My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 303: 303

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Waiting for Levi and Madison ended their sweet moment, Quinn's phone vibrating behind his jeans pocket. He reaches for the gadget and presses the green button.

"Hello?" he answered, then start a conversation with the person on the other line.

"Boss, the Interior Planner has come to me, inquiring of your return to discuss the full renovation of the mansion," Rudolf said.

Quinn sighed. His directors haven't known yet, that he is facing a huge problem at the moment, that the real Cassandra is missing when he finally purchases the mansion, and he did a huge renovation.

Now, they are working in interior appearances, and it needs his presence for more changes and completing base on what he likes. The mansion is his wedding gift for Cassie. But now, where could he find her? How long would it take until he will find her?

While talking to Rudolf, he did not notice that he was staring intently at Cassie. He didn't notice that Cassie feels too much uncomfortable with his burning gazes.

She was new to this feeling. Although she was on this body, her heart acting weird. Like, want to burst out the way Quinn is looking at her. She examines herself if there is something to look at, but she is wearing a silk pajama, there's no skin to see for Quinn to stare that way toward her.

Quinn, who is he? What is their real relationship?

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Her parents told her they attended the wake of their family friends: Levi's uncle, whom Levi is Quinn's cousins.

Now, she discovered that Madison is Levi's girlfriend, speaking of which she could feel her cheeks burning from the thought of seeing them kissing in the hallway.

Watching Cassandra from this distance, he could tell how her face flushes; he was thinking if he made her uncomfortable. Quinn finishes his talk with Rudolf, giving him instructions on what to take care of first while he is away.

After hanging up the phone, Quinn peeps on the door. Levi and Madison weren't there anymore, so he wondered where they'd go. Anyway, those two need a moment of a private place, and not just in the hallway when someone comes out from one of these bedrooms.

He gestured at Cassie that it is okay to go out now. She smiled widely, then following him quietly behind toward the kitchen.

Quinn is checking out the fridge to get something to eat when he could feel a burning gaze on his back. He sighed.

If it is the real Cassandra on that body, he already strides closer and kisses her. But the person inside is only a twelve-year-old innocent girl. He needs and he must behave at all times.

Quinn takes out from the fridge a strawberry cake with berries on top. Cassie's eyes sparks, mouth-watering from the sight of the cake.

"Can I have a plate and fork?" unintentionally, he asked Cassie with a loving tone.

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Cassie startled the way he sounded this sweet to her. But she nodded, quickly stood from the high chair she is sitting at, then opens the drawer behind her where the plates and utensils kept.

Cassie handed the plate and fork. Quinn began slicing the cake and placed them onto the plate. "There, more berries for you," he said then handed her back the plate.

"Oh, thank you," blushing, she thanked Quinn. Cassie began tasting the cake and her eyes glow once again. Taste so great.

Quinn could see how satisfying she looks while eating the cake. He prepared a hot milk tea for Cassie and a coffee for him. He notices that Cassie keeps glancing at his mug when he is drinking while browsing at his phone. She seems curious about why he prefers coffee when it is time for bed.

"I have to work overtime later tonight so, I am making myself awake all night," he said, making sure a smile planted on his face.

"Ah, you were working. I didn't know. I should—" she paused, shy of looking him in the face.

"Don't worry about it. I am actually on my way to make me a mug of coffee." He raised the mug.

"Ah..." interrupted, Cassie halted from speaking when Madison and Levi entered the kitchen. They quickly parted their hands, seeing someone was in the kitchen.

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"Hey, why nobody informs us that there is a midnight snack party?" Levi said.

"A party," Quinn glances at Cassie, and they exchange a meaningful look. "We have to celebrate, right?" Quinn sounded teasing.

The new couple looks at each other when Quinn whispered something to Cassie that made her giggles, but then avoided her blushing face.

"I'll go get more plates!" she said enthusiastically.

Levi glared at Quinn, throwing a questioning gaze if what he told to Cassie. He wanted to remind him she is the younger Cassie, and he cannot flirt with her because she is just an innocent girl to receive such romantic gestures from an adult like him.

"Don't look at me like I who should explain something," Quinn told Levi.

"You two acting suspicious," he returned.

"Really? Alright... since there are minors here, someone should mind if where they should kiss, at least in the corner somewhere, or on the side of the way."

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Levi's eyes widen. So, Quinn saw them!

* * *

The next morning, Quinn, Levi, and Madison had a serious talk in the Library. They came up with an idea of attempting to time travel today, maybe Madison can go straight to the time Cassie goes to.

Hannah and Landon bring Cassie to Doctor Carol for a check-up, this also making a reason for her to leave the mansion for a while. And so, Hannah and Landon made plans for the whole day: until Madison, Quinn, and Levi come back from the time travel.

Today, Marie came to watch over them while they were traveling. Madison lay down on the carpeted floor. She closes her eyes and tries to concentrate to fall asleep. Then, Levi lay on her right side, and Quinn on the left side, both holding her hands.

It took a minute before they were like pulled by a force that remained strange for them.

Quinn opens his eyes. It is night. He could see the night sky clearly, and it was full of stars. Where are they? Which time do they travel to?

He stood from the cold ground, then pats the dirt from his clothes. What now? Where those two went? He tried to look around if he could recognize the place, but it was completely strange to him. 

What time they travel to this time???

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