My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 352

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Quinn stood outside the abandoned hut they were sheltering for a while they were here in the past. Madison and Levi still sleeping inside, and he doesn't like to wake up the couple, so he sneaks out quietly.

He wondered why they were not going back to their present life yet? Anyway, before worrying about that, he needs to look for food or else they will starve before they could go home.

Yesterday, they learned that it is Saturday and so, today is Sunday. Quinn strolling around the South market of the city. Looking at all those foods displayed in food stools, it made him hungry even more. Now he realized how life too sucks living in the past where is no debit card or cannot use it even if he has one inside his wallet he carried around.

"Oh, sir! Let me help you," his offers to an old man he passed by. The old man is trying to unload the sacks of vegetables and fruits from his cart.

"Thank you, gentleman. How kind of you," the old man moved from his action. He's actually surprised that someone would help him.

"No problem, sir!" cheerfully, he replied, then continued to unload everything in the cart.

It looks like; he needs to hit the gym from now on. He should add to his daily schedules. This time-traveling requires real strength. Quinn's thoughts while hauling the sacks and places to the ground. He's done now and surprised when the old man gives him some fruit and potatoes.

"Oh, thank you, sir! You save me from hunger!" he said honestly.

"Hmm, but it was you who actually save me. My age could not do this hard work in speed. Now that you mentioned. Are you not locals, gentleman?"

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"Yes, sir. I am just a traveler."

"I see." the old man reaches out his pocket and takes out a few coins. "This is not much, but I hope can let you buy some bread."

Dumbfounded, Quinn felt too overwhelmed. He never expects to cross an event like this in his life. He thanked the old man then left.

Wow. This feeling is new to him. He was born with gold in his mouth, that is why everything is easier for him. But today, it is like he found a treasure his heart going to keep it forever. The smile plastered in his mouth. That is why the lady on the bakeshop stunned and cannot leave her eyes from him. She even gives him sweets for free. He thanked the lady who still daydreaming; waving at him.

Now he knew how Levi got free foods. It looks like all he has to do is flirting with the sales lady on the stores to get free foods.


Madison runs toward him and meets halfway. "Wow! Where did you get them, Papa?"

"I meet an old man. I helped him unload his deliveries then, he paid me with these."

"Wow! How good is he!" Madison praises.

"I'm sure you are hungry now. Let's prepare our breakfast. "

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"Ah, yes, Papa. But don't worry, I can bear it yet. I will make soup!"

"That's sounds good."

"Wow. Have you flirted the saleslady to get them, brother Quinn?" Levi asked when Quinn and Madison arrived in the hut.

"Huh? I'm not like you. I received them by my sweat," Quinn rolled his eyes.

Madison who was about to enter the small kitchen of this hut turned around. "Is that so?" her left brow rose upward, keenly staring at him.

"Ah, that's only for free food! There's no meaning about that!" Levi explained and Quinn cackle.

"Brother Quinn! Help me out a little!" he cried.

"Why would I?"

"Ah! Because I am innocent!"

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* * *

Basilica of Saint-Denis

Marivella and her family attended the holy mass today. After her relationship with Carlisle exposed, she began hearing these rumors and hatred talks. Even at the hospital, her coworkers gossiping about it. But she just shrugged her shoulder. These people don't know her, and she doesn't care about their opinions about her.

She loves Carlisle… and they love each other. But people accusing her as a social climber. She never dreams of the life the Aristocrat has. All she wanted is to love a man, and she will love back by him; together with building a family and living a simple life. That is all she is praying for.

Sadly, people easily to judge someone to where they went too far. One of Carlisle's family requests the hospital to fire her out. But if Charles did not defend her, and the director of the hospital did not base her performances on her work, she probably loses her job already. Gladly, she remains in the hospital because she is doing her job very well and no one could complain about it.

She shook her head and set aside her thoughts, the holy mass has offered. She followed her parents and two younger brothers heading to the door, but her father halted by Master Bastien. Her father works with the Bastien before. Even after hearing the gossips, the Bastien couple weren't changes but still treated them the same.

"We wanted to invite you to the restaurant. It's been a while since we sit on the same table, and have a long talk." Master Bastien's invitation to the family.

Marivella was walking quietly behind. She halted when gossip about her reaches on her ear.

"Look at her, even how her clothes have a beautiful style, still look cheap."

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"There is no cheaper than being a Mistress." One blurted out, which made other women snickers.

She presses her lips and suppresses to walk toward these women and slap their faces. But she must not worsen the situation and makes it even harder for her family. She resumes walking toward the door and leave this place. She is no one's mistress. Carlisle not yet married to no one. Although his engagement announced, he disagrees with his family.

"Hey, you!"

She halted.

"What are you wearing?" They question her clothes.

"Is it wrong to wear clothes similar to where I came from?" She replied calmly. She is wearing a Joseon Chima Jeogori.

"Huh? It looks trashed like you."

Marivella inhaled. The dress… it was her mother who tailored this dress. Before the family sailed to this country, her mother was working in the Palace of Joseon. She is like a junior on training to serve the Queen of Joseon. She will take care of her clothing, and so she specializes in making a dress. It became her work in Paris. Marivella's mother could make beautiful clothes. A lot of wealthy patrons and even lower rank of aristocracy love to order clothes to her mother. That's how their family is well known in this city. But compared to the Williams, or the Montfort and Bastien families, they were still a nameless one. They were just a foreign into this country.

She ignored those women. It tempted her to fight them back, but it won't worth a cent. Marivella walked past them, and she spotted Carlisle in the distance. His face is apologetic but sometimes glaring toward the women who talked to her. She could see a hand holding his arm, his mother.

'Did he want to help her out?' But his mother is holding him, and Duchess Genevieve is frowning at her.

She turned her back and left that place. But she heard a commotion. She glanced back at those women talking trashed at her which now screaming. She saw how their clothes stained by some liquid. Someone accidentally stumbles near them and it hurts the woman upon her fall.

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