My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 153

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She woke up with great pain on the head again. She badly wanted to suppress this episode inside her head. Cassie breathes heavily and calms herself. She sits up and instantly notices Shun seated in a single sofa, looks like he just sleeps on there all night. He was still wearing the same suit from yesterday.

Cassie runs to the bathroom and creating a loud bang on the door. It awakes Shun, and he immediately searches for Cassie on the bedroom. He could hear her vomiting in the bathroom, instantly, he joins her and stroking her back.

She looks up and stared at the mirror, she could see their reflection different from what she used to see in this mirror before. A happy Shun and her teasing each other while taking a bath together, brushing teeth together or even having an intimate moment inside this room.

Right now, a broken person staring at her own reflection; pale, tired, weak, and she doesn't see any beauty from her.

And as of the man, he also looks exhausted and worn out. Traces of lacking sleep is displaying on his handsome face and he seems to have forgotten to take care of himself. But his eyes shone so much love and worries which never left his gazes at her.

Cassie looks away and harshly wipes the tears that escape from her eyes.

"I'll call Ben to come over to give you a checkup. Derek will come also, he needs new results of your laboratory tests to defer your compatibility and suited medicine for a safer pregnancy."

Cassie did not reply and stayed silent. She left the sink and go back to her bed when Shun or her brother Quinn holds her from behind.

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"Please, you can hate me all you wanted."

Cassie felt Quinn's head buried in the back of her neck and tears run down from his eyes.

"Please, just for our child... Just for the baby, let me take care of you," he begs.

OUR. Her and Quinn's child.

Suddenly, it's flashing back… those times she shared with him knowing he is just a strange guy she falls in love with. Those times she thought is just a normal relationship with someone she could spend time her whole life.

Cassie wipes more tears from her eyes. "Am tired," is all she able to answer.

She was not able to protest when Quinn carried her to the bed. He put her down gently and places pillows on her back to rest on the headboard comfortably.

"I'll call Mrs. Fe to help you change your clothes. I'll make some flavored porridge. If anything you wanted to eat, just relay it to Mrs. Fe," Shun said before he quickly left the bedroom.

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A pinch in her heart but a warmth touches her whole being… however, she can't control this pain she still feeling right now. And sometimes, she just wanted to cry not knowing the reason.


Mrs. Fe helping her cleaning up and changing her clothes. Quinn came back with a tray of food and she slowly tasted them. She's glad her tummy didn't reject the food, and she able to finish half of them.

Cassie glance at Shun secretly, somehow, she was happy he did have a shower and now wearing house clothes from his business suit from yesterday. But she wonders if he eats already. However, she didn't dare to talk to him.

Cassie slowly finishing the fruit salad Quinn prepared while she occasionally massaging her shoulders and nape.

"You're having a headache, do you want a massage?" Quinn asked her.

She avoided meeting his eyes. "Am fine," she answered and push the food tray to her footing bed. "I want to take a nap."

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She could feel his warmth gazes that sent her to remembering his passionate kisses and burning touch to her naked body. She closes her eyes and thinking about, why did Quinn do this to her?

Cassie lay on the bed. Quinn took away the tray and she could feel him grab the blanket and covering her body. Quitely, Quinn left the room. Tears ran down her cheeks while she's losing consciousness and gone to sleep.

On the afternoon, Ben and Derek gave her a checkup then advising her a lot about her pregnancy, what to do and what should be avoided. Doctor Ben giving her a lot of vitamins and introduces her to a Gynecologist, she has to begin her regular prenatal to monitor the baby's condition inside her.

Derek on the other hand, she was asked when she could able to handle the fasting for him to get her blood samples and urine. He will run the research to her genes to complete the medicine he is creating for Cassie.

She obediently listening closely to everything they will going to say, it is a good thing, they could see her being responsive when it comes to taking care of her child.

"Cassie, how great your head bothering you? Could you see some episodes inside your head? What are these?" Derek asked her.

She stared at Derek and glance at Doctor Ben and Quinn in the same room.

"It was like…" truth is, she is having a difficult time of recalling that hurtful past.

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"We shouldn't force her," Quinn complains.

"Alright then… Cassie, I will just give you this," Derek showing her a red notebook.

"If you feel like remembering and could recall them, would you write it down instead? If hard for you to speak about it, then maybe writing them down is better... Is this fine for you?"

Cassie nodded then accept the notebook, Derek handed her. "Thank you," she said in a low voice.

"Alright, we're going outside now. I'll come back to you later to get your blood samples. Just get some rest now."

Derek and Ben now left her bedroom but Quinn stays. He handed her some tablets that Ben prescribes hoping can help to ease her headaches a little, although it's not the right medicine she needed for her disorder.

"Thank you," she said and took the medicine from his hand. Her fingers brushed off his palm and she could feel the heat it produces sending like electrifying into her heart.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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