My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 183

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"Can I speak up about something?" Quinn who just listens is itchy to give his thoughts.

"I did look up at my Ancestry records. I found out, that Isabella and Howard's grandson is married to Klein Williams granddaughter."

Klein looks at Isabella like he is confirming if this is true, and Isabella nodded.

"Howard learns that you pregnant the nurse you meet in England. But because of the war between the two countries, that nurse's family did not allow her to come to France. Your daughter grew up and get married and have children. Howard looks for them after the Peace Treaty has been signing by both countries."

"Your granddaughter and my grandson fall in love after meeting each other. . . their son is Irvine Williams."

"Yes, Klein the person you killed is your very own great-grandson. The truth is your punishment." Isabella added.

Klein felt horrified about this more revelation to him. He steps back and turned around. He shouted as loud as he could. However, the only person who could hear him is Quinn and the soul of Isabella and Hwa-Young.

Fate is also playing with him, that's the truth.

Quinn clears his throat. "You know, Irvine Williams left a twin son before his voyage to Korea in 1843. Meaning, my ancestor is Irvine Williams who his great grandfather is Klein Williams."

Klein looking at Quinn with amazement. He already knows what he was trying to tell him.

"The blood that running in your veins, is mine."

Quinn nodded. "So, can you listen now, grandpa?"

"What!? We're same age Carlisle!" he shouted.

"Oh really?" Quinn's left eyebrow rose upward. "However, I am being the only one reincarnated recently, so you are still almost three hundred years old, grandpa Klein," Quinn teases him.

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"I don't feel like one!" Klein insisted he doesn't want to hear that grandpa word.

Quinn just laughed enjoying of annoying Klein. So like him, he is a killjoy and only has a very short temper when it comes to fun. That's why, him, Howard, and Charles is always making fun of him.

Ah, his memories of the past. . . Quinn shook his head but smile left on his lips.

On the sideline, Isabella and Hwa-Young have exchanged gazes. Isabella has been talking to her through their eyes, she was telling Hwa-Young that this is the typical Carlisle and Klein.

"Right now, as I am looking backward and looking forward, all I felt is a gladness. So I wanna thank you for giving me a chance to meet her once again. You know, without Howard's son and your daughter, I don't know if I will be granted life on this lifetime." Quinn began.

Even though still, a little confusing, Klein listens.

"After all, you're the one I wanna thank for bringing us together again," Quinn looking lovingly at unconscious Cassandra.

"If you didn't give life to Dae-Hyun's body who already dead, there is no Hannah Chen who will give birth to this beautiful woman in my arms. The descendant of Dae-Hyun and Hwa-Young Chen."

"I won't look at a bigger perspective, I will just set my eyes the fact that both of us, you are the one who gives us life. You are the one who brought us all together, grandpa."

"I said, don't call me grandpa!" Klein yelled at Quinn. Hwa-Young and Isabella put their fingers in their ears.

"What so bad about? Look at her, our great-great-great-granddaughter is too beautiful." Hwa-Young stared at the woman who possesses the same beauty as hers.

"We will wait for them in the Spirit World. . . and so," Hwa-Young stretches her hand to Klein. "they have to fulfill their life together in this lifetime. someday we will all meet again."

Klein looks at Isabella then Quinn and Cassandra before he accepts Hwa-Young's hand. Upon holding each other's hands, they turn into a huge purple and black butterfly.

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They flew around Quinn and Cassandra before they fly away to the sky and vanish.

Isabella sighed. Finally, Klein as lost soul now will stop wandering into this world. As for her. . .

"How about you?" Quinn asked her.

"Ah, there's something still I need to do. . ."

• • • • •

Quinn woke up when a soft hand holding his shoulder and shaking him to wake up.

"Isabella? Ah, Blaire, it was you?" he murmured.

But he is confused, is everything just a dream? He stared at Cassandra still unconscious from the accident.

"Blaire, what time is it?"

"Almost noon, why? Oh, right your meeting. I was here to remind you that and here are your suits to change your clothes from yesterday. You should take a shower first, will you?"

He was astounded. It was just going back before Kenneth show up in the door. His dreams, did that really happens and it will happen later?

"Is something wrong, brother?" Blaire asked him, noticing he somewhat confused about something.

"Ah, everything is fine Blaire. Yes, everything will be fine." He took Blaire's hand and squeeze it.

"Okay, glad to hear--" she was surprised when her brother suddenly hugs her. What's gotten to him? She asked herself because he is acting funny.

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"Brother, it's Cassie!"


"I saw her hand is moving!"

"Really?" Quinn rush towards Cassandra's bed.

"Hey, can you hear me? Cassandra?"

Slowly, Cassie opens her eyes. She stared at the ceiling like adjusting to the brightness of the room. After she fully used to it, she turned her head to the left and search a certain face.

"Quinn?" weakly, she called his name.

"Yes, it is me." Quinn almost cried seeing her woking up. He was very afraid that she will die from that accident.

"Quinn!" she yells and her eyes grow bigger looking at him.

Ah, the Cassandra he knows is back. He smiled.

"Quinn, it's really you!" Cassandra sat up and throws her arms around him. She is hugging him tightly.

Quinn hugs her also. He misses her so much. It was like forever they were separated.

"Quinn, what am I going to do?" she whispered in his ears.

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"Why?" he felt tickles feeling her hot breaths.

"On this lifetime, am afraid of the rain during the night. Then, how can we make love outdoors while the rain pouring heavily?"

He was stunned. Is he hearing correctly? Did Cassandra was recalling one of Marivella's memories? Ah, this girl sent him on the edge of the bed. Does she realize what she was talking about? He is a man and he is her lover.

Quinn parted their body to look her in the face. She is blushing greatly.

On her embarrassment, Cassie shoved her head on his chest to hide it. Quinn can't help to laugh hard. Good thing Blaire went outside to call Derek and Ben.

"Don't laugh!"

Quinn chuckles sexily then he heard Cassandra's giggles. "I think, it's kind of exciting to do that."

He was sure how red her face right now. But what made him still amazed, are the memories that left them both.

Then that dream really happens, but something also did happen afterward as the time is like was reset.

He thinks, some things changes. . .

He holds Cassandra's chin and lowering his mouth to kiss her lovingly and passionately.

At last, after a very long journey. . .

Now, this is their very own life. . .

* * *

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