My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 265

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Somewhere in the Russian countryside…

Charles carefully observes the little girl walking toward their small house. He notices how she makes her steps slowly and heads down; she never looks up.

Even when she entered their low height wooden gate, she keeps lowering her head. He wonders if something happens in her school; she is not bubbly like the usual.

"Hi. How was your day?" He asked her, but still, she did not look up or glance at him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Charles is using a typical French language; when just the two of them, they speak with it, but Carlene also learning Russian.

Charles kneels with one foot to see her face. "What's the matter? Did someone bully you at school?"

But Carlene just stayed silent. Then, she slowly looks up, and Charles saw that teary eyes. "Tell me what happens?" He asked worriedly.

Carlene wipes her tears then speak up. "Papa, they told me, that I am not your daughter. Is that true?"

Although he was prepared, he still cannot avoid not get surprised when this day comes. "And why they said that?" he tried to calm down.

"They said, we aren't looking the same," Carlene replied.

"What kind of not look the same?" he keeps asking her.

"We don't have resembles. I do not look like you."

He laughs. "How come? You got my blue eyes!" his encouragement.

Gladly, Carlene got Williams's blue eyes... or else, he wasn't sure how he could explain to every soul on this town who will be curious about them; known as father and daughter.

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"Just tell them, you look a lot like your Mama, and only the eyes you got from me."

"Okay," Carlene replied then she began smiling.

"How great! My sweetie is now smiling. Do you want to learn how to punch them?" Charles joke on her.

"But that was bad!" Her eyes widen, and that beautiful blue eyes with the shape like her mama brighten up.

Charles patted Carlene's head. "Do you know that, if you will look like me, then you need to grow your chin and cheeks with a beard?"

"Whoa! No way!"

"Absolutely!" Charles could now hear how Carlene giggles on his lousy jokes. "Now help me to make our supper."

"Can I really help?" Excitement showed all over her cute face.

"Yes. Because you are a big girl now!"

Hand in hand, they walk toward their small house but for them, it was the safest place in the world.

As the years passed, and Charles never settle in just one place...

Two years ago, they move to this small town; and because they never had a doctor, their lives become a lot better when everyone seeks his service, and pay him enough penny plus he received free vegetables. Now, they also have a small farm with a lot of chickens, and a cow for their fresh milk.

And today is a special day. Although today is Maribella's death, it is also the birth of her daughter. "Papa! Look! How was it?" Carlene asked him while twirling around to show her beautiful dress.

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He looks at her from the head to toe. The dress they ordered to made was perfect for her. She was like a young lady at the age of 12. As well, she looks like a lot of her mother with that pair of beautiful blue eyes. No one suspecting that she is not his daughter, because of her blue eyes like him.

"Do I look beautiful, Papa?" she asked him.

"Of course. You are the prettiest sweetie." He smiled warmly.

Carlene's eyes sparks from his praise. She ran toward him and hug him, "I love you, Papa! You're the best papa in the world!"

Charles forces himself not to feel awkward at this moment; she is a big girl now, although he does think of her as his own daughter, however, the truth was screaming.

"I love you too, sweetie," he forced a smile on his face; looking down at Carlene's innocent face who is admiring him. She is giving him that kind of eyes full of trust toward him.

* * *

And the day comes, that Charles has a visitor he never expects to see once again.

Carlene heard the knock on the door and she opens it.

"Yes? May I help you, sir?" Carlene asked the man standing on their small patio. But she wonders when this man making an expression of like he is seeing a ghost.

"Marivella Chen?" he was troubled.

"Do you know my mama?" Carlene asked excitedly instead. Meeting someone who knew her mother is the greatest news she ever encounters.

"Ah, yes." The man stared at her keenly and realized, she has blue eyes.

"Howard? Is that you?"

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"Char--" he was not able to continue his words, as Charles quickly grab him, and then hug him with forcible strength.

"Howard! Come in!" Charles shaking Howard's shoulder with a purpose. "Sweetie, can you prepare some coffee?" he requested.

"Yes, papa!" Carlene cheerfully headed to the kitchen, and that left them alone.

"Let's go outside," Charles is pulling Howard toward a picnic table, and benches under a young sycamore tree on his flower garden.

"How old is she?" Howard actually has an idea.

"She's fifteen..."

"Hmm... is this the reason why you were hiding?" Howard asked one more time.

Charles sighed then said, "Not at all."

Howard tried to read him. "Then how long have you plan to hide?"

"Until forever ends," Charles replied to Howard. He actually doesn't like to talk about it or the past.

"Are you going insane? Why not coming back? Your family was worried about you and still hoping for your return."

Charles meets Howard's eyes and stared at him with intense. "For what?"

"Are you going to hide everything from her?" Howard's sharp question.

"And what? To tell her that I am not his father, but her real parents were killed by two crazy people?" Charles blurted out.

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"You wanna tell her who are they? That her mother was actually just a mistress and was killed by a freak wife of her real father? Then her insane uncle who killed his real father?"

"Is that the truth you wanted her to know?" Charles continued asserting.

"Would you tell her these all? Then, would you tell her that the killer of her mother was actually has a lover also and that is her real father's cousin?"

By Charles's words, Howard stays silent.

"Would you also tell her that her father's wife has an affair with his uncle? None other than were you?"

"Would you admit that huh, Howard? Don't forget that you are part of this all!"

Howard did not say a word from what everything Charles had said. He is right, and he has a point.

Also, the truth that he was a part of this entanglement lives that falls into a tragedy. If they will let Carlene know everything, things will become too complicated to explain.

These will raise a lot of questions they both don't know the answers. Isabella married Carlisle for power and name, as both families arranged. But Carlisle never loves her, and Isabella and he are the lovers...

However, Isabella changes and becomes crazy about Carlisle of a sudden... and he was still uncertain why.

Meanwhile, Carlene was busy making a coffee. She went to the back of their house to get more firewood when she notices a woman behind the barn.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The woman was shocked upon seeing her, and Carlene was also shocked seeing the woman who looks like her. But she is wearing strange clothes.

Madison rise from her bed. What was that? she asked herself. Did she saw herself on the dream? Or did she travel back in time? She was stunned.

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