My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 223

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Mainland National Museum

Cassie steps out of the car and partly bend her body, "Auntie Mina, I will call brother Kenneth if I am going home. Thank you for dropping me by."

"You're welcome, Cassie. Are you really sure you wouldn't come with me and have dinner with my friends?"

"I am fine, I haven't much gone out so I want to take this opportunity to wander around. Just enjoy your time." She smiled at her godmother. She was invited by her High Society friends for a private celebration with the CEOs wives. She could imagine herself that cannot keep up with this kind of life once she will be the one to run her family company.

"Alright, take care."

Cassie wave then watches the car disappearing from this Museum front gate. She took the steps and give her passes to the Entrance Security. A tourist guide leads her the way inside and gives a quick Orientation of which floors and Halls the exhibits was displayed.

Cassie scanned the Guide Book and map of the Museum. She first visits the exhibit of an artist she has been seeing on the news. After she saw the paintings of this Hall, she moves to the next floor and a wide Hall welcomes her where random painters displayed their works.

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Meanwhile. . .


"Leeroy? What happens? Why you look like saw a ghost, and sweating?" Quinn scanned his butler's appearance.

"Our men saw Miss Cassie was at this Museum," Leeroy reported.

Quinn felt how his heart skips a beat hearing her name. The desire to run toward her and lock her inside his arms are uncontrollable, however, right now, he needs to restrain himself for letting Cassie of seeing him.

"What is your plan?" Rudolf asked him.

He sighed. "Director, can you show where the Storage Room is?"

The Museum director was confused about it, but he showed the room afterward.

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Cassie making her steps too slow while her eyes carefully scanning every detail each of the paintings hangs in the wall. Her grandfather is an art collector. His home in New Jersey was filled with arts and he taught her how to detailed the secret part of a painting. Said, every artist hidden a secret meaning and secret messages on their works.

Hmm, it's a bit colder now. She forgets the temperature was dropping. She embraces herself to feel a little warmer.

A person who's wearing a Cleaner attire was following gazes at her. A guest drops her wine glass and so he quickly cleans the floor.

"Let me clean, that ma'am. Careful with the broken glass."

After he finishes clean the floor, he takes another peek to a certain direction where a young girl standing still and engrossed at the Painting of his favorite Artist.

Among all the works that exhibit this week, is that painting also captivates his interest. She does as well. Looks like, they have the same taste. Smile tore his lips.

Ah, she does forget to bring some shawl again, or a coat to keep herself warm. He badly wanted to run and hugs her then put a coat around her shoulder. She's getting beautiful each day.

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"Ahem! Ahem!"

He heard someone is coughing behind him. He took a glance and recognize the Head Security of the Chen Bodyguards.

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"Ahem!" Leeroy clears his throat and quickly join him and face the Chen bodyguard and the two middle-aged man wrestle their gazes and throwing sharp glances.

Quinn shook his head. He now notices that the Chen twins standing on Cassandra's both sides and one of them put a coat around her.

Ah, he was supposed to be the one doing that, but that smile. . . It is what he yearns every day to see is that bright smile. Seeing that happy face is enough for him by now.

"Goodnight, gentlemen." Quinn takes a glance at Cassandra before he left that Hall. Leeroy push the cleaning cart and followed Quinn while giving the Chen Bodyguard an intense gapes.

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Quinn went back to the Staff Room and change his clothes. He wanted to watch Cassandra longer. Following her around and observes every sway her body does, every gesture she make when her interest caught by the Artwork or pushes the strands of hair behind her ears.

And above all, when her eyes gleam and her lips partly smiled. . . he wants to hold her badly.


Next day, Cassie went to the mall with Joanna. She arrives first thing in the morning and immediately wanted to do is shopping.

Cassie wanted to buy new release books too. She still prefers hardcover books to keep them on her shelves even if she does read some novels on the Apps.

After visiting a few stores, she and Joanna stop at a coffee shop and ordered a latte. Cassie needed to go to the washroom afterward but Joanna enjoying herself with the fast internet provides by the Cafe. Cassie just shaking her head and left Joanna alone.

She was marching the hallway when her phone receives messages and read them. Cassie did not notice that the wall behind her is the elevator and someone grabs her pulling her inside while covering her mouth to avoid from screaming.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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