My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 164

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Cassie heard a knock on her bedroom door then Maddison peeping behind the door.

"Hey, you okay now?"

"Hi, come on inside." Cassie invited Madison to sit on the couch. "I did get rest."

"That's good. Wow. Your room is so beautiful," she praises Cassie's bedroom and let her eyes wander around.

"Ah, thank you," Cassie smiled. She did guess that Quinn gives her the most beautiful room in his mansion.

"But Quinn wanted to give a room for you, and whenever you wanted to come and visit, that room is just for you."

"Thank you," Maddison hugs Cassie. "I know you will be the best mom in the world."

"Hopefully, I really do. Am still afraid and wonder if I can really raise this child well."

"What are you talking about? Brother Quinn is always by your side. . . may my opinion not needed, but I know he will never neglect you and he will be there to help raise your child together."

Cassie stared at Maddison. She is right. Even how much she wanted to get angry at Quinn, but nothing he showed her but kindness and his love. Maybe there is something not right, but when she tried to weigh everything, what Quinn only showing her is his sincerity.

"You are right," Cassie reach Maddison's hand and squeeze it. "Thank you."

Maddison shook her head. "I would be so sad if you and Quinn will break up. Maybe if the reason is about him cheating on you, I will definitely tie him and dragged him by a car around the city."

Maddison has a serious face while saying this that made Cassie laugh hard.

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"You and Joanna think the same," she told her.

"There, am really happy to see you laugh. But truly, if you and Quinn could still fix this, give him a chance to explain everything, okay?"

She nodded and give Maddison a warm smile. "Okay, I'll listen."

"By the way, brother Quinn told me that Carlisle, my grandfather, has a twin brother. . . and that's where his ancestors came from."

"I see. That's awesome. If I will think about it now to have two Quinn, it is kind of too much to imagine."

"Yeah, indeed. I would feel overwhelmed as much as what I feel when I meet you."

"That's true." They giggles.

They heard a knock on the door and Quinn entered.

"Hi, how are you? Are you feeling better?" He asked Cassie then place the food tray on the coffee table.

"Hum. . ." Cassie nodded.

"Okay, I'll leave now. You both have a good time and a talk," Maddison give Cassie and Quinn a meaningful look before she left.

"Hmm?" Quinn looks at Cassie, he is kinda confused.

"Nothing. We just talk about some stuff."

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"Hum. . . Here, might you are hungry." Quinn handed her a plate with two slices of cake.

"Blueberry cake?"

"Yup. I made it while you were sleeping after you lost consciousness. You really made me feared of earlier."

Cassie stared at Quinn's worried face. It seems, she made him worry more now than before.

"Thank you," she said and have a taste of the cake. There are also blueberries on top.

Her eyes widened after having the taste of the cake. Quinn guessing she likes it.

"You like it?"

Cassie nodded many times. "Yup!"

Cassie ate five slices that made Quinn stunned. "Looks like, this little one here love it too."

"Hum. . ." Cassie felt Quinn's hand moving circle on her baby bump.

Quinn's warm palm giving her an electrifying sensation. Their eyes meet and she notices how close he was, then she felt Quinn's lips brushing hers. It was like, he's asking her permission to fully kiss her.

She sighed and responded to his demands. She opens her mouth and welcomes him.

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Quinn took this opportunity to deepen his kiss, as he holds the back of Cassie's head and moves closer to lock her in his arms. He felt Cassie's hand holding tight to his shirt, so he carries her and gently put down to the bed. He continued kissing her passionately until they parted to catch some breath. He kissed her forehead and holds her tightly.

They stayed lying on the bed, holding each other and sometimes their lips brushes and touches.

Quinn stroking her hair and caresses her cheeks. "Cassandra, I wanna show you something."

Cassie looks up and gives him a confused look. "Where?"

"To my bedroom."

Quinn waited for her to respond but Cassie just stayed silent.

"I didn't mean to lie to you, so I wanna show you something. . ."

Cassie places a finger above his lips. "One day."

"Hum?" He was confused.

"One day, I'll look at them. . ." Cassie touches Quinn's face. "After my memory came back and I am prepared to learn them."

Truth is, she is afraid to know what memories she had lost. She's afraid it might cause her sadness. Maybe, this is just enough; to be able to hold him like this, touch him like this, and feel him like this.

Quinn takes her hand and kisses the back of her palm. "I love you. I promise I will never leave you ever again. I will always be here and we will always be together."

Tears running down her cheeks. What really awaits for them both and their child? Maybe, this is enough reason for her. She loves him anyway. If whatever awaits ahead, then, one more time, she'll take his hand to make everything alright.

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"Hold me," she said.

"Cassandra. . ."

"Hold me and never let me go. . ."

Carlisle, once let go of Marivella to escaped and keep her safe from the war. He lost her, she lost him, and they never saw their child.

In this lifetime, there are still so many things that separate them from each other. Things that would lead them to hurt each other.

Maybe, by holding like this. . .

Wait, someone is knocking on the door. Cassie opens her eyes and meets Quinn's gaze.

"Someone is knocking on the door."

"Yeah. Someone keeps knocking on the door."

"Could it be?"

"Yeah, definitely."

Cassie and Quinn giggles and ignore whoever knocks on the door. Quinn kisses her and she responded lovingly.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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