Chapter 1215: Lick Her Wound

Most importantly, Nuannuan fell for Chi Yang’s tricks so foolishly.

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Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by fatigue.

These two unbelievably strong men were clearly not childish, but when they lived together, one was more childish than the other.

About clothes…

Was it not Big Brother Chi Yang who was in charge of tidying up? Nuannuan was the one who had to ask Big Brother Chi Yang whenever she could not find her clothes!

However, in front of Feng Shengxuan, Nuannuan would never embarrass her man by exposing his lies.

Nuannuan got up. “I’ll find your shirt for you.”

Then, Feng Shengxuan was dumbfounded to realize that Nuannuan chucked him, the terminally sick patient, to find clothes for Chi Yang.

After passing through the door, Nuannuan was about to say something when Chi Yang bent down and kissed her on the lips.

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Chi Yang only let go after giving her an intense kiss.

Although it was not long, the kiss sent Nuannuan’s world spinning.

“Big Brother Chi Yang…”

Even though it was just a kiss, Chi Yang’s voice became slightly hoarse at that moment. He explained very simply, “Let me wash your eyes.”

Nuannuan, “…” Why did he think kissing her would wash her eyes?

Could his explanation be any less mindful?

Then, Chi Yang opened up the cupboard and found a shirt to put on. He turned around and said shamelessly to Nuannuan, “Put it on me.”

This was the first time Nuannuan had seen Big Brother Chi Yang acting like a child. Her heart started beating like a little drum. She walked up to him and reached out to pull his collar, preparing to button him up.

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However, Big Brother Chi Yang reached out and wrapped her hands in his.

The next moment, Nuannuan felt Big Brother Chi Yang’s warmth as his hands engulfed hers, guiding her hands onto his body until her fingers touched the now hot skin where his heart was.

The moment Nuannuan’s hands came into contact with his skin, Chi Yang, who usually strictly suppressed himself, let out a moan.

Feng Shengxuan, who was lying outside with his stomach and lumbar spine covered in layers of needles, “…!!!”

Nuannuan was shocked by Chi Yang’s unrestrained voice. She quickly retracted her tiny hands and looked at Chi Yang. She met his profound gaze that was so deep she felt like they could swallow her whole.

There was a hint of forbearance in his eyes, but a grin that said his scheme had succeeded was more prominent on his face.

Nuannuan, “…”

She had always thought that compared to Feng Shengxuan, Big Brother Chi Yang would be the austere and serious one—he would most likely be on the short end of the stick when Feng Shengxuan was around.

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However, when the two of them finally met, Nuannuan realized that Big Brother Chi Yang was such a meanie inside.

Furthermore, to take down Feng Shengxuan, he could even do something like what happened at the airport. This made Nuannuan question her beliefs and whether there was a lower limit to a person’s values.

When Nuannuan and Chi Yang reappeared once more, Chi Yang was already clad in his suave military uniform.

No matter how he looked at Chi Yang who was now dressed in his formal uniform, Feng Shengxuan was unnerved.

Looking at Nuannuan again, Feng Shengxuan was convinced that even with acupuncture, his stomach would still hurt.

That was because he noticed the red and swollen patch on the corner of Nuannuan’s lips.

Damn this despicable wolf!

Was he a dog? How could he bear to bite his girl like that?

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Feng Shengxuan’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He really wanted to lick Nuannuan’s swollen lips to soothe her wound.

Last night, during the acupuncture session, Nuannuan took out all the needles and inserted them into the syringe to be disinfected via the electronic distilled water sterilization equipment.

“Big Bro, I’m done with your acupuncture. I’ve already told Second Uncle to supervise and remind you to take your medicine at noon and at night. You must listen to him. As for your surgery, there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ll arrange it for you. So, Big Brother Chi Yang and I will leave first.”

Feng Shengxuan helplessly watched as his girl followed Chi Yang and got into the car valiantly.

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