My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 240

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The sun has finally set. Dinner now began serving and the Senior students helping out to settle down the residents.

Quinn was talking to Mayor Ruben but he frequently glancing at Cassie's direction. Ruben noticing this and he is the one did go and excuse himself to allow Quinn on talking with Cassie.

"You should eating as well," he told Cassie who was busy in handing out the food packs. He did saw how diligently she is doing a series of rounds all day to make sure that everything is fine and could provide all needed for this event.

"Later, I will. How about you? You're not hungry yet? You should have eaten first."

"No. I want us to eat together, so let me help you," Quinn began helping her by giving soda drinks paired to the food packs. Cassie smiled warmly and her eyes gleaming against those faint lights coming from the school light posts. They haven't lighted the Christmas Tree yet and the other Christmas light decorations they put up, but later before they will open the Night Program: the finale event of this Fair.

While Quinn helping giving food packs, his chefs exchange glances from his effort. They never saw him doing such a thing since he arrives in the hotel and becomes the new President of the Crow Corporation. All they could see is a man standing tall, and proud, but only spending his time: reviewing, signing those documents, and meetings here and there within the country or abroad.

Each time, they could uncover and witness more of their boss's private life: which is, truly did surprise them at the same time, made them happy to see him being like this living a different verve, and not being the Dragon boss to everyone. Not to mention having such a good heart and pretty girlfriend, for sure, they will do the same efforts if ever they were on his shoes.

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Merry dinner continues. After everyone got full and satisfied: the Seniors has now prepared to light the Christmas Tree and Nathan, one of the Student Council leads the countdown.

Exactly by eight in the evening, they lighted the giant Christmas Tree located at the middle ground at the back of the school, nearby the covered court gymnasium which could be viewed the ocean from there and the central town down below.

The school lights turn off and Nathan invites everyone to count along with him.

"Alright, everybody! Help me count and let our tree shines!"

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!"

To their amazement, it is not all about lighting the Christmas tree, but also, fireworks flew in the sky. And after its explosion, there are words written left in the sky.


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Everyone cheered and clapped their hands. Cassie looks at Quinn with teary-eyed and thinking when does this guy would stop surprising her like this? She tiptoed and put her arms around his neck. "I love you too!"

Quinn smiled then place a kiss on her forehead, "You are my life and my everything," he whispered to her ear which Cassie's tears trailing down her cheeks.

After the thirty minutes of non-stop fireworks, the Battle of Talents has begun. The hosts now one by one introducing the contestants: by groups, duets, or by solo. Both the Junior High and Senior High join this competition which a lot of them just make the program hilarious. The audiences can't stop laughing, which of course, there are truly talented that made Quinn whispered to Rudolf to get their background data.

Before the program ended, a special presentation was announced. Quinn and Rudolf did not foresee to this surprising number. Cassie was very sexy on her skimpy Santa Claus costume, which showing her legs. Joanna on the other hand just prefers the high waist short pants and off-shoulder top in Santa Claus material.

"Go, Joanna!" cheered by her brothers. She is praying they won't do stupid things while they were performing. She already asks her parents to watch them closely.

Joanna glance at Rudolf and he just clapped calmly. She is a bit nervous as this is the first time they will perform with this large audience. Mostly, they were only singing along in front of their friends or she is home alone.

However, Rudolf already knew that she plays guitar and even has a nice voice. One day he comes home early to the Chang Residence, he heard Joanna playing the guitar and singing. He listens outside of her bedroom but he never brings it up to her might she will uncomfortable after.

Joanna's heart jumps out from her chest when Rudolf suddenly smiled at her. Argh, why he did that!? Now she is seriously nervous. She sits on the chair that places in the middle of the stage and crosses her legs, then put the guitar on top of her lap. Cassie also sits beside her and adjusted the microphone.

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"Hello everyone, hope you have a great night?" Cassie greeted the audience.

"Yeah!" They cheered.

"Since Christmas day is just a few days away, we will be singing a Christmas song I know everyone already heard about."

Joanna began strumming her guitar then Cassie starts singing.

"Have yourself, a merry little Christmas..."

She sang it acoustically and sometimes Joanna blended and doing the second voice. They never saw them practicing but did have secret talks. Although their family knows they were singing in private, Quinn never knows this.

He thought that Cassandra could be an International singer if she chooses an artist career. And he forgets, she is the heiress of the Young Production Company, an International Agency that now began collaborating the Hollywood industry.

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Everyone standing and clapping, then cheered after the song ends.

"Oh my goodness! Do we have to announce another winner?" one of the hosts jested. "Because for me, that performance is superb! We actually have a winner!"

The audiences laugh. Cassie and Joanna bowed then leave the stage. Cassie saw Quinn below the stairs of the stage and offers his hand to help her step down with her wearing such red high heels. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Quinn immediately places his coat around her shoulder but she heard him sigh. "What is it?" she asked him.

" You love wearing tiny clothes which too cold out here ," he mutters.

She chuckles at his cuteness. "Well, I just making excuses for you to offer me your coat," she smirks.

Quinn's eyes sparks from her playful words. He leans at her then whispered brushing her ear, " how should I punish you, silly girl?"

Cassie giggles loudly, she knew that they can't be intimate in front of her father and that is why Quinn was suppressing his desire to kiss her.

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