My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 189

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"Cassie? What happen to you?"


"Are you having a fever?"

She looked at her own reflection on the wall mirror of this hotel's front door, her face was flushed. She gets even more flustered thinking if this is the face she showed to that man.

"Anyways, what took you so long?" Joanna complains.

"You know how crowded the hotel these days, all the elevator always gets full. Do you expect me to run down the stairs? Luckily, I found an-- empty one!"

"Lucky you then. . . wait? What you mean empty? Don't tell me you took the Exclusive Elevator? How did you able to get it when someone guard on it?"

"Huh? What do you mean about Exclusive Elevator?" Then the guy who--

"Miss, the taxi is here." Said of the Wait employee of the hotel.

"Let's go, Cassie!" Joanna pulls her toward the taxi.

She follows her then glanced over her shoulder and she found that guy talking to someone in the hotel lobby.

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The guy glance at her direction and their eyes meet before the Wait guy closes the taxi door.

They arrived at the Mall and they immediately check out the Movie scheduled for August 2019.

"What do you like to watch? I don't see anything I like," said Joanna.

"Yeah, same here."

"How about let's just go shopping now?" Joanna suggested.

"Yeah, it's better to start early so we can go back to the hotel right away," she agreed.

"What do you want to stay there? Just locking up ourselves inside?"

"You don't like to try their Glass pool at night? Anyways, am just thinking about to try their Parisian Restaurant," Cassie said and walk ahead of Joanna.

Joanna paused then contemplate what Cassie said. Parisian Restaurant, she saw the Ad and they serve those super delicious French cuisine!

Joanna catches up to Cassie and her eyes sparks over imagining that food.

"Tell me you are not joking, right? You will really treat me to that restaurant?" Joanna confirming if what she heard was correct.

"Aha, unless you want to stay in the mall all day."

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"No way! And wouldn't they have a dress code? Then we've better to start looking for a dress! You should have told me and I bring one instead! Am tight to spend my savings you know!"

"Because you will spend it more on the game," Cassie blurted out then giggles.

"Hey, am not rich like you!"

"And who's rich? My parents weren't planting trees of money."

"Tsk, you are so down to earth. Like your family didn't own the YKG Builders Company," Joanna pouted.

"Shush! Is that something to announce?"

"Well, that's what I do like you so much. You're not like those spoiled brats and even those not really that rich but acting like one." Joanna rolled her eyes watching those teenagers they passed and acting too socialite.

Cassie just shook her head. They took the escalator up to the fourth floor of this mall.

"You know, I just now notice. I never saw you wearing this coat? You do always like a pink or purple one. Is this coat own by uncle Landon?"

"Oh, this?" Cassie touches the sleeve of the coat. She can't tell Joanna that the guy she rode along the elevator is the one who gives her this.

Cassie secretly smells the coat. Her face blushed from the scent that lingers her nose. The coat gives her warmth and familiarity.

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She just nodded to Joanna and let her thinks it's her dad's coat. She is a papa's girl and having clothes owned by him could give her peace, like this coat she is wearing.

Moreover, the coat is too long and too big for her. She just realizes how tall that guy is. She'd better give it back to him later.


Cassie and Joanna wander around the fourth floor when they stop by at Anna's Collection store. They excitedly watching the display from the window shop.

"Hi girls, do you wanna come in?" A beautiful woman came out and welcome them.

Cassie and Joanna look at each other than happily nodded at the beautiful woman. They were intimidated by her presence.

"By the way, my name is Anna," she introduces herself. "And this is Liz, the store manager. I hope you can find something you would like in my store. Ask Liz assistance if anything you need, okay?"

"Thank you, Miss Anna!"

Cassie and Joanna mesmerize by her beauty. Their eyes followed her when Anna approaches the man who just arrived in the store. They heard Liz greeted him and called Sir David.
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Joanna can not wait to roam the whole store and check out all the dresses. The store is so huge and Liz told them that it has the second floor where could find the wedding dresses.

Cassie look around some nice fitted dress. Her eyes sparks when she found a dark pink one that closes to purple.

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"That one looks perfect on you, Miss. You are tall and has a slender body," Liz complements her. "You should try them out, Miss."

Cassie went to the dressing room and try the dress. It was too beautiful and elegant. She doesn't look minor on this dress.

She went outside and Liz waiting with an off purple-colored stiletto on her hand. "You look stunning, Miss!" Her praises to Cassie are unending.

"Here, try this one if the size is correct."

Liz helps her wear high-heeled sandals. Cassie stares at her own reflection in the mirror. The off-shoulder fitted dress was like just made for her.

"My gosh, Cassie! You look so pretty!" Joanna praised her. She also chooses something fits on her. They took some selfie and laughs after.

They forget having lunch from trying on more dresses and shoes. Joanna ended up eating a lot that causes her stomach upset.

They went back to the hotel and Cassie was surprised when the Securities on the front door bows on them and welcome her.

She was confused but ignores the extra politeness the hotel crew treats her and Joanna. Maybe they were just trained to be this attentive, she thought.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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