My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 327

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Why does Levi leave these important books here? How if Cassie found them? This is not good. He can't hide these books as he can't hold them.

Quinn tried to find a way to hide them, then he noticed a red cloth placing down on a single couch. Quinn picks up the cloth and quickly covers the two books on the table.

Fortunately, Cassandra was busy looking at everything on the shelves. He feels relieved and let her enjoy the moment. Quinn also picks up a random book to pretend to read one but secretly; observes Cassandra.

He read the title and it surprised him at what he picked up.

'Letters to Juliet'? He is not so fun in Romance but well, better to read something to let the time past.

Often, he is glancing at Cassandra, who now began reading while seated on the floor. After fifteen minutes, he cannot stand not showing thoughtfulness to her. Even though she is not the one from this lifetime, she's still the same Cassandra he cherishes so much.

He picked up two pillows and gave them to her, surprise once again, she takes them and thanked him with flushing cheeks.

When he sat back to the couch, he caught Cassandra glances in his direction. Quickly, she withdraws her gaze and returns to reading the book. 'She acted cute again, and she never realized that,' thought Quinn. He will always be tempted to kiss her anytime soon.

Almost two hours had passed and Quinn finishes reading the book. Truth is, it made him emotional. Lost love. That finally, for how many decades? They reunited again.

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He prayed that hopefully, he won't wait this long. That it takes several decades before they fulfill their love.

When does the time he would reunite to the real one whom he loves?

And he won't stop looking for her and bring her back.

It surprised him, this book is not bad. It motivates him and lifts his hope to never give up finding his love who is lost somewhere in the time that does not belong either the present, the past, or even the future. It is just simply a story to his lifetime.

Quinn noticed that Cassandra fell asleep. He debated inside his mind if she would wake him up or let her take a nap while sitting on the floor. But her seating position is not comfortable. It will hurt her hip and bump later.

He tried to wake her up but no response from her. And so he carried her and put down on the sofa. Slowly, he fixes her sleeping position, putting a pillow on her head.

He heaved a hopeless sighed because he wanted to steal a kiss from her. Quinn never takes off his eyes from her but peering at her; sleeping peacefully. He bit his lower lip while drawing a line to her nose. His gazes settle at her lips, and he gulped from desiring to cover them with his.

However, he's afraid she would suddenly wake up and caught him kissing her.

Wait a minute, the Cassandra this time is a complete minor. Is it mentally child harassment. How would she react once she caught him? And how would he defend himself or his excuses?

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What she believes is he has a wife and being intimate with someone else is unfaithful.

And he can't explain or to tell her that she is his wife, so the fact is that there is no mistress to called to begin with; because she is the same woman he loves.

May not in this lifetime, but every life he had...

Nor it is in the past, in the present, or the future, even the life that forgotten, she will be the only wife he had... his lover and his mistress. She will be the only one, always.

Hah! The situation is even more complex than he thought. Quinn is contemplating these things until he also falls asleep, leaning on the couch while he is holding Cassandra's hand.

She doesn't know if how long she naps off, but she can't move her right arm. She looks down and notices a man leaning on the sofa holding her hand. It shocks her.

Why did her Master holding her hand? She blushed. His hand is warm, but it calms her, and she feels relaxed. Maybe the reason she sleeps well.

Staring at her master's silhouette, she could have a better look at him now. His eyes have dark circles around as he sleeps less. Even so, he still looks so handsome. She gulped as she's staring at his lips. 

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Wait a minute, this is not right. She was too young to think of these things, besides the man has a wife. Cassie shook her head and kicked the inappropriate thoughts inside her head.

However, it confused her about why she's feeling this way? Her mind thinking differently, but her heart throbbing in a way; likely urging her to brush off the hair on his forehead and play his ears. It was like, her body language used to be…

She wanted to wake him up, but she doesn't want to cut his sleep. However, it is past five in the late afternoon. The dinner gathering is by six in the evening. What must she do?

Cassie slowly pulls her hand and this made his master woke up.

"Oh, I did fall asleep as well," he mumbles, still half-sleep.

She giggles but blushes as her master peering at her. She feels relieved when he smiled then stood on his foot, offering a hand.

"Let's prepare now, might they will wait longer."

Her heart racing inside her chest. Cassie reaches her master's hand, and realizing, she likes him.

* * *

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Later in the evening, they've almost missed out on the dinner but promise to come. Quinn is waiting for Cassandra in the mansion's entrance.

Leroy pretended to cough, and Quinn understood. He looks up upstairs. Cassandra is now stepping down the stairs. He watches every step she does. His eyes can't take away from her. She was exquisite in a red fitted dress. It has a long sleeve but completely showing off her beautiful shoulder, neck, and back.

"Um, the chambermaids said, this dress looks perfect for me. I don't know if it is. I- erm, feel strange but it fits on me. I just wonder why there's no mirror I can look at. I noticed that…"

She was shy and the causes she's stammering her words as she was uncomfortable the way her Master intently looked at her. Well, she shouldn't complain about the mirror, but this house.

They kept every window close by the curtains. There are no mirrors or something to reflect oneself. But the maid says she looks beautiful.

Truly, Quinn requested the maids to help her get dressed, and she turned out like a barbie doll they got dressed up to. Her hair pauses up and tied into a ponytail and puts a light makeup but red lipstick.

Quinn could see the maidservants peeping from the second floor of this mansion. They were curious to know if it satisfied him, hah? And yes. He smiled with satisfaction.

He offers his arm and Cassandra is hesitant to hold on him. Shyly, she stretches her hand and accepts his arm. He guided her steps to the patio stairs and led to the car waiting for them. Quinn who will drive but a few cars on standby to follow and drove ahead.

Despite everything, Cassandra has no idea what is happening. For Quinn, he wishes that the real one he spends with tonight. He always wishes that the day comes he could spend every minute of his life with her. It does come true, but the one he is with now is someone else, even if it says she is Cassandra. Still, she is another woman from a life that does not exist anymore.

Is this even right? During the real's absence, he enjoyed the moment he is with the other one. He felt the guilt either way.

He is with somebody else, which his heart longing for someone.

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