My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 310

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Warning: Contains explicit words. (Mature Content inside.)

Getting drunk like that, Cassie giggles while listening to her father, mumbling against Quinn. She never imagines that her father was behaving like this. She blushes when Quinn looks over his shoulder and takes a glance at her. Instantly, her heart throbbed at how passionately he was staring at her.

Quinn put Landon down on the bed. Hannah thanked him and also told her daughter to go to her bedroom and have a rest.

After Quinn and Cassandra left, she faced her husband and scolded him once again.

"What were you thinking, Landon Young?" she began. "How could you embarrass your daughter like that?"

"Honey, but I am only telling the truth," he replied.

"But what you behave earlier is shameful!"

"Hey, I am sorry. Okay?" Landon sat up from the bed.

"You were still beautiful even you were angry like this," he praised instead, sounding too serious who Hannah just rolled her eyes and scowling at him. Seriously, she doesn't like what he did.

Truth is, Landon is not that drunk. He just acted to make Quinn having a hard time dragging him toward the bedroom. He wanted to laugh evilly, but his wife would only hit him from his silly act once she would know it which he guessed she notices already.

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Then he sobs. "I don't want my daughter taken away from me," he cried, which made Hannah dumbfounded. He then kneels in front of his wife and hugged her on the hips.

"Honey, I don't want our daughter to leave us." he wailed.

Hannah doesn't know whether to laugh or pitted her husband. "What are you talking about? She will just get married sooner, and then an addition to our family. You will have an instant son."

"But she's very young!" he asserted.

Stunned. Her left brow rose upward. "Have you forgotten how old I am when you began courting me and my parents?"

"You were twelve, and I asked for your hand when you are fourteen," he answered.

"See? And our daughter is eighteen soon!"

"But I just marry you when you were twenty! I've waited for eight years!"

"And you wanted Quinn to wait for our daughter that long? When our daughter is like twenty-eight years old?"

Landon takes a silence, then responded. "Not really."

"I know that you could see how much he loved our daughter. And he is the one who also worried a lot that our daughter is nowhere to find her but somewhere we don't know, and if when he could bring her back to us. You should understand him the most."

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Landon heaves a sighed. True that he married Hannah twenty years ago when she is on her twenty. Hannah is forty years old at the moment. Still young and beautiful, and he is on his fifty: healthy and able.

Wait, a minute. Why did his head concern these things?

"Um, honey... well, I was not angry at Quinn. I just realized a few things for our daughter, that's all I am concerned about." he reasons.

"It is valid, but you need not act like that ever again," Hannah expressed.

"I'm sorry, I promise I will behave from now on... but, um..." Landon weighing his wife's mood.

"You know, honey. Now that we have this talk, well..."

"What? Can't you make it straight?" she's irritated.

Landon laughs nervously. "Ah... I am just thinking now that, since we both young yet, aside of Young is our name-"

"It's a corny joke, Landon Young," Hannah pouted.

He feels hopeless. Now that he is getting old, it seems hard to make a request. "Ah, I am just thinking if— it's been days already, maybe this time… we could make another— Cassie, or maybe a boy this time."

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He is playing his fingers. Hannah smirked in a secret. When he does that, Landon is nervous. Those times she could see him doing this habit is when those times he is confessing to her. Even the time he proposes to her, he did this gesture which it been cute instead.

"Really? When you are reek with alcohol?" she scanned him from head to toe, then teases her husband.

From the sound of her answer, Landon's face brightens and eyes sparkling like a little kid given his favorite sweet.

"Right away, honey! I'll take a quick shower!" he said, then run toward the bathroom.

Hannah shook her head. She understands that Landon has no ill-feeling toward Quinn. He was just showing being an overprotective father to their daughter.

Oh, well… she promised her husband. So Hannah changed her house clothes to a nightie. She already took a shower when they arrived home from meeting Doctor Carol.

She is a Sleep Specialist. She told them, she will run a test in the next few days if Cassandra is showing strange behavior or action.

Hannah climbed the bed and rested her back on the headboard. She then picked up her phone and browsed the Internet. Then five minutes passed, she heard the bathroom locked click open. She hid a grinned on her lips.

"Honey, um… what are you searching for?" Landon asked while peeping to her phone. He already settled down beside her.

"I was just browsing something, about our daughter's case."

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"Oh, okay. Tomorrow, I will call my professor about our daughter. He is a member of the Elders. He surely knows something." he said while trailing his fingers to Hannah's smooth arm. "So, um, can we?" Landon cannot say the word, made Hannah smirked.

She whispered to her husband's ear that made Landon gain youthful strength. "I'll show you!" he said.

Hannah laughs and then puts her arms wrapped around her husband's neck. Landon kisses his wife while his hands wander in every part of her body. Hannah is yet younger than her age. It was a hell he gets through just to win his wife. She was too cute back then and grew even beautiful when she gets to age.

And tonight, he will prove once again that she married the right person, and he could satisfy all she needs: Love, wealth, and sex.

Who says he's not active about it anymore? There's no way he would have lost the pleasure of it. Having Hannah as a wife, he can't ask for more. She also satisfies his needs now or back then. He could tell that he satisfies her by the way she would respond to his kisses and touched. And they made a bet that he would make the night longer.

Earlier, she teases her husband that maybe he will only make it quick tonight. Challenged by her naughtiness. Landon is making deep thrusts into her, biting her areolas sharply, and teasing the other roughly, arouses her more instead.

Being married for twenty years; it means they already leveled up their sex life.

He quoted, 'Let's make a baby tonight'.

Now, her husband moving at such a speed above her. Slamming harder into her, he's reaching deeper.

"Landon!" Hannah's head screamed.

He flips her over, he's doing it. Hannah sighed.

As he promised: he makes the night fiercer and longer.

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