My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 281

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Lord Edward Montfort Memorial Service.


The chosen media only allowed to cover the final ceremony for the deceased Lord Montfort.

A high priest officiates a holy mass , then followed with a short program, remembering the success of Lord Edward he strives his life on Earth.

A short film also presents his younger age until he died. The crowd can't help to laugh when Levi jested about the late lord. He told the crowd; his uncle has no interest in marrying a woman — because he more loves to build cars than dating someone.

But Levi shared his prayers for the lord; hoping his next life — he could finally able to confess to his secret crush.

This made the crowd laugh out again and wonder 'who is this mysterious girl'? And that left them very intrigued by how Lord Edward is truly a secretive person.

Then, his voice cracks, sharing those times of how he stood as a father to him. How the lord spoiled him a lot, even of how hard-headed he was during his teen years, which someone shouted 'you are still a teenager' that made the crowd laugh once again. That was Quinn anyway.

Levi also shared the lord's teachings and his thoughts about life... ended his speech beautifully remembering the greatness of Edward.

The crowd applauded, and the program continued until they finally sent Edward to his last haven. The Montfort mansion has a garden where the Montfort's tomb was kept.

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Red Lilies as his symbol to his love of the woman he adores. Red lilies have been throwing to his casket before they close the tomb.


Back in the mansion's Dancing Hall stands as reception, dinner waiting for all the guests and invited media. On the balcony, Levi contemplates the circumstances awaits that his uncle has now passed away. This house will be quieter than before, and things will change from then on...

He is watching the sun about setting when someone slaps his back.

"Hey, that was deep." He was approaching the balcony when Levi heaves that sighed.

"Is living alone this mansion what worries you? I could adopt you if only I am not busy."

Levi chuckles, he knew Quinn is just joking... but partly true.

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"You want a vacation? How about going surfing? Or fishing? I will let you drive my yacht this time," Quinn smirked.

Levi looks at Quinn with astonishment. This guy is... "No thanks! You just plan to make me your captain—while you and Cassie having lovey-dovey," his face scowled, glaring at his cousin this time.

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He heard how Quinn laughs on that, but his invitation is truly sincere, Levi knew that. His parents are busier on running their business in the US, left him in Paris with Edward but maids, and the butler who takes him all the time. Until now, he still sees the same people. He will go stuck with them forever. He sighed.

"Another one, huh?"

"Yeah... can you drive me somewhere?" he asks out Quinn.

"Hmm... sure then. Anywhere you like." Quinn is thinking, maybe it is better. He'll go with him if he needed someone.

He looks for Cassie, letting her know he will accompany Levi for a while. Secretly, he told her they will go sneak out from the crowd.

Cassie nodded, then told him to take care, and then drive safely.

His heart jumps. It is just sounded simple thoughts, but the words coming from this girl he so much loved, it will be like a song to his ears.

"Thank you," he murmurs. "We'll be not long, and I'll come back."

Quinn kisses her forehead instead. He wanted to get a taste of her lips, but remembering the kiss they shared last night, is boundaries he must put up now.

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Why does it feel too heavy letting go of her hand? He thought while releasing Cassie's soft hand from his hold; walk away from her, then take a secret exit from the crowd.

Levi is already waiting for him in the car. He climbed in the driver's seat and hook the safety belt.

"So, where are we going?" he asked Levi.

"I already put on the GPS."

Quinn looked at Levi for a moment but say nothing. Lately, he found him strange. He was being curious about what he is thinking now. He wanted to console him but found no words. Because he knew, Levi is strong.

"So, Cassandra told me something before we leave. Is it true?"

"About what?"

"She heard a few of your employees talking about your girlfriend."

He glances at Quinn. That's right. Most who knew about Madison wondering where is she this whole time. Such a sad event of his life and she supposed to be by his side.

A few of his clients already been asking about Madison, he just told them she went home to take care of her grandma before Edward died. Since he was a considerate boyfriend, he just let her take care of the elderly... an alibi he thinks valid.

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He did not reply to Quinn but just a groan.

"What? That's all?"


Following the GPS direction, Quinn park the car outside an apartment. He wanted to ask Levi, but he just followed him when he got out and began climbing the stairs.

But what happens next is Quinn never dreams in his whole life.

A beautiful woman with short hair opens the door and blurt to Levi.

"What are you doing here? Your uncle's wake just ended, at least—" she paused from speaking when she recognizes the person behind Levi; climbing the stairs.

It shocked Quinn. Is his vision just playing on him? Or he is just looking at someone who is an older Cassie?

No wonder there are a few business partners of the Montfort Motor Industry, asking him if his girlfriend has an older sister or a twin.

It is all because someone resembles Cassandra a lot.

Who is she?

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