My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 191

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While Cassie waiting for her orders, she immerses herself on watching the rain outside. Through it, the entire city glistening from rainwater mixing to the glimmering city lights.

She places her left elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. Not bad to have this alone moment on herself. She can contemplate for her life on these passing 17 years.

She admits how lucky her life is but she also witnesses the pain and suffering of others. Her parents have been working on it through their life.

From there, she learns how beautiful life she had than others, things she learned to appreciate every small to bigger blessings that come to her.

Her parents often weren't there by her side but, they teach her something and that is unconditional love to humanity. She is very proud of her parents. Giving their selves and sometimes forgets their own. But she won't complain.

In fact, sometimes it made her thinks that what she did in the past to have this blissful? Or probably, the good acts of her parents what brought blessings into their life.

She wishes them to be here on this luxurious hotel and seated on this glamourous restaurant but the truth, her parents was there, sitting on the cold ground, sleeping only inside a tent with less water and same food every day.

However, she saw the happiness on their eyes feeling that satisfaction. Is there something she should complain? Maybe, she just wanted to become an adult and join them one day every day.

She understands how she needed to finish her studies first then get a degree, something she could use to help her parents to their Advocacy.

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Cassie embraces herself. She forgets to bring a shawl to keep her warm.

"You does often forgets to bring a coat," said of a sexy voice man.

Cassie felt a warm fabric on her shoulder and caught that familiar scent. She looks up and stunned. It was him!

"Hi!" he greeted.

"Hi, um, thank you," she shyly said then smiled warmly.

Cassie saw the guy seated on the chair across her without invitation.

Wait? What is this? He acts sweet first then he's this rude? Cassie's left brow wanted to twitch upward but she maintains her smile.

"Are you alone?" he asked in a low voice.

"Ah, well yes. . ." Cassie studied the guy if he is worth to talk with that feeling they knew each other and this close.

Who's this bastard? Is he trying to flirt with her like similar to those novels she read on the App? After then, she will just wake up in a strange room then---------

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Argh! Her mind traveling to Rated 18 stuff. . . no way! She screams inside her head. However, she makes sure she wouldn't be obvious that she was now well aware and putting up a wall and guard up herself against this man.

Although he treated her romantically twice now, she shouldn't trust him quickly.

"Truth is, my friend, upsets her stomach so she can't join me tonight." She decided to tell him the truth. Well, her suite room was just 9 floors below. She was athletic so she guesses that, she can run it by the stairs.

Wait, why is her mind having this crazy thought? She shook her head.

"Am sorry to hear that," he said. "You mind if I sit here?" the guy asked her.

"Oh, well. . ." she was about to look around when the guy stops her.

"Don't move, just act casually." He ordered her.

What!? She feels like, all her hair rose from her head like Sakura when angry at Naruto.

Who is this guy ordering her around!? She is getting pisses by him. However, she doesn't like to make a scene so she chooses to just smile.

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On the other hand, Quinn can't take his eyes from the girl seated across him.

He did notice her expression changes then and now which he was amusing to observe.

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He does wonders what running inside her head? He is curious to know and she is also an interesting young lady.

On top of that, she looks very beautiful tonight. That looking stubborn teenager earlier has transformed into a fine lady.

Both of their thoughts stop when the restaurant manager brought their food.

"Thank you for waiting! What liquor should I bring, Pre--"

Manager Lin noticed his boss gesturing below the table. He nodded then smiled.

"I think, red wine would do."

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Cassie heard the guy told the manager. Wait a minute, she was still underage to drink anything!

Cassie took the opportunity after the manager left.

"Excuse me sir, but, you know. . . I just turned 17 today, so I cannot drink anything." She whispered. Her face is blushing. However, she cannot act as a legal age. This guy might take advantage of her!

The guy looks surprised at her revelation.

"Oh, it's your birthday tonight," he whispered back then smiled big.

"Allow me to greet you tonight then," he said.

"Happy Birthday. . ."

Somehow, she felt warmth and sincerity right now. Her heart suddenly beating crazily and her face flushed.

Why does she feel familiarity around him? Looking him in the eyes now is giving her security and calmness.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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