My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 325

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Sitting on the long table alone, Quinn is lovingly staring at Cassandra whose head stays partly down. If Leroy hasn't notified him, he would not know that Derek was teasing him behind his back. He makes up a story to Cassandra, although partly right, it is truly a big help on his ends. But now he owes another favor to Derek. Anyways, it will make things easier for him. He smirked.

"Ahem! Why don't you join me?" he invited her.

He noticed how she jolted and looks up with a bit of puzzling facial expression even she nodded. Slowly, she steps closer to the table and gently pulls the chair on his right side, where a spare plate purposely placed.

"Then, let us begin?" he said, putting a warm but not so passionate smile on his lips. Somehow, he must make the atmosphere comfortable around him. Cassandra nodded and waited for him to finish putting the dishes he preferred to place on his plate.

Although it was like a usual meal for Quinn, Cassandra would still feel the shyness to share a meal with him at her state of being someone else inside the body of his beloved woman. He wonders: if what she was thinking at this moment.

Cassie is trying to put the food on her mouth. She found them super tasty, but she has to show some manners and eat carefully with elegance.

Looking at first glance, she wondered what they tasted like? Now, they are the food she finds the best in the world.

Then, why would her master not enjoy eating alone? Is it about loneliness in the absence of his wife? But is it appropriate that she, as a maid, is to share a table with him? Earlier, she saw a few of the maidservants and everyone is beautiful. Hmm… maybe, his wife is a jealous person type, and her Master must be careful to choose a company.

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Wait, a minute. Why does she think about these things? Where does that all come from? Why does her brain think such a scenario?

Ah, whatever… she will just enjoy these foods. It will such a waste to ignore them. She wanted to learn how to make them. Maybe, when she learns how to cook them, Lydia will be more happy about her.


Stunned, she looks up and glanced at her Master's direction. Hesitant, she accepts the food he places on her plate.

She clears her throat before trying to speak from shock. "Thank you, Master Quinn." blushing, she said.

"You're welcome. I just notice you like them, so go ahead. Don't shy to be shy. There's no one will finish them but us."

"Oh. How about Master Levi and his girlfriend? I haven't seen them anymore." Curious, she gathers the courage to ask her Master.

"Levi and Madison have an important meeting with a client, so they were having lunch out. Madison is Levi's personal secretary," he answered. Once again, he saw how Cassandra showed cute-innocent-reactions unconsciously. He wanted to kiss her, but he is suppressing himself not to lean on the table and taste her lips.

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"Ah…" she nodded then smiled.

As lunch goes on, they began having a dessert. Quinn was on his thoughts when he noticed that Cassandra was actually peering at him curiously.

"Do you have something to ask?" he asked her, she blushes after he caught her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, master," she apologized for staring at him. Shyly, she replied to her master. "I am just wondering if where we meet before, Master Quinn?"

Afflicted, Quinn did not show it surprise him to her sudden question. "Oh, that..." he smiled warmly instead.

Truth is, he was sweating from her question. How to answer that as he could not read the book and so, he can't pick a random scene as an answer. The situation is getting complicated, and so his mind is trying harder to think of an answer. Where could he and Cassandra cross paths in Paris?

Could it be the street where she lives and Larry's? At the bus stop? Could it be somewhere close to the Eiffel Tower? Or one of the hundred stores in Paris?

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Quinn looks at Cassie, who is waiting patiently for his answer. She looks so cute again with her sparkly wide eyes while blushing looking at him. So this is what she looks like? Her innocence without a trace of familiarity to whom she stares, but a curious gaze.

"Ahem! Well, it must be around the streets where Larry and Loura live at," Quinn answered and her eyes lit up.

"Oh! I am attending at Miss Loura's Learning Academy. And, Mr. Larry's school was next door."

Quinn peered keenly when her eyes even grew bigger. "Are you the one who gives me the business card that stormy night?"

Uh-oh, she mentioned something again that he has no idea how to answer. He needs Levi to read the book like, reading him a bedtime story. They should do that starting tonight! Quinn smiled, assuming that is his answer and say no words. Guess, better to just limit his words from then on to avoid her curiosity.

"Then, thank you so much for helping me that night."

"Oh. No problem. It is a small thing."

"Even you say that, but you help me out a lot, Master Quinn. I learned French slowly, and even if I cannot speak fluently yet, but I can understand more French words and I can read the store names since then," she smiled cheerfully.

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"Am glad to hear that... Well then, since you said you can't deliver them fluently, would you mind I teach you?"

One more time, she was dumbfounded regarding his offers. "Oh, but aren't you have work, master?"

"It's all right. I mostly worked at night as it is the daytime where my company located. So I have to adjust the time zone for work."

"Oh… how good boss you are."

Quinn chuckles at her comments. Well, it was more like a praised, and he wants to be like a humble one. "Oh, well, not really. Since I was the one slacking most, I should be the one considering my employees," he explained.

Cassie listening enthusiastically; giving an admiration stare to her master. Quinn can't take off his eyes away from her. She keeps amused him in every reaction she showed the entire time. It was like; getting to know each other, and this is their first date.

Somehow, he enjoyed this, but it troubles his heart. He feels guilty to have this kind of feeling in the absence of the real Cassandra.

"Ahem! Like I mentioned a while ago, I could teach you how to speak French. I will have more free time since Meisha and my sister will go back to take care of the company on my behalf. So, I can tutor you if you would like."

"Um… if that is the case, then it is my honored Master," full of excitement, she gratefully answered.

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