My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 252

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Montfort Mansion

Levi parked his sports car in front of their mansion's patio, where Butler Pete is waiting for him.

"Good evening, young Master," Pete greeted him.

"Good evening, Mr. Pete. Is uncle Edward take his medicine already?" he asked afterward. He is worried about him that lately, Edward misses his medicine often.

"Yes, young Master Levi. The Master has taken his medicine on time today."

"That's good then! I'm glad to hear that, Pete. Please, bring my dinner to my room. I have something to finish," his request to his butler. Levi makes hasty steps toward his room: he then loosens his tie and changes his office suits into comfortable house clothes.

He picks up the book he currently reading these passing nights, then continued. After fifteen minutes, the butler knocks on his bedroom door before the old man entered. Levi gestured to place the platter on the coffee table, and the butler left after he doesn't have any more requests.

He was engrossed in reading that he almost forgets his dinner. While dining, Levi envisions everything that written in the book. He put down his pork and took the photo that inserted inside the book.

The photo was very old, and the two-person in it is none other than, his cousin Quinn and his secret love, Cassie. What is the meaning of this? He began wondering if the story has a connection in real life, to Quinn and Cassie.

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And the book seems unfinished. All it says, that Marivella died but Charles Montfort is the one who takes care of her daughter since Carlisle died as well. What is this all mean?  He asked himself once again. Does his family has great involvement in this? Is this all true?  He sighed.

He was very intrigued right now, and about Madison, who is she? Why does she look almost exactly like Cassie? The only difference between them is Madison was like an older Cassie. Is she has a connection to them? Could it be possible, that she is the daughter of Carlisle and Marivella? His endless thoughts.

Then, where is Charles? And who is Charles in this lifetime? It looks like, he needs to start investigating on something, or ask his uncle Edward maybe. He wanted to know if this is all real.

Should he tell Quinn about this? Maybe it is better for him to know. Levi got more ideas about it.

The next morning, Levi saw his uncle Edward in the dining hall.

"Good morning, Uncle Edward. How are you feeling this morning?" Levi greeted the eldest Montfort.

"I am good, Levi. Thank you," Edward's answer. "How was it? That now you are working full time in the company?"

"Ah... there are still a lot of things I need to learn, Uncle Edward."

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"I am glad. I can tell now, the Montfort Corporation is in good hands, and I am sure it has a great future awaits. Now I could die anytime," Edward joked.

Levi halted from sipping his coffee. "Uncle? What are you saying?" For him, it is something not to jest around

Edward just laughs. " I just feel too old, that I can do a lot anymore."

"But you are still the CEO of the Montfort Motor Industry."

"And soon, it is yours."

Levi keeps his silence. He has no interest in running their company, but as the last Montfort, it is his responsibility to inherits the company and continue, the Legacy of Montfort's.

"Uncle, can I ask you something?" Levi is eager to ask everything he'd concluded last night.

"What is it? I give my all best to answer them, as long as not something a riddle." Looks, Edward was in the mood to joke today.

"What have you know about Charles Montfort?"

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Edward suddenly chokes from eating. He drinks some water then clears his throat. "Why do you ask?"

"Uncle Edward, is this something to hide?'

"What exactly do you like to know?" Edward is now wearing a serious face. The smile on his lips replaces with worries.

"The book that I have read, is it real... right uncle Edward?" Levi carefully studied his uncle's expression to this.

"What do you mean about real?" Edward tried to take somewhere their conversation.

"What is his involvement in this story? And, did he also reincarnated at this lifetime? Then who is he now?"

Edward had a long gaze at Levi. He probably thought at the moment whether to share everything he knew to Levi. "I guess, am not the one who should answer these all."

"Then who?"

"One day, you will know. But right now, I am not in the position to tell you anything." Edward's meaningful words.

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"Then when?" he can't wait longer, Levi feels.

"I am certain, she will be going to meet you soon."


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Levi entered his office room where Madison had already waited for him. "Hello, my girlfriend!" he greeted her that made Madison's brow twitch on the side.

"I am not here to joke around. I asked your assistant if what work I should begin, but he refuses me to give any paper works." She more like complaining instead that made Levi laugh handsomely.

Madison rose one brow and feel irritated. "What?"

Levi shook his head but the smile stays plastering on his lips, " I told you, your job is to be my girlfriend, so... just stay sit pretty in front of me inside my office all day."

She can't help not to dropped open his mouth. Sit pretty? "Are you out of your mind?" This guy looking for some beating and she is ready to give it to him! Her mind was screaming.

Levi chuckles then gestured at her to come in the long table inside his office. "Okay, if you really like something to do, then help me out with these applications."

"Applications for?" Somehow, she became excited to begin a real job, rather than arguing meaninglessly with this guy all-day, she will prefer it.

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