My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 332

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Warning: Content a small explicit scene...

As the night grows old, the men getting drunk, especially Landon. Earlier, he snatched Quinn from Cassie and did plan to get him drunk to knock him out tonight. But he who cannot move anymore from being drunk.

It dumbfounds Hannah. She knows that her husband hasn't faked it this time. Astounded as how her husband tried to get Quinn drunk which he's the one who is now snoring peacefully.

"Thanks, Quinn."

"Your welcome, Mama."

"Good night, Mama." Cassie hugged and kissed Hannah on the cheeks.

"Good night, honey. Rest well tonight."

"You too, Mama."

The two of them get out of the room after they settled Landon on the bed. He then escorted Cassandra toward her bedroom, and then he headed back to his own room which just next to hers.

Cassie took a shower and went to bed after drying her hair. After an hour, she felt the bed moving and someone joined her under the blanket. Warm arms wrapped her body and planted a kiss on her temple.

Quinn sneaking in!

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But his body warmth calms her, and so she presses her body closer to Quinn to seek more warmness to the bed.

She guesses that two hours had passed after she fell asleep. Slowly, she turned around to face Quinn and watch his peaceful face sleeping. He was too handsome. Lightly, she traces the frame of his face and draws a line on his proud nose and then jaw.

Hmm... He shaves off the growing beards on his chin. They were clean and his lips exhibiting daringly. She gulped. She wanted to kiss him. But she's blushing right now from her naughty thoughts.

"Don't torture me and made me anticipate when that lips of yours touch mine."

Suddenly, Quinn spoke that surprised her. His eyes stayed closed, pretend to sleep. She then giggled.

"I've been waiting patiently. Don't tease me like this, please." He pleaded further.

Cassie just keeps giggling but then gives Quinn a quick kiss on his lips.

"Is that all? That's only my reward?" he teases.


"I've been behaving… um... yes, I behaved."

"Is that so?" she acted like doesn't believe anything.

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"Yup..." Quinn opens his right eye while lips tore with a silly smile.

"And look who's naughty one here!" She reached his hip and pinches the hipbone.

Quinn let out his sexy laughs and this made her heart beating wildly. Quinn opens another eye, peering at her lovingly.

"I love you..." Quinn uttered.

"I love you too, Quinn." She responded then reached his left cheek, fingers playing his earlobe.

Quinn grasps the hand on his face, and brought to his lips; planted tiny kisses on the back of her palm. He moves her hand close to his chest to feel his heart beating, then let it go to hold her chin and kiss her lips.

It was gentle but playful. Teasing but sweet. Slowly, Quinn deepens the kiss, and she responded passionately. She holds her breath when Quinn's hand began moving around her back; massaging her neck trailing down her spine then back upward… again, making its way down to her thighs, then moving upward to her humps. She only wears an upper pajama and tiny lower lingerie, leaving her legs bare entirely. She sighed, heaving heavy breaths when Quinn squeezes both of her humps.

Later, his hand rested above her chest. She has her cloth on, but Quinn's palm is warm and keen to invade what covered inside. Unbuttoning her pajama, she cried in pleasure upon feeling Quinn's fervent hand caressing her skin. Squeezing her chests, fondling both of her mounds, Quinn is taunting her areola. She reaches for his neck to hold on tight as the sensation is now raging deep within her as Quinn continued exploring her body. What reaches his hand replaces with his mouth. His burning touch made her body on fire.

Using his left knee, Quinn parted her thighs and then grabbed her waist. He then put his weight on top of her body, clutching her legs around his waist. Quinn is doing a gentle way inside her. She could feel how careful he was this time.

Although there is hunger conveying through his kisses and touched, Quinn trying to take a gentle pace. Thrusting slowly, Quinn brushing his lips into hers from time to time. As his speed increases, the pleasure reaching the height beyond they strive tonight.

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* * *

He opens his eyes but next to him is empty. Quinn wore his trousers and a plain white t-shirt then began looking for Cassandra inside the bedroom.

"Cassandra?" he called out for her. He first checked the wardrobe, but Cassandra wasn't there. He checked out next is the bathroom. Horrid registered on his face upon seeing her lying on the floor.

"Cassandra!" Quinn quickly runs toward her and kneel on the floor. There is a small drop of blood from her forehead. He looks around to find a bath towel or a bathrobe. After he finds one, he wrapped Cassandra's body and rushed outside.

"Bring the car around!" he ordered the two bodyguards on the hallway. One of them immediately called the MAS15 assigned with the cars and followed their boss. Quickly, a car already waiting in front of the mansion and Quinn slowly climbed the car but with hasty.

"Connor, what happened?" Butler Pete asked one of the men guarding the hallway near Cassie's bedroom. He quickly runs towards the front door once he notices the commotion from the Monitoring Room.

"The Miss was unconscious and there is small blood on her forehead," Connor answered the butler.

Butler Pete a bit worried, so he instantly went back inside the house to inform the Young couple that Quinn brought their daughter toward the hospital. Levi heard about it, and he makes a phone call to Derek and relays the news. Instantly, Derek left his house to personally conduct the test on Cassandra's forehead.

Quinn brought her to Doctor Philip's clinic since he is the one he wanted to trust alongside with Derek.

"Master Quinn, Doctor Derek is on his way toward here." Butler Leroy informs him.

"That's good. I want to make sure Cassandra doesn't get a serious injury on her head," he stated, troubled as his face expressing. He was restless, walking back and forth in the lounge.

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Derek arrives and helping Doctor Phillip to check up on Cassandra. The x-ray result is negative, Cassie is far from the danger and there is no trace of fractures on her skull, but they have to wait for her to wake up to make further tests and make sure she has no concussions. Right now, she only has a scalp wound that causes the blood on her forehead.

Later than, Landon and Hannah arrive in the clinic, too worried if what happens to their daughter.

"Quinn, what happens?" asked Hannah, teary-eyed and in great wonder.

"I just found her lying on the floor, Mama."

"What did you do to her room, anyway?" Landon questions him.

"Honey, should we really care about that now? We must grateful that Quinn was there and immediately, he found out that our daughter was into a bad incident." Hannah defended Quinn instead but scolded her husband.

Landon was about to counter when Derek approaching them with a serious expression.

"Derek, what is it? She's fine, right?" asked Quinn.

"Yes. Like I mentioned to you earlier, there is no severe injury she got..."

"Then, what is it?" impatient, Landon asked.

Derek seems hesitant to tell the bad news. He shifted his gaze to the people in front of him who were eager to hear what further news he will say.

"She disappeared again."

Quinn closes his eyes... these three words are like a sharp knife slicing his heart into half, once again.

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