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Evening… Cassie asked Shun if she could make the dinner tonight. Shun likes the idea because he also misses her cooking.

Shun is currently doing weekend work at home because he wanted to finish everything before he will fly back to the island with Cassandra.

Meanwhile, the girls are helping Cassie in the kitchen after hearing she will make their dinner. Since Kier working on the weekend, Jean came along and staying at the mansion as well. She has been rehearsing every day at Glass Garden as for the preparation of her first event next week.

While Cassie is preparing the ingredients, they can't avoid not noticing that shiny thing on her finger. Blaire who can't wait to ask.

"Tell me, did my brother give that as?"

Cassie blushed, then nodded. These women are older than her that's why she is a little bit embarrassed to open up. Both Jean and Blaire is 26 older then Riley is 29 years old, the oldest one among them.

"You mean, my brother truly propose to you? I mean, finally, he has courage!?" Blaire burst out.

She is a little confused about what Blaire said that "finally he has courage" is this means, Shun has been really planning to propose to her? She was thinking now of how long then that Shun has a feeling for her? Is it love at first sight at their first meeting at the Villa? When?

Cassie has been lost in her thought but the girls been hugging her and congratulate her.

At the moment, the men were seriously discussing their work matter when they heard screaming and giggling from the girls in the kitchen. The four men wonders except for their boss.

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Later then, Meisha received a text from Blaire saying her brother has proposed to Cassie. Meisha forwarded the message to Kier, Daichi and Rodulf.

Daichi wanted to make a reaction but Kier and Rudolf quickly covered his mouth and hold him still not to make any obvious movements. He was receiving meaningful gazes from the three men.

On the other hand, their boss truly not on himself and lost in his own world. He has been this happy since morning. He even smiling while reading the papers on his hand and making calm corrections on the file errors.

So this is why boss acting strangely? They thought.

When the girls finished cooking and done setting the dining table, they finally called the men.

Now seated in the same table with the boss and Cassie, the four men saw Cassie's engagement ring on her middle finger. So, their boss really know how to propose? They never have imagined because he was just dumped every girl who confesses to him back in High School and College. Truly there's only one woman he loves ever since.

After dinner, Shun walks Cassie towards the greenhouse. There is a hammock Shun put up. He rides first then pulled Cassie to join him. He embraces her while they were watching the full moon tonight. It was beautiful.

Cassie would not remember, she was just a baby that time that they were watching the moon from their bedroom window and she will be pointing at the beautiful moon like she was amazed by that big circle in the sky. He wished he could tell her that.

He grasps her hand and let them entwined... he patted light kisses on the back of her hand, she was staring at him flushingly. He was too beautiful under the moonshine he can't help to not kissing her.

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He wished this is all just a dreamed that even when he woke up, this dream would still be the reality.

"It's getting colder, let's go back in the mansion."

Tonight, they just satisfied to embrace each other through the night.


"Honey, how's Quinn?" he heard Hannah's voice. He forces himself to open his eyes.

"I've talked to my professors back in the US, they will introduce me to the doctors they knew that specializing Quinn's condition," Landon answered his wife.

"Do you mean is?"

"Yes, the doctor said, the operation only done in New York. In fact, there is a doctor that was scheduled to move in the country and she was practicing Quinn's cases. We could ask for her advice."

"Then? What we should do next?"

"They will give him a free procedure, but the rest including Quinn's continued medication, we have to prepare the needed. Am already contacted his relatives asking their permission to adopt Quinn so that we can use my family resources in the US. Is that okay?"

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"Of course! But is there something wrong?"

"Kind of... his relatives asking for a hundred grand."

"What!? What kind of relatives they are! Am not surprised, they even refused to take him in at the beginning!"

"Yes. I'll do what I can."


He saw Cassandra's hand stretching towards him wanted to be carried by him. His tears falling from his eyes. He wanted to carry her too but each day, his body is weakening.

"Shush... Cassandra, Quinn has to take a rest, okay? Mama will carry you."

"Quinn!" Cassandra began crying.

"Hi! Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! Why are you crying, baby?"

"Ah... she wants to be carried by her big brother," Hannah who answered.

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"Oh, I see... that's cute. My son doesn't like babies, especially his dad left us so he has no sibling," she laughs bluntly.

"Oh, am sorry! I haven't introduced myself, yet. I am Doctor Helen Lao. Hi Quinn! I'll be your new doctor, okay?"

Helen then turns to the Young couple and start talking about his condition but Cassandra cried again.

"Aw, baby..." Helen tried to play with her. She saw her son peeping on the glass window by the door. She gestured him to come inside. Her son shyly entered the room.

"This is my son Rudolf... he's following me around because we just arrived in this city last week, he has no friends yet." Helen continues talking and her son looks uncomfortable that she is talking about him.

"Sweety, why don't you bring Cassandra to my clinic?" she told her son.

Rudolf was stunned. He just stared his mother and Helen given him meaningful gazes.

"Is that, okay?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, don't worry... my clinic is like a playhouse," she smiled. "She would love there."

Rudolf is hesitant because someone is giving him a dangerous look. He sighed. But he can't refuse because he knew his mother very well, she would nag him later.

He took Cassandra from Hannah and ignoring those dagger looks following him until he stepped out of the room.

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