My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 388

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Kier came back home. He caught Shun had a video meeting with Rudolf and Meisha over. He quietly sat on the empty sofa across Shun and just listens to their conversation. Not long after, Shun ended the meeting and turned off his laptop.

"You are leaving too soon?" Kier asked afterward.

"Yes. But I will see you when I visited New York soon. When will you go back?"

"My flight back to the US is the next day after tomorrow. I'm just home to celebrate my parents' 30th wedding anniversary tomorrow. They were happy to see you again, why not staying for another day?"

"I am happy to see them again, but I have things to work out. Anyway, you'll complete the law course in a few months."

"Yes. Do you plan to hire me?" Kier smirked. Although he sounded like jesting on Shun, he is serious and prepares to work with him.


"What happens? You wouldn't just show up here."

Shun laughs. "You are undoubted as your father's son."

"Hey! Is that even a compliment?"

"Nah. You and Uncle Andrew just asking me the same thing."

"Hmm…" Kier pushed a left brow upward. Well, he knew him well. There must be a huge reason.

"All right. Let me prepare lunch for your parents. My visit is so sudden, and so I have prepared nothing."

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"They won't mind though and you shouldn't just cook a meal for them, but for me too." 

Kier is too serious that Shun wasn't sure if he's just showing how he misses him.

"What?" Kier glare at Shun when he looks stunned staring at him.

"Did you miss me?"

"Why would I? And who are you? My boyfriend?" Kier blurted out that made Shun laugh hard. "Anyway, French and Italian cuisine would be a nice menu for lunch. Since you'll leave too soon, you must prepare a lot more," Kier's demands.

"I can't believe it." Shun chuckles. "When I become your boss, you can't order me like this."

"Yeah. So I am taking advantage of the opportunity I could order you around."

They now headed to the kitchen and Shun shaking his head with a huge smile on his lips.

"Do you remember when is it the last time you smile this sheer?" Kier notices.

Shun stopped laughing. He ponders at Kier's remarks. When is it the last time?

"I guess it was during Cassandra's 12th birthday," he answered.

"And you just smile like this again, because?"

"She's alive."

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Kier paused from taking a step. Stunned, he glances at Shun with perplex expression.

Shun nodded at him and went on. "However, I didn't know where she is."

"And do you think that dad knew something?"

Shun nodded. "Yes, and so I am making careful plans and decisions."

"Then, informed me if you began moving."

"What moving? Did I miss something? Hum?" Daichi who approached secretly from behind, he jumps on them and then placing each of his arms into Kier and Shun's shoulder.

"Nothing," Kier snaps.

"Eh? Why not sharing to me!" he demanded.

"Would you stop acting childish?" Kier pouted, trying to shrug Daichi's arm.

"What? I am just asking properly!"

"Whatever…" he rolled his eyes.

"Why you are always acting like an old man?" Daichi commented at Kier who it pisses him now.

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"Daichi Isagawa!"

Shun sneakily resumes walking. He chuckles while leaving the two behind. It looks like there is another childish fight. He thought. 

Well, he's glad that his friends were still the same. It seems, he is just the one who turns his back to the world when he thinks; it is the end of everything and his life has no meaning at all after he heard that Cassandra died along with her parents.

To treat his friends, Shun used his training to make different cuisines. With the help of Kier and Daichi, they amazed Lawrence's family at how these three men working in the kitchen.

Karl, Michelle, and Anna joined them after they heard that Shun had a surprise visit. Everyone is happy to see him again.

* * *

After lunch, Kier and Daichi sent him off to the airport.

"I'll contact you when I arrive in New Jersey," he told Kier.

Daichi parked his car in this airport parking lot and the three of them step out.

"Shun, why so sudden? We're not hanging out, yet!" his complaints. 

"Save it soon…" his reply to Daichi.

"Huh?" it puzzles him.

"Until then, you'll be in my side 24/7." his remarks.

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Daichi and Kier glance at each other. It was Daichi who shows excitement. "I like that!"


"Count me in. If you plan to go to hell, then I'll follow you anywhere."

The three of them threw knuckles at each other. Daichi and Kier drop him inside at the airport. He is determined to find her and get justice to the death of her parents and this what he aims to start investigating.

Shun now sat on his seat. He took out a photo and traces his fingers to the girl's face. She was even getting beautiful as each year passed. He murmurs to himself.

In the picture, Cassandra smiled happily, and he leans forward to kiss her forehead. He takes out another photo, and this one, they were kissing like it is a normal thing between them.

But strange. Why does he have no recollection that he has done these things and even Cassandra? Isn't she supposed to remember that they were together in Japan?

Andrew said she has amnesia and cannot remember since the day of her 12th birthday. But why does she remember him when he was like possesses by someone? Could be possible that Cassandra was like possess too? Because she seems not remembering him. If she does, she would look for him already.

Now he's very curious. After Doctor Dave Williams died, there was a diary pass to him. But he forgets it when the Young's died.

He wonders where is she now. According to Riley, the Castillo family probably had left Japan. Rudolf tried to get their whereabouts, but they already checked out from the hotel. If they flew back to Paris or which country, he would find her.

"Wait for me, Cassandra."

Shun once again stares at the photo, then held out another one and this time; the image showing how he and Cassandra kissed affectionately. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and he holds her waist both of his hands; their bodies pressing together…

Seeing this, it made him blush and his heart beating crazily again. He is missing her badly.

Maybe he must thank the person who possesses him. But he wants the memory to remain. He wants to recall all the times that he and Cassandra were together.

He's intrigued. Now he can't stop talking to himself. "Who are you?"

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