My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 298

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Rain dramatically showering the city of Paris. It is not heavy nor light, but raindrops creating a calm atmosphere through the night of Paris.

Back to the Montfort mansion are faces with such expressions: there is awe, and there are full of wonder. And Quinn, seated quietly on the corner while eyes closing. His forehead rested on his hand, clasping together, then let Levi explain things further he'd understand.

'Cassandra...' his heart throbbed. He was too worried if what is happening to her now: whether if she was safe, if she was in good hands, or if she was fine.

Hell. He will go to hell just to find her. Until they didn't come up with a better idea and get an answer to their questions, there is no way they can conclude what they must do to find her.

If only she's gone just within this world, he could search every corner on this planet. He would look for her town to town, with the help of Athena, and the Alliance. However, they were not talking about the advancement of the world, and what could do to solve this matter, but how they could overcome a world full of mysteries?

But where is she? How can they find her? Quinn has his thoughts.

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"What are you talking, Levi?" his mother asked.

Levi looks at his mom with a wary expression. "Madison told me, Mom. It is the reason Lady Isabella went to see the shamans. She wants to seek their guidance and seeks an answer to why she cannot foresee anymore."

"But Madison, she could travel anytime," he added.

"Are you telling us she possessed the same ability as Lady Isabella has?"

"I think no. Madison just can go travel anytime but no certain period. Unlike Lady Isabella, during a blood moon or a blue moon, she travels to the time she chooses to."

"So there are differences in abilities they both have. Then, can Madison help us find Cassie?"

"Hope she could, we have to try," Levi said, then glance at Quinn who stays silent on the corner. He could tell that he was in great bewilderment about everything that happens.

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As they continue discussing, they came up to let the present Cassie believe she was on her time until they have answers to everything that bothers them. Still, she is the same Cassandra, if the course of their fate never changes.

Landon and Hannah think, she still their daughter. And they know what happens in the book. After they died, Cassie left alone. Martin adopted her, but she suffered a lot before and grew up alone since then when Martin died. Until Quinn finds her once again.

Landon heaves the deepest sighed. All he prayed is her daughter was safe wherever or whatever time she went until they could find her and bring her home.

The night ended with such exhausting for everyone. Watching a tired Quinn, shoulders fall on his side, Lily and Henry felt sad for their son. He surely feels the pain of someone losing his love right within his arms.

Lily could feel his son's pained; tears escaping from her eyes, then she felt Henry's fingers drying them instantly. She looks up at her husband who peering her lovingly.

"Hush. We will do everything that we can to help our son," said Henry, comforting his wife. 

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Lily nodded, then waited for her husband's lips brushing her forehead as she saw him lowering his face. She is certain, Quinn inherits his father's sweetness. She could tell the way Cassie's eyes sparks every time she and Quinn were together.

She prayed, that they could bring Cassie home as soon as possible.

Striding the hallway toward Levi's bedroom, Quinn halted at Cassandra's door. It tempts him to open this door, but the person inside is no longer recognizing him nor want him to touch her. Now even a simple kiss, he should not dare to do her.

Morning... dewdrops falling from lily petals into the ground. Cassie squatting on the ground while staring closely at the flowers. She was admiring the beautiful maze garden when someone spoke behind her.

"Good morning," said a beautiful and sexy voice.

Startled, Cassie quickly stood on her feet. Intimidated, she meets Quinn's gaze shyly. "Go— good morning," her voice stammer.

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"Did you finish having breakfast already?" Quinn asked. Ah, she was too cute blushing like this. She acted like too shy looking at him. He almost spills out the words I love you.

Quinn waited until Cassie shaking her head. Smile tears his lips. "Would you like to join me in the kitchen?" he proposes. "I'll fix some breakfast for us. Would you okay with that?"

Cassie nodded, blushing. From then on, he has to be more careful and gentle. Her memories are not the ones from the real Cassandra. But still, she is the same person.

In the kitchen, Quinn mixing the ingredients for a pancake. Across the table, Cassie is watching what he is doing.

"Do you want to try?" Quinn handed her the spatula and gestured to take over the frying pan.

Excitedly, Cassie takes the cooking tool from Quinn. He then put a half cup pancake mixture into the frying fan and Cassie began tending the food until it golden brown enough. Quinn could see how she enjoyed it. He notices the few strands of hair covering her face. Quinn reaches to brush them off but Cassie also stretches her hand to comb them, ended Quinn touch her fingers. Cassie shyly glances at him. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, eyes never left her. Quinn could see that she is uncomfortable the way he looks at her, so he forces himself not showing so much affection from now on, but stealing glances.

The Cassandra he has right here is only a twelve-year-old in the body of a full-grown teenager. He'll try to behave as much as he could and suppress himself to kiss her in a sudden.

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