Cassie's POV

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Cassie's heart beats racing inside her chest every step she makes. She's climbing the patio and the front door is wide open.

She looked at the two men in a black suit standing outside of the main door. The two men bow at her and she nodded as a way of answering the respect.

She entered the house and saw two men sitting comfortably on the long sofa, one is sipping a tea and the other is drinking beer. The two standups and bow at her. She's completely in a daze of what's really going on. Then she notices a tall man coming down from the second floor of the house.

"Who are you? All of you? Where is aunt Lydia?" Cassie demanding an answer. She began shaking fearing these men did something to them. Are they locked up in one of the room? Tied and covered their mouth?

"Sit down," Shun ordered. Cassie stares at him for a moment and her knees become weak. She slowly took the closest couch and clasp her palm tightly. Are they going to murder us? Or maybe they will do--? Cassie began panicking with all crazy imagination inside her head.

The man that looks like the boss sits across her. He looks very serious. The way he stared is like devouring her whole being. Sweat cold rushing her body, she really looks tense. She often makes glances at the two men behind him. They may gaze blankly pass her, but their presence can't deny.

Shun's POV

Shun makes a stroll inside the villa. He opens every room he found to check them out. His mouth twitches after opening a huge room that shows so much luxury and another room full of unnecessary stuff that just scattered around.

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The last room on that corner shows a simple tone paint. He gasped in awe after roaming the room. Its size is just ordinary but it was well-taken care. Cleaned and gives positive vibes. He opens the sliding door in the small veranda. He inhaled the sea breeze. The ocean looks so blue now past noon. Shun saw a family photo in an antique dresser. He reaches for it and takes a closer look. They look very happy, even the boy in the middle of the couple smile purely, he's carrying the baby girl.

He felt his phone vibrating, Shun reaches his pocket and takeout his phone then answered it, "Boss, she's here." Informed by one of his men outside.

"Okay," he answered and turn off his phone. He let his eyes wander in the room one more time before he went outside.

He watches her entering the house, he notices she was very tense and their eyes meet. She then began asking questions.

"You have nothing to worry," he replied trying to calm her. "Your aunt and her daughter have now gone."

"They're dead already!?"

The young girl's made a hysterical reaction and so he held himself not to laughs. She amused him.

Rodulf and Daichi glance at each other and hold not to laugh either. "Ahem,"

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"Cassie, finally you are here. Welcome back." Ling greeted her.

"Auntie Ling!?" Relief showed all over her face. "Why are you here? Isn't your daughter giving birth yesterday?"

"Yes, a healthy baby boy." the middle age woman smile. She looks proud and overwhelmed. "but your aunt Lydia called me this morning that a visitor is coming so she wants to prepare the food."

Shun makes a long sip of the tea the woman offered. "I have important things to discuss with you so I wanted you to listen very carefully," he said.

"First, I or we did not kill your step-mom as what your imagination runs."

"What?" Ling laugh. "I actually wanted that to happen."

"Auntie Ling!?" Cassie knew she wasn't treated really well by her step-mom but she doesn't think ill about them.

"Okay, it's none of my business so am going back in the kitchen. I'll get you some refreshment." The woman exited from the living room leave them to have a private talk.

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"What's really going on here?" she asks again.

"Alright, I'll make it all straight. I already bought all your properties."

Shocked for the news Cassie stood up harshly, "And who let you do that!? Even if am still 17, but no one has the right to sell my family's property!?"

Shun glance at Rudolf and nod. Rudolf put 5 folders in the coffee table. "These are the documents of mortgages countless times and big loans in different banks. As collaterals, all the lands including this house is own by the banks and my boss just bought them today."

Still in shocked moreover, she can't believe it all.

"Did you know that this is all your aunt Lydia's doing? She manages to make legal papers and transactions. Most of the documents were approved by your uncle Juno, your adopted father." Shun even took another bomb in front of her.

How could his uncle do this to her? Is this why her uncle keep asking forgiveness until his last breath? He knew how much it means to her because it was something that very precious to her with all the memories she has of her parents.

That land, her parents give their lives to plant those trees. She grew up witnessing how happy her parents taking care of the land. It is now a man-made forest and most of the fruit trees produce fruits abundantly.

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Shun did not stop her when she suddenly runs upstairs.

"Oh, what happens?" Ling carrying refreshment left in wonder. "Did she knew already?" she asked.

"I will go and talk to her," Ling volunteered.

"It's alright ma'am, she'll come down to ask more questions later." Shun is determined.

"Alright, dinner food is almost done. I'll finish preparing them and this house has many bedrooms, just feel free to choose which room you all wanted to stay." she offers.

"Oh, I forgot." Ling slapped her forehead. "You are the owner of this house now boss." she chuckles. "let me know which room you wanted sir and I will clean it for you."

"It's okay ma'am, preparing our food is a big help already. We can take care of ourselves." Shun told the woman. Daichi gestured and salutes at her. Rodulf bows.

"If you say so, then I will not insists." the woman smiled warmly. "by the way, just called me auntie Ling. My husband will arrive soon, just request anything to him."

The three men nodded and felt warm like from a mother.

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