My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 386: Chapter 386 - Inheritance

Chapter 386: Inheritance

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“Big Boss, this matter completely disgusted me. You know what, Nangong… Well, your biological mother, and my aunt, knew that she wouldn’t be alive for long, but she didn’t trust Zhong Kuijun and Jiang Shuwan, and feared that you’d suffer under their care. Hence, she found the investment department of the Swiss Bank and contacted a very reliable team of lawyers to supervise Zhong Kuijun.

“Zhong Kuijun can use the money she left behind to make investments and start a company. Her ultimate goal is to have you live a prosperous life, so all his profits belong to you. If he unfortunately loses 60% of the total amount, this team of lawyers can immediately freeze all of Zhong Kuijun’s funds. ”

“Isn’t she afraid of Zhong Kuijun transferring her property?” Zhong Nuannuan asked, raising her eyebrows.

“That won’t happen.” After saying that, Selina took out the contract between Nangong Yu and the team of lawyers from her bag.

Not only did the contract state that all of Zhong Kuijun’s funds would be frozen if there was a loss of more than 60%.

It even stated that once Zhong Kuijun and any senior management of the company were found to be suspected of embezzling funds, a verbal warning would be given the first time, 50% of total property would be frozen as a serious warning the second time, and for the third time, members of the lawyer team would confiscate all property under Zhong Kuijun’s name.

The contract also stated that no matter what her daughter’s name was, the team of lawyers must take a little blood from her on her birthday every year for DNA testing with reference to Nangongyu’s own blood in the blood bank. This was to prevent the child from being swapped halfway through.

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Therefore, it did not matter what the child is called, what was important was that the child must have the same DNA as Nangong Yu.

The contract also raised some questions to be asked while taking blood samples. These questions were different every year, but the purpose was also to try to learn how happy the young Nuannuan was in the Zhong Family.

For example, the last time the real Zhong Nuannuan was questioned was on her third birthday.

The test questions were not like “How are you doing”, or “Does your father and mother love you, do they treat you well”, but——”What color do you like?””Then how many clothes of this color do you have at home?””Who is your good friend?””What is the name of the kid who bullies you the most in kindergarten?””Did your father help you teach this naughty kid a lesson?” etc.

Selina said, “Zhong Kuijun actually had the idea of taking these funds as his own from the very beginning, so he planned for a long time, and after several operations, he used external means to embezzle the company’s funds. The result was that just after the funds were embezzled, those embezzled funds were completely frozen. The team of lawyers also gave a warning to Zhong Kuijun. From then on, Zhong Kuijun no longer dared to have think of anything funny. Thus, he and Jiang Shuwan could only treat you well.

“Therefore, Aiden and I guessed that the reason why Jiang Shuwan did not abandon you before you were three years old and treated you as well as Zhong Kuijun was because auntie’s lawyer team needed to take blood from a living body for DNA check every year. They needed the inheritance left behind by auntie, so they would naturally treat you well and worship you like a bodhisattva. This led you to still think about your happy family even after being trafficked into the organization.

“However, after Zhong Qianqian got leukemia, the incident became a blessing in disguise, and she ended up having the same blood DNA as you. With Jiang Shuwan’s cruel personality, why would she bother to still accommodate you? ”

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Chapter 387: Worried Heart

“Hence, you immediately became a stumbling block, and were sold to human traffickers.

“After you disappeared, Zhong Kuijun called the police to search for you, and he looked for you throughout the year after the incident. We can deduce from this that although he wanted to embezzle Auntie’s inheritance, he did not participate in your abduction.

“It’s a pity that there were very few security cameras in the year 1995, even after I hacked everything, I couldn’t find evidence of Jiang Shuwan’s dealings with the human traffickers. However, according to your description of the human trafficker, I’ve identified a few people who matched the description and appeared in the surveillance of People’s Park. I’ve already sent people to watch them, and will tell you immediately if something happens.”

Zhong Nuannuan nodded. “What about my mother? Have you found out the cause of her death?”

“I was only able to find out that Auntie previously gave birth at Second People’s Hospital in Jiang District. In every checkup before the delivery, all of Auntie’s physical indicators were good, but on the day of delivery, a young nurse mistakenly took a medicine that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis instead of a nutrient solution.

“This caused Auntie to bleed heavily during childbirth, and two lives were almost lost in one corpse. Later, although the doctor discovered this in time, changed the liquid, and kept both mother and child safe through a timely Caesarean section, this disaster caused Auntie’s health to become very poor.

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“Thus, we immediately dug up news about the nurse. She was expelled from that hospital after that incident. Due to her bad reputation, her family pulled a few strings and allowed her to go to Sab as a tourist. Within 15 days of her departure, she married a person from Sab. Moreover, before she left the country of Camino, 10,000 US dollars suddenly appeared in her account.

“Therefore, I can conclude that Auntie was viciously murdered. Although she did not die on the spot, it caused her direct damage. Big Boss, even if you want to go through legal channels in the future, we still have evidence at hand. If you manage to find this nurse and ask her to come forward to testify, the murderer will not be able to escape. However, I think that the person who hired the murderers must be Jiang Shuwan.”

Zhong Nuannuan shook her head. “The drugs that promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis can indeed cause heavy bleeding and even cause death to a pregnant woman, but you also said that the doctor discovered that something was wrong at the right time, stopped my mother’s bleeding and allowed me to be born smoothly. Hence, my mother’s death was definitely not caused by this. After all, as long as her hematopoietic stem cells were normal, the blood would be replaced after blood loss. However, she died shortly after giving birth to me, which shows that something else must have happened between the time of childbirth and her death. Therefore, focus on what happened before my mother died.”

“Yes, Big Boss! Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you something. In addition to her inheritance agreement with the team of lawyers, Auntie also had a will, and she asked the team of lawyers to give it to her daughter when she turns 18. Thus, the suicide note must be in Zhong Qianqian or Jiang Shuwan’s hands right now. It is possible that they’ve already processed the will.”

“I’ll take care of this myself. It’s fine if they’re still keeping it; If they’ve processed it, I’ll always be able to know the contents of the will before they die.”


Selina watched Zhong Nuannuan’s microexpressions, for fear that she was currently sad.

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After all, the warm and harmonious family that she had been thinking about for 14 years was so filthy in reality. This worried heart…

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