My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 219

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Somewhere in Russia. . .

Another wine glass flew across the room and hit the wall. Grigory's assistant heaves another sigh. His boss has driven crazy again because of the report they had received.

They found out that Master Shun Crow or Quinn Williams granted a Trillion-Dollar amount by Chairman Crow from the Association, donating to the UN Foundation.

He was in a rage once again because of that heir began spending the stock of the Association for his own interest.

"Irwan, call everyone for a meeting," Grigory ordered his assistant.

He wanted to gather all the Lords of the Russian Alliance and convince them to rise a protest regarding this Master Shun Crow's action.

How dare that cub! His head keeps mumbling. He won't accept that they will be lead by a spoiled brat like him. He works hard to reach this position, then because of that Prince!

Just because he was born with a silver spoon, he could become the Mafia King just like that. Grigory clenches his fist. He won't allow this to happen.

"Irwan, I want you to gather information about that cub's girlfriend."

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"Am I not clear, Irwan?"

"Understood boss," Irwan forced to bow then left the office in a hurry. He sighed. The boss is going too far, he is now making bold actions and rush decisions.

"Theodore, call all the Russian Lords for a meeting tomorrow evening."
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"Noted." Theodore picks up the phone and began calling the numbers Irwan gave him. After he made the calls, there is another person he has to contact.


The Countryside of Cape Town, South Africa.

"That's good. Follows as what we've planned. Keep me posted." Quinn ended the call.

"How was it?" Jessie asked him.

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"Grigory took the bait. He called out for a meeting with the whole Russian Alliance."

"What's your next plan?"

"For now, I want everyone on a watch and waited for their next move."


Quinn entered the house once again and seated in front of the Young couple.

"How dare you given me your sweet words then, you're dragging me into this mess?" Landon blab on him.

"Am very sorry, sir!" He apologized. "I wanted to end this all quickly, that is why I am needing your help," Quinn bowed once more.

"And how do you expect me to agree on this?" Landon asked furiously.

"I am certain you will be because I am doing this for your daughter. We shared the same dream of creating a better and safer world for her. And if the Association will keep having this kind of trouble, the small rebellion will turn into a huge one until it cannot handle any longer."

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"You rascal! How dare you show up then demanding like this!"

"Honey, keep your voice down."

"He dares to scheme us?"

"Let's discuss this further, now, can you settle down first?" Hannah fixes her gaze at Quinn and continued the discussion after her husband calms down. "Now, Quinn, you were telling us that some Alliance is uprising as you will be the next GodFather of the Association. And so, you were making bold actions right now by feeding them your scheme?"

"Although, your intention was good, however, it was now involving us. Then, how do you expect us to support you? True that we shared a dream of creating a better world for Cassandra, but, our daughter was still young Quinn. We would like her to enjoy being a teenager."

"Have you wonder why we never register her in Section 13? And why we're hiding her most of the time in the Island? Because we wanted her to experience an ordinary life. That's why right now, she was just an innocent girl. Pure and cheerful."

"I understand, ma'am," Quinn answered after a moment.

"So, we want to give you one condition. Break up with our daughter. Let her have a life she deserves for now. We wanted her to enjoy being young. And if you already achieve what you aim for, then we won't interfere anymore to our daughter's love life, and we will give you our blessings to marry our daughter in the future."

It was more like an agreement, but he doesn't feel okay with it, he can't break up with her!

"But ma'am--"

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"We only made it easy for both of you. We've already decided to bring her back to Korea. The lies you created about your real identity, you can use it any many ways."

"Ma'am, do you really expect me to leave your daughter? I am sorry, but that is not easy for me. You want me to break your daughter's heart?"

"Isn't you already did? Lying to her is considering breaking her heart already. What do you think she would feel? So, think carefully about how you should do it."

"But ma'am, I don't want to end our relationship. I will assure you that I would take my distance at the same time, let her enjoy her teenage life. I won't pressure her on our relationship. I understand that I have to tell her the truth, but I won't hurt your daughter the way you wanted. So please, let us keep going on our relationship." Quinn is still hesitant to agree.

"If you're telling this because you are having difficulties how to break up on our daughter, then just let her assume that you left without a trace by stop contacting her."

Quinn took the silence. He understands the concern of Cassandra's parents. He doesn't want to do this, but what else he better do?

"After she feels that you left her, allow us to take our part as her parents," Hannah added.

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