My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 383

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The next day...

"Hey, wake up!" 

I could hear Mimie yelling at me. I groaned but did not attempt to move in the bed. I kept the covers on me and ignored her completely.

"Get up! Papa told us to bring you if we plan to wander around! We're going to Tokyo to meet Mama's friend. You better get dress now, Cassie! Mama doesn't want to be late for her meeting!"

My eardrums going to explode from Mimie's shrill voice. "I had a headache. I will just stay here in the hotel." I reason.

I waited for Mimie if how she would react, but she stays quiet for a long moment. I know she's even happier if I won't go.

"Humph, whatever," she mumbles.

What I heard next is a door slamming closed, and later on, the door opens again.

"Cassie, does your head bothering you again?" 

Uncle Martin asked me. I felt bad how I keep lying to him and making alibi, so then, they could leave me alone.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Martin."

"All right. Get more rest and take your medicine after the meal. I already ordered you some breakfast. I will be in a meeting all day, and Lydia has an important appointment in Tokyo. Call me if you needed anything or ask the front desk. I already ask for their help when you feel worse later."

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"Okay, Uncle Martin. Don't worry too much about me. I am fine alone." He looks not convinced, so I smiled to make him believe.

"Maybe I will ask Mimie to accompany you?" he suggested afterward.

"Oh, no. That is unnecessary, Uncle." That would ruin my plans! I was bewildered thinking Mimie will watch me. I have to act convincingly.

"I don't want to leave you alone here. But let me know if you feel anything." 

"Yes, Uncle Martin," I replied to him.

I sighed. But finally, Uncle Martin left me alone. Now my problem is the hotel staff. How could I sneak out? Better to disguise? I guess, I have to and it excites me! If I was never switching bodies with her, I would never learn to lie like this and never learn how to work hard just to see my boyfriend. Ah, I can't stop myself from giggling. Still like back in my present life.

* * *

"Quinn!" we hugged and kissed.

He is waiting at the entrance of the Subway. He looked too handsome today, he exactly looks like the Quinn I know. There are no traces of tension, and he doesn't look haggard either. Today, I am seeing a different Shun from the usual him I cross path back in Paris who seems like carrying all the problems in the world.

And to cope his days since Cassie died, he's killing himself through work to forget her. Those black lines on his forehead and bitter smile are gone but brighten them up. Although I know it was because of my Quinn inside him, I also like the 'Shun' I am seeing right now.

"Is there something wrong?"

He asked me when I seem to forget to blink while peering at him. I shook my head and tighten my hold around his waist. 

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"You shaved," I commented at his cleaner face.

He chuckled. "Yeah. I noticed how he let the hair grew, and it bothers me while kissing you."

It made me laughed hearing this from his mouth. I then blushed but tempted to kiss him.

"I am so happy today, Quinn," I uttered.

"So do I..." he kissed the tip of my nose. "Let's go?"

"Yep!" I nodded excitedly. 

Hand in hand, we took the stairs down to the subway station to take a bullet train toward Kyoto Prefecture. Seated side by side, I rested my head on his right shoulder. I felt when Quinn kissed my hair. I looked up and met his gorgeous blue eyes peering at me lovingly. If only we were in Paris, I won't mind kissing him even though in public places, or on a bus, as well in a packed up train like this one we're riding.

But back in Paris, people do not care, which here now, a lot of the commuters secretly glancing at us.

"I love you." 

Quinn whispered. Teary-eyed, I choke up. Speechless, I just lost the words instead. I let his sexy voice echoed inside my heart, keep it within me to remember when Quinn went back to his original body.

Our hands clasp tightly. Even Quinn won't say it, but I could sense he doesn't want us to separate from each other. I don't want to this happen either. I prayed for the time to stop, and never move but Quinn and I stay holding like this.

We're arriving at the Kyoto Station when I heard a group of teenagers talking about us.

"You do understand what they were talking about, isn't it?" Quinn asked me.

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"Yes. They are curious how old I am as you look way older than me." I replied to him, titter.

"Silly girl, are you made fun of me?"

My giggles turn into a laugh. I was amused staring at Quinn pouting. So I tease him further.

"It is true, anyway. I just turned fifteen and Shun is twenty-seven years old. Which, you are thirty back in our real life and I will be eighteen soon." 

"So, I cannot complain if people would call me a pedophile?" He sighed.

"But they don't know our story and their opinion does not matter at all. This is between you and me, no one else." I told Quinn to comfort him.

"It consists of only two people to create the world no one knows, but us... and this is our world."

I nodded at Quinn as to agree in his insights.

"You did mature now. I had a feeling that you understand more than I am about the situation we have now."

I smiled at him. Maybe Quinn is right. Since I have been trapped in this life, it taught me a lot of realization about the things I did, and things I haven't done toward the people dear to me.

I badly wanted to go back in my real life with Quinn, and cherish every moment that I had to be with Mama and Papa. They often away because of the nature of their work. But being the Cassie in this life, who lost her parents, these open my eyes.

I am too lucky they are alive in my present life. They may be away because of their profession, I have all the life that I want to be, back then.

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Cassie and Shun suffer a lot in this life. I had this guilt that I did not attempt to tell him she's alive; so that his sufferings ended. Also, I cannot reveal to Cassie that there is someone who loves her dearly, and she's never alone all these years, but they often cross paths and been together all the time.

They were so close to each other, but there was this mysterious wall between them and that is me.

"What you were thinking?"

Quinn tucked in the strands of hair behind my ear. He notices I keep a long moment of silence. We were now outside of Kyoto Station and began walking toward our first destination, the Higashi Honganji Temple. I looked up at him.

"Do you think this is the right time Shun should know that Cassie is alive?"

"Are you thinking to leave some clues to him?"

I nodded. Quinn holds my chin, and a sweet kiss planted on my lips. "Then let me handle it."

"Quinn!" Tears escaped from my eyes. I did not anticipate this but maybe this is the best thing to do for ourselves. We just wanted to be happy and love each other. If we hold the truth, then let us reveal the truth to ourselves in this life.

"Let me talk to myself." He swore.

Handsomely, sweet smile tore his tempting lips. So I got a taste of them ignoring this public display in the middle of the street in Kyoto central.

I am uncertain what is Quinn's plans to reveal to Shun that Cassie is alive. But whatever it is, Quinn knew what he needs to do.

"I love you so much, Quinn!" I expressed after I parted my lips from him.

I don't know, but I am truly happy. Maybe I was excited for Shun and Cassie to meet soon.

It is time to end their suffering...

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