My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 227

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Cassie realizes what kind of a place they entered to, her eyes wandered around and she was mesmerizing by this place Shun brought her.

It was an exclusive garden where could clearly view the night sky from here and it was full of stars tonight. Cassie could also smell the lilies around which this garden was all about different kinds and colors of a lily, her favorite flower.

The garden lit by these soft and colorful light bulbs that give such a romantic atmosphere to her and Shun's tense moment. It was actually beautiful like she was in a magical dream.

However, the reality was telling her that she has to get back to her senses, that Shun's real name is Quinn Williams and he is the young President everyone is talking about which mostly, the Business world and the High Society only knows about him.

She told herself that she will listen to anything Shun will tell her, but now? There are so many things that keep hidden between them, more than she imagines. No, Quinn and her family seem to hide a lot of things from her.

And he did lie to her. Why? What was his reasoning? Is the things she wanted to ask him now but no words would like to come out from her mouth.


"You can begin to speak now so that I can go back to my table," she said coldly.

"I am sorry, I know I lied to you. Believe me, I don't want to. However, I want you to know me as just an ordinary salaryman, had a simple life and not someone from High Society but living a complicated life. But still, I made a mistake of the name I gave you. Please, forgive me."

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"Is that enough explanation to make things right?"

Quinn sighed. "No. It will never be. . ."

Cassie did not respond. She just keeps staring at the beautiful flowers in front of them. In the middle of this garden is a Fountain. She walks toward it and sits on the cold benches around the fountain. Quinn did follow her and kneels in one foot in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"I wanted to show my apologies. I do really wanted to confess everything to you so soon, but your parents and I make an agreement. However, I can't bear living like this, so I did break our agreement many times, like tonight."

"To not see you like this? For not talking to you like this? And won't kiss you like--"

Cassie just realizes how close Shun or Quinn on her face. "Are you going to kiss me?" she put her two fingers on top of Quinn's lip.

"Can I?"
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Cassie did not answer. She just keeps staring at Quinn's eyes which his face stays hanging on the air and so tempted to kiss her right now. Cassie waited for a little longer, then a silly smile playing on her lips, "and when did you ask permission to do that? I could recall, you've never."

Quinn's eyes spark then chuckle, "You need to punish, Miss Young," he murmurs on top of her lips before Quinn completely kisses her.

They've catching breathe after Quinn parted their lips. "Cassandra Marivella Chen Young."

Cassie gives Quinn a glare of how he has to blurt out her whole name. Quinn smiled then take her left hand and places tiny kisses on the back of her palm.

"Miss Cassandra Young, will you marry me?"

She didn't saw it coming. No. She and Quinn already engage in a secret. But this time, Quinn is kneeling and holding a ring. Also, the setting is too perfect!

That is why she did not stop when her tears began falling down from her eyes and don't care anymore of her makeup will going to mess up after. Now she understands why sister Lorna commented on her, that waterproof makeup she should use, this is that meaning. So everyone knows of his plan!

"You know, my family still has things to explain to me. . . set aside everything--" she intended to make her words hanging.

"Of course, even how many times you will ask me, I will say yes!"

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After she gives her reply, she and Quinn kissing once again. And Cassie could hear loud applause and cheers of Congratulations from the venue. She parted from him then stared at Quinn and give him a questioning look. Were they just close to the stage? She tilted her head on the side and waited for the next moment to happen.

Not that long, a door opens and the hosts Congratulate them and invited them to come over. They walk a little more, then another door opens and they were welcomed by everyone with their Congratulations.

Cassie was very surprised, her parents were here! She runs towards them and throws her arms around them. So after all, they finally give their blessings!

"Mama! Papa!"

"Congratulations, honey." said by her parents.

"Thank you! I love you guys!"

After hugging her parents, Quinn introduces her to his parents. She meets Henry Williams and Lily De La Rue.

"Quinn, remember your promise," Landon reminding him.

Cassie gives Quinn confusing look so he whispered. "I have to follow a few conditions. Let's discuss it later, okay? I agreed to your father's requests rather than hiding our communication and meeting secretly. I want to be honest to you, to us, and to our family."

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She smiled. So Quinn did a lot of things to make her family accept him. This is why she hardly got a hold on him and he avoids contacting her. He was working hard to win her.

After everyone settles down, Quinn pulls a chair for her and helps her sit comfortably. Ah, she wants to reward him a kiss but their parents were here, they should have behaved! She giggles in secret.

She could also understand how Quinn suppressing his desires, she could feel it through his palm intertwining hers under the table. Quinn takes her hand and lets it rested on her lap. Cassie places her other hand and completely clasp Quinn's palm on hers, their eyes meet and their heart talks.

But the least and this is better. . . rather than sneaking around to communicate with each other and went meeting in secret when got a chance. However, those were precious memories she will keep forever and will tell her grandchildren about their very OWN LOVE STORY.

She could see a fast-forward episodes staring at this man, that must be the future.

The hosts now began the real show and calling the Hollywood band and a guest European singer who will perform while the models walking the runway. She was amazed during the finale, the runway now filled with different wedding dresses. And Miss Bella call her and Quinn on the stage.

Noticing like this, Cassie just understands that she and Shun's outfits tonight were a match. Is Quinn plans it all? She also recalls what her aunt Mina told her before, that she was like wearing a wedding dress instead.

She'd actually wearing her engagement gown and tonight is her engagement party. This man who was full of mysteries is also a man who is full of surprises that made her fall in love all over again.

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