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One evening last week...

Kier loosens his tie. The boss has been scolding everyone for a whole week already. His eardrums gonna explode if this continues.

Although he knew Shun very well, he has to act as an effective President of this huge corporation. The Crow Corporation has four hotels and one is located in Hawaii. The other one is in Singapore, another one in Italy which the first hotel and the Empire Dragon Hotel located in Mainland City.

Besides of, the corporation owns small hotels throughout the world like The Peninsula and Glass Garden. Shun bought it when he becomes the President for bigger events location in this large city and Blaire who manage it.

His secretary entered his office and places two folders on his table.

"Lorna, you can go home now," he said afterward. His secretary bowed then left his office.

He picks up the folder and put them inside his vault under his table. He rose from his chair and picks up his coat. He decided not to bring home any work tonight.

He took the lift and went down to one of the bars in this hotel. He needs a couple of rum. While he's taking the hallway, he comes across to a group of five men, and the person in the middle who pressing hard against the wall is a woman.

"Come with us!"

"No! Let me go!"

"How dare you!? After the boss been good to you? Come with us!"

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The woman was dragged in one of the private room on this floor. Aside from the bar and disco pub, the hotel offers a private family bar for exclusive drinking parties but must follow the strict rules Shun implemented in the hotel. No hostess or entertainers and drugs should be brought and serve.

Kier fixes his eyeglasses. He stopped in front of the private room those men entering awhile ago and kick the door forcefully.

"What? Who are you!?"

"Ah... I am sorry for my sudden appearance. I am here for some inspection."

"And who are you to do that!?" asked by a huge man who looks a hoodlum.

Kier began feeling pissed for this man. He looks at the man who seated in the long sofa who stands as the boss of this group. He knew this man.

"Senator Lou, I believe you knew that this is illegal."

The senator looks up at him, his face flashes a surprise and worries expression but then he smiles.

"Ah, Director Lawrence if I am not mistaken? You know, we are just having fun."

Kier's forehead was full of black lines now. How dare these people who won't follow the rules. Known as serving the country, but they are who actually not following any laws.

"Senator Lou, I believe, I don't need to clarify myself. But if you please, I could send to your office a copy of our Terms and Conditions to follow as a member of this Hotel." Kier's voice is full of threats.

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Only the VIP member is allowed to use any private bars inside the hotel. The members are aware of these strict laws. The smiles that planted in the senator's face now gone. Anger shows on his face but he keeps silent.

"Now, you can let the woman go. Miss, you can..." Before Kier could finish his sentence, the woman swiftly flees out of the room.

What an ungracious woman! Not even grateful to him for saving her. He is now pissing for real. After a few more words to the Senator, Kier leaves the VIP room.

Now he wants to drink more to wash his anger away. He sits on his same spot and the bartender right away serves his usual order. Of course, the crew knew him and he is free to drink all night. That's the power of being the higher Executive of this company. But he avoids drinking too much. His alcohol tolerance is average compared to the other men and even Rudolf is better than him when it comes to alcohol.

Being the house person for his entire youth to watch over his younger siblings, only during college he able to go out sometime because he spent most of his time studying and completing his Law course.

Well, the real reason is, he doesn't like DIRTY PLACES. That's all.

Kier finishing his first shot when a sad voice began singing. The woman has a very nice voice but why it is too sad?

After his third glass, Kier decided to go home. He was about to take a step when his phone ringing, it was his mother. He runs the door to answer it outside that cause him to bump into someone. He quickly apologizes without looking.

The man he bumped into got angry and wanted to chase him. But the nearest butler blocked his way and whispers something. The man became pale and the butler drags him into his table. A server arrives and handed him an unopened bottle of whiskey as a compensation. The man is quite happy and forgets the incident.

Outside, Kier answered his phone. His mother wanted him to come home and visit. His sister's birthday is close, she wanted to remind him about it.

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He was headed to the parking lot and ended the call once her mom finished. He needs to think of what best gift for his sister. She is the youngest among them 7, means, the princess of the family and she will be going to graduate from college soon.

Since their oldest got married and have his own family, he keeps looking out for his younger siblings. So his mother always comes to him to discuss things for his siblings. Well, he kind of happy about it anyways. Then, what will happen if he decided to create his own family?

Whatever. Why he will worry about that? He even has no girlfriend. The first and only girlfriend he has left him because he more gives time to his siblings than with her.

The things he won't trade his family. If the woman won't accept it, then she's not the one.

Kier was in front of his car when he heard some noises. He saw someone running towards his direction. The woman did not watch her way and that causes their body to clashed and fall in the ground. His head hit the hard floor.

He was surprised to see the woman from the VIP room. Then they both realize that she landed on top of his body. He pushed her and get up quickly.

The men who chase the woman stopped running forward. They recognized him so they were confused if they should chase her further.

The woman stood behind him. "Now come and get me!" she yells.

He turns his head to glance the woman. What is she doing?

"You will have to face my boyfriend!" she added that made him dumbfounded.

Who does she mean that her boyfriend? Kier thought confusingly.

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The woman holds his arm that made him shocked to the realization that the woman is using him.

"Come on honey, let's go." She said loudly.

What now???

The woman drags him and giving him signals through her eyes. Confused and upset at the same time, he drags the woman to his car.

Well, it seems effective because the men start retreating, but the leader keeps watching them so he starts the engine of his car and left the parking lot.

"What the hell is going on!?" he asked the woman after they left the hotel but the woman keeps her silence.

"Who are you? And why they were keep chasing you?"

"I will just answer your questions if you are a lawyer," the woman said rudely. She keeps looking outside of the window.

He was stunned then laughs hard. The woman turns her head and stares at him.

He stopped laughing then said, "I am a lawyer that's why I am questioning you. Huh?" He annoyingly told the woman.

Her big eyes grow wider.

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