My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 336

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Ken heaves another sigh, watching Kenneth throw his phone on the wall. The poor gadget cracks its screen and turned off.

He observes Kenneth clenches his fists while throwing dark gazes at the TV screen. Particularly at Quinn Williams.

"Are you still working on the plotting of Quinn Williams's death? Do you wish for Cassandra to be sad again?"

"Klein Williams doesn't deserve her." Firmly, Kenneth hissed.

"Klein and Carlisle are one." Ken pointed out to him, but Kenneth just glances coldly at him. "Tell me. There is something you haven't told me, is it?"

Kenneth avoided answering him instead. "Since Uncle Landon seeks your help once again, just take care of what he needed you to do. Let me handle the other matters here," Kenneth spoke. "And watch the present Klein Williams, and observing his movement up close is the best opportunity we could have this time," he added.

"Kenneth—" Ken was speechless. Many things bother him, but once Kenneth decided there is no way, that could be a change. He sighed. "Okay. But let me know about the things yet you haven't told me."

However, he is also persistent. He won't stop until Kenneth would not share the information he is hiding from him.

"All right. What I discovered, Carlisle's soul has fragmented left in life that does not exist anymore. But no matter what I do, I cannot enter that life. That is why I want to figure out what happens in the past."

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"What are you saying that Carlisle's soul has left at that lifetime? He did reincarnate as a whole soul, as what would happen in the beginning especially after the reset life." It confuses him now, but Kenneth smirking.

"How did that happen?" Ken asked.

"Probably, the pained he gets through from that life is great; to forget everything just like that. And who knows, what truly happens before the reset life.

"I can't believe it."

"At first, I don't believe it either. But I don't care whatever! All I want is to kill Klein Williams. I don't care about Carlisle," Kenneth's statement.

Overwhelmed, Ken contemplates this new information he learned. There are many secrets in this life that mortal doesn't know about. Even he, who among those immortals, he still cannot comprehend everything that happens to him and Kenneth. But Kenneth won't rest until he succeeds.

"How are you certain that it is only Klein Williams who we have here?"

"Have you forgotten? Carlisle has a butterfly birthmark on his back. Quinn from this life doesn't have one. Irvine does have a birthmark on his back."

"That's true. Then? Carlisle is not in this lifetime? Marivella? What will happen to Cassandra?"

"I don't know. Maybe this is our best chance to know more information to help us succeed?"

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Ken took a silent. This new fact astounded him greatly. "All right. I will go to Paris as soon as possible then..." He announced afterward. Kenneth nodded.

"But what will you do now with the Southern American Alliance?" asked Ken.

"Their foolishness who brought them to their fall. I don't have any responsibility anymore."

"Then, you won't lean a hand?"

"I am very careful in making plans and assures left no traces. But those useless people! Messing up everything I work hard about!"

"Okay. What happened?"

"They attacked without telling me. Now they face all the best Mafia Alliances represents from many countries. Worst, the Head of the Pillar was in the area, and so they sent the best people to save her. I won't lend a hand. It will up to them." Kenneth stated.

"I want you to cut their access to Hwa-Young AI… there was no more support from us," then Kenneth's order.

"So, are you abandoning them?"

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"They who bring it to themselves. Moving without my permission? It's not my problem. I won't get involved in their stupidity. So, I want you to cut their access to our satellite."

"But that place has a security system to block any frequency to any attempt of surveying that part of the country. They have this frequency to deny any system."

"That was true. But they found someone good at hacking the system in that area. And so, the security system was down, and we can freely run a scan as much as we wanted. But this only allows for the Crow Corporation to use their lady."

"The Athena..."


"That is bad."

"That is why I want you to end their access. Before Athena found out that the security they were using is from this country. I worked for our country to keep a low profile from the world but making a noise into the Entertainment Industry. In this way, we have our bold plans in the coming future. But the son of bitches!"

"All right. I will work on it today before I'll fly tomorrow morning." Ken assures. "Then I must go back to the base. How about if we going together?"

Kenneth just glances at him then said. "Go ahead. I have a few things I needed to take care of first."

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By an intense gaze, Ken peered at his twin brother. He then sighed. "All right. Just make sure you won't do anything yet while I am gone."

Kenneth glances over his shoulder, then nodded. Ken hopes that his twin brother would behave. He won't feel at rest.

Ken is now back in Seoul. He parked his mustang at the space that reserve for him. With a hasty, he marches toward the elevator. The moment he steps out at that certain floor, the security on the desk quickly stood on his feet and bowed to him. Ken nodded and continued trailing the hallway toward that Restricted Room.

This room is only he, who has the authority to enter.

He took out the key card and inserted it inside the keyhole. He places his left hand, then the security system scanner did the procedures before the door opens. Successfully getting inside, the door closes automatically. Making sure he has now the privacy, he immediately began working on the things he needed to get done before he has to fly to Paris.

He walked towards the table where the main control of the entire computer monitors displays upfront. He then logs in to his account and searches certain files. After a brief scanned, he began typing on the computer and putting new information. As Kenneth's plan, they needed to end the support they provided for the SAA. Giving access to the Hwa-Young satellite, they were taking too many advantages.

Ken changes the access code and password. By now, the rebellion lost access to the system they could use to whatever. Disabling their access could become a great fall for them. Ken now saving the new files while waiting, he made a phone call toward Kenneth.

"I already finish what asked me to do."

"Okay, thank you. I am on my way back." Kenneth's reply to him on the other line.

He ended the phone call and then resumed working. He logs into the SKI AI to get access to operate to the satellite. After he connected toward the satellite system, he attempted to enter the Brazilian government Defense Systems and hack the latest information that entered their data. He found a few files pointing at the present rebellion. He made a copy of these files and other information he needed. Not only Brazil but also those countries that involve the rebellion.

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