My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 618: Chapter 618 - Way Out

Chapter 618: Way Out

Eventually, Leng Qirui’s nasty attitude ruined Selina’s mood. She snorted and left.

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Leng Qirui wanted to stop Selina, but he could not come up with anything nice to say. Thus, after giving it some thought, he gave up.

Who told her not to be persistent?

She claimed that she wanted to be his girlfriend, but she gave up immediately at the instant he offered to play games with her?

Did that mean that he could not play games with her after becoming her boyfriend?

He would be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

The more Leng Qirui thought about it, the angrier he got. Therefore, he chose to ignore her.

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After calling 110, before the police arrived, two foreign men in black suits arrived and took Jiang Hongyi away.

Looking at how Jiang Hongyi was getting taken away, Leng Qirui had a feeling that they were not planning on thanking their benefactor.

When Ye Hai woke up, he realized that he was at the police station, surrounded by police officers.

Meanwhile, standing smackdab among the police was…


When he saw Leng Jinpeng, Ye Hai’s groggy mind cleared up instantly.

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When he saw Leng Qirui’s cold smile next to Leng Jinpeng, his heart skipped a beat.

However, after thinking about it, he could have just pretended that he failed to step out and help Leng Qirui in the nick of time. There was nothing wrong with protecting himself against so many rascals with weapons. Besides, Selina was so strong that there was nothing for him to help with.

Therefore, Ye Hai pretended to be confused. “Dad, what happened? Why am I here? Why am I locked up?”

Leng Jinpeng, who usually treated Ye Hai amicably, had a dark expression on his face. Instead of answering, he asked, “Don’t you know why you’re here?”

Ye Hai was completely unprepared against such a cold and callous Leng Jinpeng.

He pretended to think about it for a while before saying, “Dad, when I was walking down the alley, I saw a group of hooligans trying to kill Lil Rui. I was about to call the police when I was struck in the back of the head. Then, I fainted.”

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After saying that, Ye Hai looked at Leng Qirui and said to Leng Qirui in his usual two-faced manner, “Lil Rui, I know you must be blaming me for not rushing out to protect you on the spot. But think about it, they had so many people at that time. All of them were holding hammers and daggers. Although I’m rather skilled, two fists are no match for four hands. Even if I want to save you, I can only do that after calling the police, right?”

Leng Qirui sneered. “Oh, did you call the police then? Don’t tell me you did. The police station keeps call records.”

“I didn’t even have time to call the police before Selina beat up all those people for you, did I? I didn’t expect Selina to be able to take down ten armed men in a second.

“Lil Rui, you seem to like Selina a lot, but she’s from overseas, and she’s so good at fighting. I suspect that there is more than meets the eye about her identity. You’re always hanging around dangerous crowds. Don’t forget that Dad’s the commander-in-chief of the military base. Don’t let the wolf into your hen house.”

Although he liked Selina a lot, it was more important for him to find a way out of this mess without arousing his father’s suspicion. Therefore, Ye Hai betrayed Selina immediately.

If his father knew that Leng Qirui was close to Selina and that Selina was so good at fighting, he must think that Selina had ulterior motives for getting close to Leng Qirui.

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