My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 195

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The VOICE Foundation HQ

Cassi and Joanna entered the front door and inquire the front desk of this Foundation.

"Hi girls! Are you here as volunteers for the day?"

"Yes, ma'am!" They answered at once.

"Oh, just call me sister Dana. Come follow me! By the way, what're your names?"

"I am Joanna and this is Cassie," Joanna who answered.

"Nice to meet you, girls!" Dana assisted them kindly. "Here, please sign this form first then, let's wait for your nametag after. Okay?"

"Thank you, sister Dana!"

"You are very welcome."

"Hello! Dana, are they our volunteers?"

"Oh, Madam Kaye! Girls, I want you to meet Mrs. Kaye Lawrence the founder of The Voice Foundation," Dana introduced the beautiful woman but still look so young in her 50s.

"Hello girls, thank you for signing up today. I am really happy to see young teens like you that had an interest in involving themselves to a good cause." Madam Kaye stated to both of them.

"We're very happy to meet an amazing woman like you, ma'am. Your Foundation is a blessing to many women and children," Cassie who complimented the middle-age woman.

"Oh, thank you! That was so sweet of you, honey. But you know, you look someone I know. She has been a volunteer in my foundation countless times."

"Definitely my mama Hannah, she's been telling me about those times she was a volunteer during her college days."

"That's right! You do look like her! How wonderful this is! One of my amazing volunteers! And I heard she was working in the UNICEF with her husband, that's really good."

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Madam Kaye hugs Cassie. She was stun but feeling overwhelms on hearing the people that recognizing her parent's works. They really do are amazing people. She also wanted to achieve what they did ever since their younger years. She really admires them and being their daughter is such pride.

• • •

Dana gives them a quick orientation of what they need to do. They also meet the other volunteers; younger and older. There is also a whole family and that is very admirable.

"Dr. Helen, these are Cassie and Joanna, one of our volunteers today." Dana introduces them to one of the volunteer doctors they have.

"Hi girls! Wow, we have very pretty volunteers today! How are you both?"

"We're fine and very honored to be here, Doctor Helen."

"Glad to hear that!"

Dana introduces them to other volunteer doctors and nurses, also to the Legals. There is also free consultation about abused women and children who seek the help of the foundation.

Cassie and Joanna diligently help any work in the Foundation Headquarters as it also stands as a shelter for many cases of abused children.

Cassie and Joanna play with them. There are little children and they accompany them doing some activities like writing, drawing, reading books, dancing, and even singing.

They also help in preparing lunch and feed those children. After that, they all put them on a nap and so, Cassie and Joanna had a break.

Cassie chooses to walk around the garden when she spotted a pregnant woman carrying some boxes. She runs towards her to help.

"Hello ma'am, let me help you!" She offers.

"Oh, thank you! You were a big help!"

Cassie takes the other boxes to lighten the loads. Cassie saw that the boxes are brownies and chocolate cookies.

"It looks, delicious ma'am." She praises.

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"Oh, thank you. The shop was crowded and so my crew is too busy. I don't have more hands to carry them and more people to help me deliver them."

"I see. Don't worry ma'am, that's why am here!"

"Aw, you're so pretty! And very kind as well. I could see that in you."

"Umh, thank you, ma'am."

"Just call me sister Michelle, drop the ma'am thing will you."

"Okay, sister Michelle." Cassie giggles.

"Oh, hun! You should have called me to pick you up!"

"It's okay, I know you were busy out here. Besides, Cassie helps me."

"Oh, that's great! Thank you, Cassie."

"No problem, Attorney Lawrence." Her reply to the eldest son of the Lawrence couple. She meets him earlier and so they already know each other. Besides, she is wearing her nametag with huge letters of her name.

Cassie followed the couple, and she saw how sweet they were and Attorney Karl looks very in love with his wife. Michelle was very beautiful too and she could feel how nice a person she is. She could picture her parents.

Meanwhile, Joanna went to the restroom. On her way back she took out her phone and open the game app she was addicted to. She was walking without paying attention to her environment and so she bumped into someone.

"Ouch! Why you're not looking in the way!" She yells at the guy she bumped into. She looks up to see his face but then she dropped her mouth in the floor.

The guy she bumped into was very handsome! Her eyes suddenly spark but then, just to get annoyed next.

"And you have the guts to accuse me when you are the one who doesn't look in the way!" The guy yells back at her.

What the heck! He's a bastard to shout at a woman! Joanna getting piss from this guys treatment on her. He actually has a sharp mouth! He throws more words on her.

She picks up the phone and realizes it is not hers. She peeps on the screen just to be shocked greatly.

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"Oh my gosh! You are the DragonKing?!" Joanna burst out.

"What? Give me back my phone!"

"Wait! Let me look at your heroes first!"

"Are you out of your mind? Who are you for me to allow to do that? Give me my phone!" The guy tried to get his phone back who none other than is Rudolf.

"Please! Let me look at it first! Can you teach me how to level up and do the cheat?"

"What? And how lucky you feel are?" Rudolf's left brow rose upward.

"Are you going to give back my phone or not?" He warns and he is serious.

"Tsk, how mean! Is that how you will treat your fan? Here!"
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Joanna gives back the phone but accidentally, the phone dropped into the ground once more. Joanna immediately let go of her hold on the phone before Rudolf could have a grasp of it. Both of their mouth drop open.

"Oh my gosh!" Joanna was shocked.

"YOU!" Rudolf's small eyes gone from his anger. He gives sharp gazes to Joanna.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"How dare you!"

"I said I am sorry! I thought you already holding on it!" Joanna bit her lower lip. Argh, he looks truly angry.

"I can't believe today is my unlucky day in my entire life!"

"Tsk! You're exaggerating, Master DragonKing. . ." she pouted.

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"I-- I will pay for the damage!" She burst out without thinking if how much the phone is. She thinks maybe she could afford to pay it.

"Oh, really? Do you have any idea how much is this?"

"Well. . . you'll give me a discount, right? Or, how about installments?"

Rudolf was dumbfounded. This girl was like kidding on him! Ah, he's having a headache dealing with this teenager. He really has no patience with women, except his mom.

"Forget it!" He picks up his phone than walk out. He wanted to get away from this annoying teenager.

"Wait! Can at least I add you?"

Rudolf halted and turned around. What kind of a woman this girl is?

• • •

The day is over and Cassie notices how seems Joanna were itchy or something.

"Hey, are you okay? Does your stomach upset again?"

"Ah, no. It's nothing!"

"Hmm. . ."

"What? Of course, am fine! Let's go, our taxi is here now!" Joanna gets inside the taxi first.

The truth is, she was itchy to see that guy again. She will ask forgiveness one more time then beg to add her on the game. She can't believe she will get to meet that mysterious player whom everyone is dying to know who is this DragonKing, the number one player and Champion no one could ever defeat to.

Hmm. . . seems like, she has ideas now how to made him say yes to her. She smiled evilly.

* * *

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