My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 175

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It's been two weeks since the tribe wedded Carlisle and Marivella. Each day and each night, still like a honeymoon for them both, as no one could separate them.

Then one day, Carlisle received a response letter from the Prince. He sighed. His eyes wandered and found the woman his heart yearns each day, even though they were together every day, but his heart is always in trouble without having a glimpse of her.

He keeps the letter to Marivella and hid it. He asked Albert to hide it and never mention it.

Carlisle talks to the chieftain in secret and shares the information that the Prince is coming with the Royal Soldier, however, they didn't inform everyone to keep it as exclusive information among the leaders.

"Hi. . ."

He was in deep thoughts when two warmth hands began massaging his tense shoulders.

"Is something bothering you?" Marivella asked.

"Ah, no. Just thinking for more strategic plans." He lied.

"Okay. You look exhausted. You should take a break-- sometimes!" She giggles. Carlisle grabbed her by the waist to sit on his lap.

"Is this consider a break?"

Marivella laughs and they kissed. She parted her lips from him to catch some breath. She gives Carlisle meaningful gazes when his hand stroking her ankle up to her knee under her long skirt.

"Major Williams, have you realized still in the height of noon?"

Carlisle let out his sexy laughs. "Can't resist my hand, it seems like they have their own life." He whispered that tickles her ear.

She giggles then pinch his waist. "Stop. Might Albert would come in," she said between having difficulties in breathing.

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Carlisle paused and meet Marivella's eyes. She is like telling him, 'I told you'. . .

They let a low laughed. Carlisle carried her and put her down on top of the table before he went to open the door. She watched his beautiful muscled back while talking to Albert by the door.

If only she could have him forever for herself. . .

Carlisle turned his head at her with a worried face, then they heard the announcement that the Prince has arrived.

Marivella and Carlisle standing in front of the gate and bowed upon the arrival of the Prince. Behind him are Klein, Charles, Howard, and Isabella.


She gasped. She felt like drowning from the deeps of the sea. She again has that strange dream. Seeing people she never met before.

"Lady Hwa-Young, the Mistress is waiting to start your lesson for today."

No! She's already late! She quickly changes her clothes with the help of her maid.

She could see the nerves on Madam Jee's forehead.

"A fine lady would never run! How many times I should teach you to become a proper lady, Hwa-Young?"

The madam is shaking in anger, however, she can't hurt her even how much she wanted to. Or else, her son would have gone mad at her.

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"If not for my son, I would never agree to this marriage! You are a monster! No one would marry someone like you!"

After Madam Jee insulted her, the woman left her and cancel their lesson.

Tears quickly rundown to her cheeks. Why she did bear into this country when having a mark on the body is thought of as a monster?

Madam Jee is his uncle's wife. After her parents died, her uncle keeps her in and even engage to their son, Dae-Hyun.

The truth is, she was born with a mark on her back. And because of this mark, her family hid her from the world and keep it a secret.

Their family working hard to reject any marriage offer from the noble families until they announced her engagement to her cousin to keep this secret.

However, Dae-Hyun is just a brother to her. But how she could refuse? He is the only person who treats her right aside of her parents and uncle. He was there when she is sad and lonely after her parents died.

It's been three days and Madam Jee still not speaking to her. She is living in a beautiful house with a beautiful garden, with own maids but she was more like in prison.

She can't go out and she can't even make friends.

"Lady Hwa-Young, General Dae-Hyun has arrived."

"Hwa-Young, how was your day," Dae-Hyun asked her.

She bowed at him. "Welcome back, Dae-Hyun," she greeted him.

"Here, wait. . ." Dae-Hyun put the hairpin on her head.

"Thank you," she smiled at him.

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"Let's go, let's visit mother and father and have meals with them.

"Okay," she followed her husband.

She quietly eating and secretly glance at Madam Jee. Her uncle Yong-Sun and Dae-Hyun now begin having rice wine and so, she patiently waited for them to finish.

It's late-night when she woke up from the touch on her body.

"Dae-Hyun? What are you doing?" Frighteningly, she asked her husband.

"I missed you. Can't I touch my wife?"

"But, Dae-Hyun. . ." she avoids her face when he tried to kiss her.


Dae-Hyun is tightening his grip on her wrist. "Please, no. You promise you won't force me and you will wait."

She tried to hold back her tears. She wanna strangled from his grasps but Dae-Hyun is strong.

"I am your husband!" He firmly said to her. "I have every right to touch you and I own your body, remember that," Dae-Hyun sneering at her.

When he ripped off her clothes, she wanted to cover her body with her hands but Dae-Hyun pinned them above her head. She felt embarrassed to show her nakedness to the man she doesn't love.

And the marks on her body, anyone who saw it would say it is a curse and she is a monster. Truly that Dae-Hyun accepted her to be his wife even of these marks. And truly Dae-Hyun has been too nice to her ever since she is a kid until she got married to him when she is 15. . . however, this is against her will but she is imprisoned with the marks she is carrying that suppresses her to have her freedom and be not judge.

Tears immediately flooded her eyes when Dae-Hyun left the bed and prepared to go back to the Capital. She wanted to end her life. What wrong did she do on her past life to suffer like this in this lifetime?

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She felt trapped inside a box. Can she escaped from here and have a happy life in the future? Can she have a better life in her next life someday?

Each night that Dae-Hyun will touch her, is a piece of her breaking inside. Every time she could see any sharp object, she wanted to pick it up and stab herself.

"What are you doing?" Dae-Hyun asked. He searches for her hand then snatches the knife she is holding.

"You shouldn't hold any sharp object. Might this beautiful hand of yours have a cut." Dae-Hyun kisses the back of her palm.

"I will be gone for a longer time, I'll be missing you. I so wanted to take you with me but mother does not agree with this plan." He sighed. "She is afraid that someone will see the marks on your back."

"I will come back as soon as possible," he whispered.

When Dae-Hyun pushes her on the floor and began undressing her, she just looks away and closes her eyes after the few drops of tears that escaped from her eyes.

The only strength left for her is the child inside her. . .

• • •

Quinn let go of Kenneth's shoulders. He can't believe what he just saw.

"You! What did you do to her?!" Quinn's head still filled with the memories he wasn't sure if whom it is.

"How dare you to look at my memories, Carlisle!" Kenneth said angrily.
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Quinn grabs him in the sleeves one more time. "How dare you to treat her like that?!"

* * *

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