cassie.

"Ah…" Cassie was speechless a bit surprised seeing her crying. "Am sorry, I shouldn't bring it up. However, I felt like to say I'm sorry now." Is all Cassie could say while tears start falling down from her eyes. They don't know, but they both now cries holding each other's hand.

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"Sorry, now I make you cry, as well," Madison told her and they both laugh.

"Yeah…" Cassie dried her eyes.

"So, you don't have any siblings like me?" Madison who asked her after they settled down.

"Ah, something like, yes. But my parents did adopt someone before, but I don't remember any memories of him. So I can't really tell. Said, he has to leave when I was two years old since then I don't know."

"Hmm… I see. Kind of hard then."

"Yes it is, but I am still thankful, I have friends who were like a family and helping me out in anything. For example, like Levi."

Ouch, friendzone. Madison thought of Levi a lot lately..."Aw, that's nice. I don't really have many friends, but I have family who makes sure I would felt how much I was loved by them, I am still thankful."

"The most important thing, FAMILY," Cassie quoted.

She and Madison smiled at each other. Still, this is unbelievably real. Somehow, they could feel this unexplainable connection between them.

"I want to meet them, your family."

"They are your family too…"

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"Ah, that's right. I and Shun are your relatives from both sides."

"Now you mentioned it, this made me in a daze to imagine."

Cassie and Madison giggles. Above, two men watching the two them. Meanwhile, Shun and Levi discussing some things that related to them all.

"I still can't believe this is actually happening," Levi commented.

"Neither I," Shun seconded.

"I had a hard time convincing to meet Alessa. Marie won't allow me until Madison who asked her to let me talk to their grandma."

"I just wanted to meet and know them. Since direct descendants of Carlisle, they will be always a part of the Williams family, my family."

"I think, Cassie wanted too."

"Yes, she does."

Shun peek back on the window. The two ladies continue chatting who now seated and drinking some tea. They really almost look alike, he thought.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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