My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 406: 406

"Masters... I'm sorry to interrupt, but Miss Cassie lost consciousness," Pete reported.

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Quinn and the others having a serious talk about how to stop Shun Crow creating a life that does not exist anymore. Hearing Cassandra in such a situation, Quinn runs towards Cassie's bedroom without delay; everyone follows him.

"Maybe they switch bodies again?" Levi's view.

"I prayed it's the case, Levi." It was Nicholas who replied to him.

Stepping inside the room, Quinn at once questions Ken Chen. "Ken! You are watching her! What happens?"

"She was reading a book, but suddenly Cassie collapsed," Ken explained. He could see the cares in Quinn's face and the people who followed him. It seems everyone worries about Cassie this much. He witnesses these days he was here in Paris.

Quinn sat on the bed and reached for Cassie's forehead. It's a normal temperature. She appears to have no fever.

"Is she crying?" Quinn asked. Drying Cassie's wet cheeks.

Ken nodded. He feels pressures being stared by everyone whose Cassie's life was truly important to them. "I don't know what book it was. But she's reading it even though there's nothing written on it."

They stare at each other. Everyone thought about how Cassie got the book.

"What? Why are you guys exchanging glances?" curiously, Ken demanded.

"Where is that book now?"

"I left it behind in the garden. I cannot get a hold on it, so…"

"What kind of cannot?" It was Madison who threw questions at him.

He meets Madison's gaze. If his body is a reincarnation of Dae-Hyun and Hwa-Young's twin son, Madison is his sister from Marivella's original life.

"Uncle Ken?"

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'Uncle Ken? If only you know who I was,' he thought. "Um, I never saw that book before and—"

"It's the book." Leroy came in and showed the book he picked up from the garden. He wrapped it with a red cloth.

"What is happening here?" asked Derek who just arrived.

"Derek! Thank god, you are here. Cassandra lost consciousness. We're trying to figure out if she is just switching bodies with our Cassandra."

"Okay. Let me check on her! Give me a room for a minute." Derek requested everybody to go out.

They all waited in a lounge, not so far away from Cassie's bedroom. Quinn was restless, walking back and forth in the hallway. Seeing Derek coming out of the room, he meets him halfway.

"What's wrong with Cassandra? Is she alright?"

Derek scrutinized Quinn with a meaningful gaze. He needs to gather his courage to announce what he found out about Cassandra's condition.

"Derek? What? Don't make me nervous like this."

"You guys should watch her all the time from now on," he began.

"What's the matter, Derek? Don't give us this thrill." 

"She's pregnant."


Everyone stares at Quinn who tried to process what Derek has just said. Tearing a teasing smile, Derek smacks Quinn's back.

"Congratulations, man!

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"Congratulations, Papa!" 

Madison hugs him. Speechless, emotion flooded his chest. He and Cassandra had another child. "Madison, you're having another sibling."

"Yes, papa! Although it was a sibling in another lifetime, I was happy to meet him or her papa! What do you think, big brother? We will have a baby brother or a baby sister?" Madison asked Nicholas cheerfully.

"Hmm, something to look forward to. It was wonderful news. We should celebrate soon. But I don't think Landon would be happy with the news."

"Ah, I'm prepared for his loud voice nagging you, brother Quinn!" Levi retorted.

Quinn chuckles, but he realizes that someone hasn't known everything yet. Quinn glanced at Ken, who's shocked by what he learned.


Everyone looks at him. They forget that they were to hide the information from him, as they were suspecting him and Kenneth about troubling the past life and plotting to kill Carlisle Williams.


Now, another child of Carlisle Williams will be born soon in this lifetime. But it confused him why Madison called Nicholas a big brother. How does that happen? Ken watched them with shock.

"Madison… Why are you calling Chairman Nicholas as big brother?"

Madison glanced at Quinn and Nicholas. She's asking their permission if they have to tell him the truth.

Staring at each other, Quinn and Nicholas nodded. Madison turned to Ken with a serious expression on her face.

"We have no plan to tell you anything yet because we suspected that you or Uncle Kenneth could travel time and almost kill Papa from our last time traveling. Now tell us the truth, Uncle Ken. Are you plotting to kill Papa Quinn or Carlisle in the past and the future?" asked Madison without restraint.


He doesn't know what expression he'll show to Quinn Williams or his father from another lifetime. He could sense how this body reacted to hear the marvelous news. He doesn't own this body, but he felt its heart beating… and him, is just a mere lost soul, stealing this body and this life.

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And the soul of this original body now experiences what he gets through for a hundred years. He knows how lonely to be trapped in darkness, like inside in a cold box, and being alone. Soon, the real soul of this body he is using will confound anger and begin seeking revenge. He knew these because he was once the lost soul.

Likely him and Kenneth. The worst part, Kenneth was only born out of his anger. Meaning, there are four who will seek revenge on him and Kenneth soon.

Yes, he realizes that they were just repeating things.

'How to stop this?' Ken asked himself. 'It seems, things just keep repeating. There must be something wrong here. It could be possible? Meddling in the past made the future tangle too many unordinary things at the moment.'

'Cassandra is switching bodies to the other her, and such things happening in that life that it never occurs in this life. I need to talk to Kenneth about this…' Ken thoughts. He looks up and meets Madison's gaze.

Now, Madison questioned him, in which he's not prepared to answer because it confused him of what is his true purpose in life. He was here for revenge, right? He fell into deep thoughts once again. Why does everything feel just meaningless?

Ken came back to his senses when he felt a warm palm clasping his.


"You're my brother?"

Everyone was surprised by what Madison had burst out.

"Madison? What are you talking about?" Quinn asked.

They noticed Madison holding Ken's hand. Does it mean she sees either his past or the future…

"What did you foresee, Madison?"

"It was Mama, she was singing a lullaby to a twin that looks like him. And papa was… I mean, it resembles him," she gestured at Ken. "He's carrying the other twin."

Ken also sees this episode. One sat in Hwa-Young's lap and one Dae-Hyun carried in his arms.

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"Young-Soo's fever hasn't gone down yet."

"Mama, I will become a doctor to take care of Young-Soo!" said Young-Min.


"But I want to become a general like you, Papa."

"Hah! Then, eat those vegetables your mama wants to feed you. Also, a man should eat more meat!"

"I will!"

Ken drops his body to the floor, keeling on his knees after seeing a glimpse of the past.

"Madison… What did you foresee is life after RESET, back in the 1800s."

"LADY ISABELLA!" they said at once, except for Quinn and Ken who not yet meet her in person.

"RESET back in the 1800s? It's not from the other life that does not exist anymore?"

"The RESET must happen together in great timing... both the past and future."

"What are you speaking about?" asked Ken. 

He finally meets Lady Isabella. The Dark Shaman told them about her, that he once helped Lady Isabella to grant a life of no death.

Ken meets Isabella's sharp gaze at him. Her statement shocks him.

"You do not belong to this lifetime, Dae-Hyun Chen. You died a long time ago. But supposed to be born once again after Klein Williams reborn in your body. However, your lost soul drifted toward the dark place in the hands of the dark shaman."

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