My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 398: 398

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There is another explosion, and it looks like it was just below to this gallery, where the guests' cabin's located.

Madison staggered and thrown on the bed, while the prince falls on the floor. She quickly gets up and runs outside. Leaving the prince inside the room, she quickly locked the door from outside with the spear she found hanged in the wall; she places it horizontally to prevent the door from opening.

Before she went to the upper deck, she took off the flashing dress she wore: underneath is a man's get-up. Tying her head into a ponytail and reach out to her pocket to take out a handkerchief to cover her face, Madison blended the soldier outside whose everyone was in turmoil to find out why there are explosions.

Soon they heard gunshots below deck. She prayed that Levi and Quinn were all right. But her aim is the captain of this ship. He was now on the wheel. She runs toward him and in instance; she hit on the neck. It was strong enough to lose consciousness.

She takes over the steering wheel and leads the ship toward the small island. The naval ships keep sending signals, asking what is happening to the Prince's ship. But as no one responding, nothing they could do but following them patiently. They can't aid when they can't confirm if the prince even safe.

Steering this wheel is such heavy work; than that modern yacht, she uses to steer.

"You!" A soldier pointed her a gun. "Who are you?" he asked while slowly climbing the staircase.

Gladly, Aleksi saved her, for she knew him as Meisha, reincarnated in the future. She nodded at him, and he began firing the soldier that approaching them from below deck.

Aleksi helps not only because he feels debts from Marivella, but he wants to take revenge on the captain of this ship.

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He found him lying on the floor after Madison knocks him down. Aleksi kicks him to wake up. He dragged him to tie in the post of this ship.

It surprised her to witness him doing that, but she needs to take care of steering this wheel.

The wind is on their side. She can bring the ship ashore to the nearby shoreline. She bet; the naval ships that following them, confused about what was happening. They can't fire them as the prince and Marivella boarded at this ship.

She focuses on steering, bringing the ship away from the rocky shallow side of this water channel. She was kind of familiar with this island as she did study about geography and even the old maps, the first maps of the early expeditions.

But then, Prince Yoo Joon now marching toward her. He picks up the gun he found on the floor and reloads a gun powder while coming closer. He then pointed the gun at her.

Sweat rushes to her forehead. She prepared to hide once the prince shot her. And he did.

Madison takes cover behind the steering. The gunshots missed out, she wonders. She peeps out and seeing Quinn now fighting with the prince.

Before the explosion...

Aleksi is working in the port and been on many expeditions. He was a boy since he began working on a ship. It appointed him to lead this expedition with the prince. But the captain of this ship rapes his neighbor's daughter.

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The girl works in the kitchen. But the captain saw her and requested the tavern owner to bring her to this voyage as his sex slave. And his stomach cannot take it. They kept the girl inside the captain's cabin, and the mother begs him to save her. He owes them big, and he wants to return the favor.

He waited for this girl name Carlene to give him a go once they sailed out after an hour.

But she's still not coming out. And then he saw the prince knocking on the door. He has an unpleasant feeling. And so, he freed Henry and Edward— who was hiding in the cargo boxes in the storage.

He pulls out the nails from the boxes. He left and guard the storage room door. Henry and Edward push the cover and then get up from lying inside.

"Dang! I never imagined I would experience this, brother Quinn."

"Shush! Keep your voice down."

He heard the two people from the future talked. Until now, he can't believe it. Could be possible? Then let it be. His purpose here is to end this Captain's greed.

Aleksi spotted two Korean soldiers passing the storage room. He stops them and gestured to come with him. He learns a bit the language. They followed him inside. Once they were in, Levi and Quinn jumped on them and strip them.

They hide the bodies, but they were just unconscious. At that moment, they commence their plans. Aleksi shows them where the bombs stored. Since they knew the language, the soldiers become confused and thought it was just an accident. But there is another explosion, and then they start suspecting and so, they began shooting them.

While Levi firing back, a few ports' workers boarded in this ship were helping them. So Quinn left to look for Madison, and he saw the Prince shooting her. He attacked him, and the prince throwing a punch. He dodges it and then; the prince began fighting using modern Martial Arts.

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Quinn glared at him. While he's blocking his kicks, he waited for the perfect timing to catch him. When he could hold his leg, he pushes him on the side, pinning on a post.

"Who are you!" Quinn asked the Prince. He holds him on the neck while his other hand trying to press him.

"And why I have to answer you? You have no right to know unless once I killed you, I might reveal to you who I am," the prince hissed, grinning.

"Like I would let you! What are you planning to do with Marivella!?"

"Wow. Why you are concerned about her?"

After saying this, Prince Yoo Joon pushes Quinn and now, he was the one who pinned on a wall. "And who are you to question me?"

Prince Yoo Joon grabs Quinn's jaw and his fake beard falls out, revealed his face. "You!" he seems shocked.

"Carlisle! How did it happen? They sent you to the war against the British Empire!"

"You did know about this stuff, huh?" Quinn sneered.

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"Wait, you are not Carlisle! You are Klein Williams!"

Quinn wondered why this man calling him Klein. He then realized, Klein is Carlisle's twin brother.

"He was sailing toward New France."

"No. I could feel your soul, Klein Williams!"

"How certain are you? You must be mistaken. I am not Klein, but I am Carlisle."

"Yes, you are!" he hissed. "I knew the difference! Besides, I sealed Carlisle's fragment of soul in the life that does not exist anymore! Do you know what is that? And since you hear some information about the future comes, you must die, Klein Williams! I do desires, to kill you before you will be reborn in the 19th century!"

"What did you say?" this revelation shocks him. "There is a fragment of Carlisle's soul in that life?"

Is this the reason that Cassandra keeps going back on that life? Because he is not a whole but a part of him left in that life?

Imprison? Trapped?

Quinn seriously confused, and in great wonder.

He was reborn in the 19th Century? What is going on here!? He screams inside his head.

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