The rain suddenly pours on the streets of Paris. She runs to take a shed holding close the patisseries she bought.

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But what worries her is she now lost. She can't recognize the street anymore and she can't read French words. She was trying to find the bus stop where she gets off earlier and she can't ask anyone afraid of, they will only talk French or other languages she won't understand.

She was standing outside of a close store and sighed helplessly. She doesn't have a mobile phone to make a call to her uncle or could use the payphone, because she doesn't know the telephone number of their apartment.

"Hey, what you have there?"

She stares at the boy who speaks to her but she doesn't understand a thing. He attempts to grab the bag she's holding but Cassie took a couple of steps backward, pressing her body to the glass window of the store.

"Oi, look what we have here," another boy joins them.

She is now frightened for real, the fact that she can't speak nor understand a French word. They seem are about the age of 17 and they talk so much.

"What are you two doing?" asked a tall man who appears from the other corner of this street.

The two teenagers run quickly after seeing him. She looks up at him but the rain pours heavily she hardly could see his face clearly.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

She was glad she is saved. Also, he spoke her language. Tears wanted to fall from her eyes.

"Where did you live?" he asked.

She tried to pronounce the street correctly where her uncle lives. It is the address she must remember now she moves here.

"Ah, I know that place, I have a friend living nearby. Why did you wander here around? It is a little distant from there."

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She nodded and told him she was ordered to buy these bread and sweets.

"How old are you? You said you just moved in recently. "

The man keeps asking her. He surely thinks why she does the errands under this weather. She first having a debate inside her head if it is safe to tell him more about her.

"I am twelve and I only have my uncle," she answered afterward.

The man gazes at her long before he nods.

"I see. You were lost then?"

"Uhm...yes," she replied slowly.

"Alright, I'll escort you to the bus stop," after he offers his company, he also leans his umbrella towards her.

She looks up and stared his umbrella before she joins him and let him lead her to the bus stop.

It was cold and the rain is getting heavier. The man glance at her then said, "never forget to wear a coat every time you go out, it will often get rain the whole month."

She looks up at him and nods. They are now at the Bus Stop so she wanted to thank him.

She turns her body to face him and try to see his face clearly.

"Um, thank you very much, Mister."

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"You are welcome," the man replied then partly smiled at her.

She stayed looking up at him. According to her observation, the way the umbrella positioned, she was fully taking shelter underneath but cause the back of the man gets wet. She wanted to aware him but the bus now arrived.

"Here, take this."

The man gave her a business card.

"Go to this place and take a French lesson, she will teach you for free," he said.

Cassie was confused. She wanted to ask him about it but the bus about to leave. She quickly climbs inside and finds an empty seat.

She took a glance at the man who helps her but he already turns his back and walks oppositely of her ways.


It takes her five days before she could decide whether to visit the address found in the business card that man gave her.

The address is not that far from where she lived. She entered the building and a receptionist greeted her. When she did not respond, the receptionist uses the English language.

Good thing she knew enough English to make a conversation.

"I was told to come here to learn French," she said.

"Then you are in the right place!" she said it in a friendly manner.

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"Can you please take a sit and wait for five minutes? Miss Bennets will end her lesson for today."

"Okay. Thank you."

She took the seat then waiting anxiously. After five minutes, a bell rang then eleven teenagers came down from upstairs. They took a glance at her for a moment before they bid goodbye to the receptionist.

Another two minutes pass then a beautiful lady on her late 20's came down.

"Hi," she immediately attends.

"My name is Loura Bennets. How are you, dear?"

She was stun. This beautiful French woman actually knew her language.

"I am fine. Thank you," she responded politely.

"Can I know your name?"

"Yes, of course! My name is Cassandra Marivella Young," she answered cheerfully.

"Can I call you, Cassandra?"

"Yes," she nods.

"What a beautiful name," she praises then smiles at her.

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"Thank you. My mom used to tell me it was my brother who gives me this name."



She felt someone shaking her shoulder gently.

"Wake up, Missy. You fall asleep here, you'll catch a cold."

She opens her eyes and rubs it.

"Brother Daichi..."

"Hmm... it's dinner time. But if you wanted to sleep more first, you should go to your room to get proper rest."

"Am awake now, I'll go get some dinner," she stretched her arms.

She was surprised she'd actually fell asleep in the library. Her computer was broken so she uses the new one in the library Shun bought it for his works when he's on the island. She notices that Daichi still wearing an apron.

Daichi looks down, "Ah, I can't dare to wear boss Shun's apron, so am borrowing Joanna's... Hehe..."

Hello Kitty... really?

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