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He left out the kitchen to get some lemon from the front yard garden within the Villa. He saw Cassie gets up from the sofa then suddenly runs towards the main door. But what happens next, is made his soul jump out from his body...if only he could do that for real like in the Chinese martial arts movies, and do some magic.

He was terrified seeing Cassie slipped in the floor and slammed herself into the nearby dresser, and the vases fall on her head.

"Cassandra!!" he screamed.

He runs as fast as he could...if only he has superpowers like The Flash to catch her.

"My god, Cassandra!" He kneels on the floor and clears away the broken vases that left on her body.

He could hear her groaning...Cassie tried to reach her head but looks a pain twinge on her right shoulder.

"I will take you to the hospital," he said. He's about to shout to call Jing when Cassie stopped him.

"Shun, fine," she told him despite the pain registered all over her face.

He was daze in a moment. Did he hear correctly? What is this? Does he need to hit Cassie's head to make her call his name?

Now he doesn't know whether to smile comfortingly or laughs amusingly? Looks like she needs a great hit on the head first for getting her call his name.


Rudolf and Daichi rushing to the living room after hearing the boss shouted loudly.

"Missy!" Daichi yelled seeing her lying in the floor and broken vases scattered all over the floor.

Jing and the two bodyguards who follow him entered the front door.

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"Boss, what happened?" Jing asked.

"How was your head?" he asked her, his voice were full of concerns.

"Am fine, it's not that hurting much," she answered.

Shun carried her carefully and gently putting her down in the long sofa.

"Which other parts that hurting? How about your foot?" he asks worriedly.

He saw how her right leg flung toward the dresser after she glides out. He examines her foot and Cassie moans in pain when he holds her ankle, it was now slightly swollen.

"Who spilled the water in the floor?" Shun asks the present people that gather around.

Rudolf glared at Daichi like pointing him as the suspect.

"Eh...don't look at me like that, Rudolf! I was about to mop the wet floor when you urged me to cuts the onions! I'm sorry, boss! I do really want to wipe it out!"

Daichi kneels in the floor begging. "Missy, I am very sorry."

Cassie was a bit surprised by Daichi's action.

"No. Mr. Daichi, it's's not your fault." she was astounded how he kneels in front of her to ask forgiveness. She does see he was sincerely worried about her. She smiled.


"What are you waiting for? Go and get some ice pack." Shun commanded in a very serious tone.

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Daichi knew that Shun was trying to control his anger. "I will go get them now, boss!" He got up and run to the kitchen.

"How about the food?" she asked after she remembers they were in the middle of cooking.

"I'll go finish to cook them before they'll burn," Rudolf offers.

"I'll go get a mop, two, go back to your posts," Jing said... he then commanded the two bodyguards. They nodded then left.

Jing went to the back of the house to get a mop from the separate house for the maids and servants where they're staying now.


Observing these men running around the house left a huge impression on her.

Cassie was astounded at how these men working like they are customary to do things around together. For example, Rudolf who was in the kitchen finishing what Shun preparing, Mr. Jing now mopping the floor, and Daichi been assisting Shun if he needs something to tend her bruises.

Shun softly massages her right foot, sometimes sharp pain twinges that she could kick her foot.

"You need to see a doctor," Shun suggested, his voice is full of concerns.

"Your head needs to be examined as well," he added.

"Okay, but it is night now, the clinic won't accept night check-ups," she told him.

"What?" Shun still a bit surprised even he already realizing that this is just a small island...there is no 24 hours hospital that will check-up the outpatient.

What a hard life people had on this island? Including Cassie, especially for a lot of things were running inside his head.

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"Cassie!?" A loud scream from the main door.

"Joanna," she smiled at her.

"What the heck had happened to you!?" she asked worriedly, but her father grabs her and glared at her.

"Good evening, Mr. Crow," Ruben Chang greeted now his new boss. He then bowed while pinching his daughter on the waist to do the same.

Joanna just then remembers to bow, embarrassed of her action earlier...of course, she was shocked seeing Cassie patting an ice pack to her head, then an adonis massaging her foot.

"What happens?" Joanna whispered this time.

"When you texted that you are on your way, I run outside to wait in the gate, but I slipped in the floor," she explains.

"Then it's my fault!?" Joanna blurts out.

"Silly. No one's fault."

"Then who spilled the water on the floor!?"

That's not a whisper anymore.

"Ahem..." Daichi clears his throat then whistling and pretending to arrange the photo frames in the wall.

"I think, I know now who's the suspect," Joanna whispers at her once again. Cassie giggles.

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"Boss, dinner is ready," Rodulf announced.

Joanna who leans at Cassie in the sofa looks up to see the man that spoke. Her mouth dropped seeing what a beautiful man owns a beautiful manly voice.

"Bring over the food here," Shun ordered.

Rudolf nodded. Joanna's eyes sparkle hearing about the dinner, this is the reason why she comes over...what a pleasure to have a taste the food prepared by handsome men!


Food laid in front of them...both Cassie and Joanna sighed in satisfaction. The food may just some pasta, vegetable salad, macaroni, and garlic toasted bread but it was like they were eating at the Italian restaurant.

The food Cassie has eaten earlier during lunch was good, but having the cuisine Shun makes for dinner, is like the best in the world.

Joanna helps out to clean the kitchen and wash the plates. Shun brought Cassie to her bedroom, and again he checks the bruises she got...she can't move her right shoulder now.

"You ask Joanna's help to check your shoulder and back if you did not get some bruises there as well."

Cassie nodded. He wanted to check them himself, but he doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable towards him.

She rolled her pants to check her knee, and a big bruise now swelled. Shun sighed, upsets registered all over his face.

"You really need to see a doctor tomorrow."

She nodded. "Okay."

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