My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 172

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He woke up in an unfamiliar house. Carlisle tried to remember what happens when he could feel the pain on his left shoulder and back. He groans.

"Oh, you're awake."

Said of beautiful voice he is very familiar with. He turned his head and stare at the beautiful woman who currently tended his wounds.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know where we exactly at, but Albert brought us up North, he knew this tribe."

Albert Jones, is his errand, a native man in this land. Carlisle is the one who gave him that name and the rest of his family.

He tried to get up but he doesn't have much strength yet.

"You should stay in bed. Let me finish cleaning your wounds and change the gauze."

"Okay. Where is he by the way?"

"Albert went to get some food."

"How long did I lost consciousness?"

"Three days tonight," Marivella answered.

"Then no news about the others?"

"No. I heard from Albert, the British soldiers still wandering in the shore."

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Carlisle sighed. "Something is not right here," he said.

"What do you mean? That it is an ambush?"

"Clearly. There's only a few of us knew what route we will take. Even you, you didn't know where we are going, right?"

Marivella shakes her head. "Are you suspecting there is a traitor among us?"

"Someone should have contacted the British soldier about our plan."

"Do you have any idea who would be?"

"Am not sure, impossible someone among us desires to murder us. This is treachery to the King."

"Are you suspecting the native?"

Carlisle stayed silent for a moment. He doesn't want to suspect anyone from his friends, especially his own blood. But who?

"Albert is a good man," Marivella told him. "Please lay on your back, Major Williams."

He stared at her face before he turned to his right. "You don't need to be formal. You can call me by my first name, Marivella."

"And, of course, I didn't doubt his loyalty. I know he is a friend."

"Master," Albert is actually hearing this.
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"Albert? Why are you crying?" Carlisle asked his errand man.

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"Am just happy, that you are awake now, Master."

He put down the food he brought and wipes his tears.

"Thank you, for not doubting me, Master," Albert still keep crying.

"Of course, I trusted you."

"Master, you've been sleeping for days, you must be hungry. And you also, Miss Marivella."

"Thank you, Albert." She said.

Truth is, she is uncomfortable the way Carlisle staring at her in front of Albert. She doesn't want the guy misunderstood.

Before the ambush happens, Carlisle is also open in showing his interest in her. He is helping her in many ways and he was often seen following her around. May not look like as obvious for many, but there were pairs of eyes always observing them.

She helps Carlisle to rest his back on the wooden wall of this hut to eat his meal comfortably. He is heavy and cannot avoid for their body to make contact. . . her skin is brushing into his half-naked body that gives a burning sensation to them both.

And Carlisle still looking at her that way. His burning gazes creating troubles to beat her heart normally.

"I hope, the Prince has escaped and Lady Isabella is safe as well," she said out of the blue, trying to change the atmosphere between them.

She places the food in front of Carlisle for him to begin eating. She gathered the medical tools and medicine then finely places into the box.

"Klein was with him, he will be. . . and Howard is with her, so she will be fine."

Is what she heard from him. She glances at him and she can not tell what he really is thinking about his wife and his cousin. Lady Isabella has been trying to fix their marriage.

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"But Lady Isabella is pregnant," she reminded him.

"Yeah, Howard can take care of her."

"But she is your wife!" Marivella was surprised at her own tone. Why she is acting like this?

"And your thinking the child she is bearing is mine?"

She gives him a confused gaze but then looks away.

"Are you jealous?"

"What? Why would I?" Her eyes grow wider. She can't believe, Carlisle is teasing her!

Carlisle smirked then his expression change.

"Since she arrived here in New France along with you, I never sleep with her, even once. No longer in my mind to do something like that with her even though she is still my wife," He honestly said to Marivella.

"So, the child is not mine and you knew who's the father." He added.

Indeed, she truly has an idea. During their voyage, she saw Doctor Howard visiting Lady Isabella's cabin. And as her cabin is just next to Lady Isabella, she could clearly hear that there is an intimate activity are going on inside that room, between a woman and a man.

How could she do that to her husband? She wanted to fix their marriage but she still sleeps with another man?

And Doctor Howard, how could he do that to his cousin? Before Carlisle got married, she witnesses how they were too close like brothers.

Why do people could cheat even to their very own blood-related?

"I will go get some clean sheets."

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She halted by the door.

"I really did think that there's something between you and Charles. I just learned the truth on my wedding day."

"Why do you need to bring that up now?" Her heart starts beating fast. Why does he want to talk about this now?

"Charles is a good friend. So, I help him out to pretend as his girlfriend so that his family would stop his engagement with the De La Rue family's only daughter."

"Do you know how much I wanted to run away on my wedding day?" Carlisle asked her but she doesn't want to hear the next thing he wanted to say.

Carlisle heaves a sigh. "I wanted to call it off, but my family would be in great shame if I did that in the presence of the King. How stupid that was right? That I marry the woman I never love because I don't want my family to be a laughing stock." He laughs.

She just listens because she doesn't know what to answer him.


Carlisle wanted to continue but Albert came back brought more food.

"Miss Marivella, here's another food. You should eat now, you've never left Master Williams ever since we arrived here," Albert offers her the platter he is carrying.

Her eyes meet Carlisle's gazes. He looks a bit surprised but happiness showed on his face and his eyes sparks.

* * *

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