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Cassie leans on the headboard. There are memories she can't remember. Still, she can't find the answers to why she is afraid to sleep alone during rainy and stormy nights. She thought she can get over it when she gets older.

She can remember most of her childhood but she has a feeling, there is a very important part of her memories are missing.

What exactly happens 6 years ago? Why she can't sleep alone during rainy nights?

When she arrives in Paris, things are good in the beginning. But since then, through time, she becomes anxious, and restless when it's raining at night. Grateful of her Uncle Martin's wife has a daughter she could share the room and she would not alone during those nights.

Her uncle often told Mimie to accompany her. She saw him giving Mimie more money when she does that. Maybe that is why she let herself be blind of everything her aunt Lydia did. As long as they won't leave her like the rest of her loved one that left her alone.

Still, they were left her alone, again. But…

Shun. He stayed with her all night. She never has a peaceful sleep than last night. However, how long he'll stay by her side? How long he will show her comfort and security? How long she should have cherishes the moments he made her feel loved before he will abandon her one day like everyone else?

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Those she did love just left her. She wipes the tears that escape from her eyes. She steps down from the bed then went to the bathroom, and washed her face along with the tears that won't stop coming from her eyes.

One day, he will leave as well…


Shun came back to her bedroom carrying a tray full of foods. Following him behind is Mr. Son carrying a tray of a teapot and two teacups.

After Mr. Son places the tray on the coffee table inside her bedroom, the butler left and close the door.

Cassandra now changed into warm house clothes when Shun's came back.

"Glad you are now awake. Let's have breakfast first before I'll change the bandages," Shun smiled but that smile replaced with puzzled, his forehead showing black lines while staring at her face.

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"Have you cried?" he asked her. He held Cassie's chin and lifts it up for him to have a better look on her eyes.

"Oh… no brother Shun! I did not… it is just," she tried to think of how she should lie to him. "The facial wash, it gets into my eyes and I did wash it off over again and rubs my eyes."

"Okay… are you sure it is not stinging anymore?" he asked worriedly.

"Uhm… am fine, brother Shun. Don't worry, thank you."

"Alright then… come, let's now eat." Shun let go of her chin.

Cassie blushingly nodded and sit quietly on the sofa. Shun sit beside her and began placing the plates full of food in front of her. He asked her what sandwiches she likes; from peanut butter, special mayo whipped cream, jams and another sandwich spread she doesn't familiar with.

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She chooses the jam. She thanked him and began biting the toasted bread Shun whipping some jam on it. Taste good. They continued having breakfast together with light talks. She was glad he didn't mention yet, about her escape.

What answer she should tell him if he'll ask? Could she reveal that she was looking for her brother?

She was in the middle of her thoughts when a lightning flash strikes on the sky then followed by a loud rumbling of thunder.

Shun felt when Cassie jolted from her seat. The weather outside is getting worst. The sky is getting darker than yesterday and the wind slamming the mansion windows.

Cassie felt when Shun grabs her hand and softly squeezing it like telling her it's alright, he was by her side. She stared at their hands before she looks up and meets his gazes.

She was holding back her tears so she looks away to avoid his intent gazes like he was looking at her very soul. But before she could turn her head, Shun holds her chin and kiss her.

Wait... She froze from her seat. Her eyes stayed wide open staring blankly on the wall. She did feel Shun's lips against hers. He was kissing her!?

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Her heart beats went crazy, it's loud and was deafening her. She was never been kissed before, of course. That is why she doesn't know how to respond to his kisses, not mentioning she was still shocked by his action.

She was in dazed feeling the sensation of how to be kissed by someone... someone who already has a place inside of her heart.

Shun deepening his kisses did not give up and waiting for her to open her mouth. He let go of her hand then carefully grab her neck to pull her closer.

Cassie sighed and give up. She let him in to lead her. Shun's soft kisses are becoming demanding. She could feel his hunger to explore inside her mouth, like longing her for so long already.

Shun... he somewhat different this morning. But his passionate kisses made her weak to think anymore. She reaches his left shoulder and holds onto his shirt.

"Cassandra," Shun parted his lips from her for them to catch their breath. She was just staring at him dazedly. He was about to kiss her again when someone knocks on the door.

Shun closes his eyes and sighed furiously. What now?

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