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The moment Shun entered the Supermarket, he got the attention of the shoppers immediately.

He pulls one big cart but Thomas stopped him. "Master, let us push the cart for you."

"It's alright, just take another one."

"Okay…" the bulk man is hesitant, but then he just follows quietly.

Shun wander his eyes around the store, it was huge. He remembered during High School, this market is not this big yet. He read the directions of the store and where could find the ingredients and seasonings.

The market was filled with housewives and housemaids. All eyes darted on him. Their mouth left open and eyes were all gleaming.

God must be in a good mood today for blessing them a beautiful sight. Their boring life every day as plain housewives has brought sunshine even just for today.

Shun passes to a group of middle-aged housewives. He greeted them and the ladies squeal like teenagers.

Another group of housewives whispering at each other. They all scanned this Greek God that surprisingly had lost in the supermarket. They believe he is not just some ordinary man. His shoes up to his business suit that looks are personally made. This man is wealthy. They even thought about, that maybe he is the owner of this market.

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"Who's husband is this?"

"How lucky the wife of this man to go shopping instead!"

"Argh… I wished my husband would do the shopping once in a while."

"My husband never go to market! If I let him, he'll just end up buying the rotten vegetables and stuff that almost the expiry date!"

Gossips uproar inside the supermarket comparing their husbands and who's the losers one. The three men that following Shun cannot avoid not to scratch their heads. The talks were too loud not to hear. How pity to all husbands who were gossips by their own wives. Then how about them as husbands who work hard to bring money to feed their family?

Then they can't argue. Maybe once in a while, they should drive their wives to the supermarket, for the least they can do.

Shun check the brands of the seasonings he found in the stands. Many that he is familiar and some aren't. He chooses those seasonings that he is familiar and the best quality.

Of course, taking over to run the Crow Corporation hotels, learning all the kinds of spices and seasonings is part of his training.

He travels the world to learn the different cuisines and native foods of many countries like; India, Japanese food, Chinese cuisine, popular Korean spicy food, Italians pasta, and even the exotic foods and anything that taste best.

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Surprisingly, Cassie could cook very well. It is not a talent but her Gift. Something your taste buds longing for it.

Shun was about to stretch his arm when he realized, it is uncomfortable. He took off his black suit and about to put in the cart.

"Master! Let me hold the coat for you," said of Thomas company.

"Ah, it's okay." He tried to refuse.

"I'll hold it for you, Master!" He is scratching his chin. "This coat cost more than our annual income. Hehe…"

Shun is a bit surprised then stare at the man's eyes. "Okay." He decided to agree with him. "Thank you," he said.

"It's a small thing, Master."

Shun pulled his tie and rolls his long sleeves… he then continued shopping looking for the spices that written on the screenshot photos Joanna sent him.

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He found the rest he needed. These spices are good to store for a month or two, as long as not contacted into the water, and some are good to stay refrigerated.

He roams the rest of the supermarket to check everything that was displayed. Still, the shoppers were in dazed staring at him. He just ignored them and continued shopping. He paused for a moment and step back. His eyes caught something. The market also displayed all kinds of kitchen appliances.

Shun found 3-door giant refrigerators. The fridge in the Young Mansion still working good and not that old yet, but all the items he'd buy won't fit in. He glances at the three full carts.

"Good morning, sir! Do you want to check out our cooler and refrigerators? We have the latest ones!"

"Okay, I wanna see them... Shun pointed the biggest ones."

"Yes, sir! Please come." The salesman began doing his sales talk and showing the different brand of the latest refrigerators.

The salesman introduced a certain brand, but Thomas whispers on him about the best motor and cooling capacity. Of course, he is an expert on that. He is a mechanical engineer and he will be the one who will install the air-condition of the covered court he built.

"I will choose that one."

"Ah, okay sir! Are you sure this one you want?" The salesman tried to insist on the other brand but Thomas began comparing the two brand and their capacity and condition. The salesman become paler, he knew of course but he has to do a sales talk to sell his displays. He has no choice but to give what Shun wanted to purchase.

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Shun also purchased a multipurpose cooking range with a two-oven stove with a grilling cooktop.

Thomas told the salesman to deliver the appliances to his Construction Firm.

After completing all he needed, they brought the carts to the cashier and requested to box them very well.

Other rumors could be heard from the shoppers.

"Ah… what a perfect husband!"

"I wished my husband will buy me that kind of cooking stove!"

"That's my dreamed kitchen stove! I would not mind cooking all day!"

Shun just scratch his temple from the talks he heard around. He felt that his phone was vibrating. He checks the messages he receives and found one text from Cassie, asking if he already tried the food she sent and if he is eating the lunch now.

The housewives that gather around the cashier rows wanted to pass out after seeing his smile while replying Cassie's text.

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