My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 307: 307

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Continued teasing each other, it was Quinn who is grinning. But then, they further discussed which Quinn came up with an idea of recording all their vital statistics, gathering data during their travel time. Derek also suggested another doctor who expertise in psychology and sleep specialist.

"How if, we build a time machine instead?" Out of the blue, Quinn suggested.

Derek dropped his mouth open. "I know you are serious. But I can't do that! Am no builder you know?"

"I know of that, surely."

"Then, you want to call the Germans and Russians to build you one? Maybe the Asian Alliance?" Derek's head began running the list of scientists and inventors he knew personally.

"Everyone or anyone who could do it," he commended. Quinn is now standing beside the window. The skyline began clearing and the afternoon sun began showing up. He truly feels hopeless being the one who cannot read the book, that is why he wants to do everything. But the least, Cassandra read it.

He's hoping that she could figure out where she is, and if she found out she was at another time. He's badly worried about her.

Although he wanted to see her as soon as possible, things are more complicated. And he can't deny the Cassandra they have right here experienced a very painful and lonely life. He feels sad for her, but this life is not hers either. There is someone who owns it, and that someone might be in great despair right now. Feeling lost and alone.

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They said Mimie and Lydia are treating her bad. So he is much worried. Could she be all right?

Cassandra, wherever you are, just hang on. I'll be coming for you. I will bring you home.

Quinn is looking outside the window when the Young family arrives. He could see how Cassandra was so happy. His heart wrenched from pitying her. She already lost her family. She got a wicked stepmom and step-sister, according to Levi. She will grow up suffering from being treated badly by them. 

Then on her 16th birthday, Martin died. And so, Lydia brought her back to the island, not knowing her life was in danger. Lydia takes everything she had. Until then,

   Quinn in that life,

He goes wasted after learning that the Young family died. Then, he meets someone that leads him to the truth that Cassandra is alive. That is the beginning she was pampered and treated well.

He sighed. He needs to find her no matter what. He cannot wait for the day he can be with her again. However, he's worried about the Cassandra they have here; but she does not belong in this lifetime.

* * *

"Hi," he greeted her. Cassandra was running toward her bedroom when he blocked her way.

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"Hello, brother Quinn," blushing, she returned the greetings.

"How was your day?"

"Oh, it's wonderful!" Happily, she replied. Her eyes spark and smiling widely.

Ah, the usual Cassandra. Like the real one. However, she isn't. But they can't tell her the truth. What must they do? Keep lying to her? That's stern but they have no choice.

Anyway, he is blocking her way, because Levi still locking himself inside the bedroom with Madison. He was passing by to the room when he got a peek from a small opens of the door. Levi and Madison cuddling and sleeping on the bed. They surely exhausted, so he doesn't want them to disturb.

Maybe he must suggest to Levi to give Madison her room. So then, he could sneak into Cassandra's bedroom in the middle of the night.

No. What was he thinking? He has become perverted. This is bad. He must remember that she is twelve, and not the one that turns eighteen soon. He sighed, forgetting that Cassandra was peering at him. 

Cassandra, on the other hand, was staring at him curiously. She must wonder what is happening to him.

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"Um, I am sure you still full to have some coffee?"

"Um… but my age should drink that?"

"Oh, my bad," he chuckles. "I will just make you hot chocolate. How about it?"

"Sure!" she says.

"Then, you want to join me for a walk first?" Quinn's invitation.

Cassandra looks outside the window and she nodded. "Okay, I'll love too!"

Quinn brought her toward the maze garden. The lilies were still on its full blooms. Quinn observes her keenly while she stares at the beautiful flowers, and then a huge purple butterfly and a reddish one flying around them.

That's right, he remembers. His meeting with Cassandra at the airport, then at the café. They both saw a purple butterfly. Same to the one they were seeing right now.

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Cassandra chases the purple butterfly who flew toward him. She is looking up at him when the purple butterfly landed on his shoulder. She was too beautiful in this way. Her long hair was dancing behind her back. If he would forget, the one he could see is the Cassandra he used to know.

It tempted him to lock her inside his arms. Kiss her and never let her go. He wanted to run away with her. But it is wrong. And she isn't the real Cassandra, but the one who supposed to not exist anymore.

"Brother Quinn?" she muttered. So close to his face.

He came back to his senses, hearing her sweet voice calling his name. However, 

  'brother Quinn', huh? That is a total distraction, he is thankful.

Because he was holding her chin, and he was about to lower his mouth to kiss her. No way!

He should be mindful and watch his actions. Quinn gazes at her face. Her eyes grow wider while looking up at him as he almost kissed her. She must be shocked and gathered a lot of courage to speak out.

No. This isn't good. Quinn pulled his hand away from Cassandra's chin. He's forgotten!

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought, there is something in your cheek," his alibi.

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