My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 186

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Hello everyone!

First of all, I wanted to thank each of you in reading this novel!

Thank you so much!

Now let's do a quick flashback;

Quinn's parents, Henry Williams and Lily De La Rue died in a car crashed because of Edward Montfort. It was Landon Young who brought Quinn back to the United States and lives with his aunt, the adopted daughter of Henry's mother.
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But his aunt's boyfriend killed her and no one from his few relatives wanted to take him in. Landon was traced up as the closest friend to Henry during University days and the one who brought him back from Paris.

They called him and Landon accepts to be Quinn's guardian until he is 18. . .

And the story begins when he arrives in Hiryuu Island, then Hannah Chen gives birth to Cassandra.

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But Quinn got ill when he is 13 and that what separates them when he is 14. . . and the story goes on as how he was detained in the Facility for many years.

Finally, he got a chance to see the Young family one more time. But they died and he thought Cassandra was also dead.

Cassandra Young was very happy to see Quinn again, but when she woke up, Quinn has gone. Her parents explained why Quinn was gone for so long. Then Quinn finally allows to contact them.

Hannah receives a letter and they flew to New York and meet Robert Jones. Also, they were already aware of how their life was in danger and that is why they put everything in place.

Isabella shows up to Cassandra and told her everything about the past. However, she lost her memories after the car crashed.

On the contrary, Ken or Klein who manipulates Julius Kang to killed Cassandra and her family. But Ken doesn't know, that Cassandra is alive. Ken died and wanders in the Spirit World then he found, later on, Cassandra wasn't in the Spirit World. Thanks to Isabella who watch closely and secretly.

However, he came back and possessed Kenneth's body, Ken's twin brother.

On his absence, Cassandra has a normal life in Paris. Quinn also was adopted and became Shun Crow. After he comes back to Mainland City and Andrew Lawrence saw that he is strong enough, he told Quinn everything and reveal that Cassandra is alive but he has no contact to Martin.

Quinn receives Landon's Last Will and Testament and that what made him work hard to become so powerful to protect Cassandra as Julius Kang would surely find her when he found out she is alive. Whether what is being, he is prepared to bring justice to the Young family even if Cassandra didn't got survive.

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Good thing Cassandra went back to the island and he met Ruben Chang in a very fateful opportunity. He who told Quinn that Cassandra was in the island and he feels that Lydia is doing something not right to the Young properties. And that Chapter 1 entered and goes backward (from here then what mention above).

Quinn decided to build a hotel to get close to Cassandra but what a Fateful opportunity. He able to bought the Young properties and become Cassie's guardian she can refuse as nowhere she can go to. Her amnesia has forgotten Kenneth's family in Korea which a convenient yes.

Then the love story blooms but then, along with many chapters, Cassandra could recall her meeting with Quinn but she did not recognize him due to her amnesia. And because she felt that puppy love, she always hides from Quinn and Quinn never had a chance to see her. Just the chances or a glimpse of her silhouettes.

Then the cursed and Entanglement of Lives was open up and the involvement of the past which Cassandra already know but because of her amnesia? Yes, Quinn doesn't know yet and become the Mystery of this Novel.

About Carlisle, Marivella, Charles, then their child Carlene and that introduces Madison's family. But there is more secret hidden, it was Klein and Isabella.

And Dae-Hyun was introduced then Hwa-Young as the Secret of the Past. Isabella let Quinn and Cassandra saw the Past. And more revelation about the Spirit World and the fragments of the souls.

Before that, Cassandra got pregnant, she found out about Shun's true identity, then goes on. She saw the Secret Room and the accident happen. . .

Another Truth reveals why everything was showed up (Chapter 1 to Chapter 184). Isabella showed to Klein inside Dae-Hyun's body of what will happen if he will kill Irvine, Hwa-Young, and himself that another night of a Blood Moon in 1840s.

While in the Future, Isabella showed to Quinn of what happens in the past.

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And now, the real Love Story of Quinn and Cassandra begins.


If you wished to read Volume 5, then everyone is very welcome!

Thank you so much for these months of following this Roller Coaster Ride!

Thank you for your votes, rates, review, and comments! Am enjoying a lot!

Love you all!!!

~~~~~~ Elise Elleneth ~~~~~~

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Other Novel:

1. My Auction Bride (ongoing)

2. My Stubborn Mistress (Tagalog, ongoing soon)

3. That Mysterious Guy (Paused-- a Contest entry last February or March? but did not finish, lack of time... hehe, slowly will continue later)

4. The Great Queen and The Twin Dragon Sword (slow update ^_^)

5. The Tower Lights (Paused)

7. ESCORT (A war and military story but want to delete it, just can't do but you can read it if wanted... hahah)

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•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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