My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 338

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She is blushing and doesn't meet his gaze. When she is making this expression, he must stare at her intensely.

Then how to look at her without conveying how much he loves her?

When Cassandra disappears once again, Derek who manages to ask her the questions if what memories she remembers.

By now, she is 14 years old. Already, a young lady. She told Derek that rain pouring heavily, and so she took shelter in a church. Of a sudden, she lost consciousness then. And she remembers nothing why she was in the clinic.

And so, they made up a story it was he who brought her to the clinic. So by now, for Cassandra, he is her hero. But as Martin has to travel regarding work. Agreed that she will stay at the Montfort Mansion for the time being, as no one will look for her. Then they made up another story; telling Lydia and Mimie weren't home either and visits her family.

To make everything like real, they let Martin talk to her over a phone… which she was in a panic at the beginning; pleading everyone not to tell her uncle about what happened to her. And so, everything went smoothly.

He sighed. What kind of life has she been through? And him in that lifetime— was in despair for years. He can imagine what kind of loneliness the Quinn in that lifetime been feeling.

Cassandra has just gone for days, but it feels like forever to him already. And he is not sure how he should cope up if it takes years he separated from her— like the Quinn and Cassandra in that lifetime.

Quinn has been losing on his own thoughts when he realizes, that Cassandra peering at him worriedly. He wonders why, but he froze when she reaches his face and wipe the tears that had an escape from his eyes. It surprised him. Sadness showed all over his face.

"Thank you. I— erm, that's embarrassing," he chuckles.

She smiled while shaking her head. "I must be the one to thank you," she said.

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"Ah, don't mention it." he smiled back. Trying hard to act casually in front of her.

He doesn't want to lie to her, but things always complicate. And it is so hard to act like a stranger to someone you wanted to lock in your arms badly.

"Anyway, are you feeling better? Does your head still bothering you?" he asked afterward to lighten up the mood. And Cassandra shook her head.

"That's good. I am glad. But don't force yourself to move around, okay? Take a rest if you feel unwell."

She nodded then smile shyly.

"Do you want to join me for tea? Do you prefer anything?"

"Um… is it okay for me to have some cappuccino?"

"Sure! Let's go to the kitchen. Let me make you one."

"Do you know how to do them?" she asks with amazement in her eyes, like very surprised.

He laughs. She never fails to amuse him by her reactions; every time she comes back to this life. She is pure and innocent. 

And yes. He was spending his single life learning everything he must need when the time comes, and he has to run the family's business he will inherit. From small details about managing the corporation.

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* * *

Later in the evening, Quinn arrives at Williams Research Facility, Paris France Base. Derek introduces him to the team he formed for this exclusive project Quinn is requesting.

"It is my honor to work with you, Mr. Williams," said Doctor Albert Thomas.

"It was my pleasure that you accepted my request of your presence, Doctor Thomas."

"This is once in a lifetime opportunity to create something, a human never imagines that we are living in existence that even science cannot explain," he stated earnestly.

"I agree with your opinion, Doctor Thomas. Even I can't believe everything yet. But it goes that it is happening as I experience them myself."

"I will give all my knowledge and even seek more knowledge to bring success to this project, President Williams."

"Thank you, Doctor Thomas."

"No. Thank you for coming up with this project, President Williams. Your support will bring us success."

"Then, let's work hard, Doctor. Together, let get this a success." Quinn and Doctor Thomas shaking hands.

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Money… without it, you are just a mere mortal. Right now, he has better use of his wealth.

And that is to solve the mystery that surrounded his life.

Above all is to find the girl who is dearest to him.

Then, Derek introduces the other doctors who will be involved in this project.

"Quinn, you probably already knew, Doctor Carol Lynch."

"Good evening, Doctor Carol." Quinn greeted politely.

"Hello, President Williams. Please to meet you."

"Thank you for accepting the job, Doctor Carol."

"It is also my pleasure, President Williams. After Doctor Derek explained to me, I felt so much excitement. Thank you very much for such an opportunity in my lifetime."

"I am glad to hear, Doctor Carol. I look forward to working with you."

Everyone also arrives at the facility. The Bennett Family, the Bastien, the De La Rue, the Montfort, the Williams, the Crow, and the Young family. It leaves Madison and the family butlers to watch Cassandra home.

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Derek then began discussing further what they must do. A presentation of the machine they needed to build where it records and read of whatever matter this machine receives during the time travel period.

It made them awe.

The presentation ended and so, Landon request for a word with Quinn.


"Quinn, I prayed for the success of this project."

"Thank you, Papa."

"Please, let us know if something happens again to our daughter."

"Don't worry, Papa. I won't blink even once. I will keep on an eye at her and will do everything to bring her back." he promised.

"What is the progress about the Lady Isabella?"

"I already assigned my trusted friends to watch over. Rudolf Lao and Aldean Lawrence are now watching from the sky through the Mainland Observatory Center."

"That's good news. Wishing for Lady Isabella are home safe soon. All right, Quinn. We will go ahead and for you to go home. Please, take care of our daughter."

"I will, Papa. Have a safe drive."

Quinn went home with a small hope on his heart. He looks up in the sky where the moon continues hiding behind the clouds.

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