Amidst the screams, I led Edward to the back door. Slave merchants were in a situation where they couldn’t catch the freed slaves because of the large fire in the protruding flowerbed and the fleeing people.

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In the meantime, I slipped out of the alley and held Edward’s hand tightly.

Following the path I went through, right, left, right… I ran and ran between the alleys. After that, I crossed the street and crossed the block and came to another neighborhood.

I felt like I was going to fall and I never let go of my breath. I don’t know how much comfort his hands have given me.

“Gasp. Gasp.”

When I was out of breath and couldn’t run anymore, a stream around the nursery could be seen.

The world was beautiful enough just to find Edward, but the sunset and flowing water sparkled yellow and orange. I thought it was so pretty that I could cry.

“Ugh. Gasp. Gasp.”

I sat on the floor and took a breath. I thought Edward would gasp because he was out of shape like me, but he was better than I thought. Only then did I see his face properly.

‘Why are you so skinny?’

At first glance, he was much thinner, and his cheeks were slimmer to have chubby baby fat. The shoulders popped up and the eyes were shaded. I was upset.

As I stared at Edward, my eyes met his. With his eyes still clueless about what I was thinking, he asked.

“Why are you here? This is the Kyrgen Empire.”

“Why are you there? Did you not receive the letters we left?”

“…It happened in Godia.”

Godia was a rural area where Edward spent his childhood. It was amazing, so I screamed without realizing it.

“Did you go all the way down to Godia from the house? I didn’t even know that and I was going to look for you…! Whoo… I’ll explain it to you when we get there. But that side is…”

Fred, the boy who had been running away with us together, smiled at me. The colorful blonde waved his hand and greeted me.

“I’m Fred. Thanks to you, I survived.”

“I’m Edward’s older sister.”

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Edward cut me off and told Fred.

“Let’s part ways here. She saved your life. Isn’t that enough?”

“Oh, Edward. If that’s the case, then we’ll go to the nursery together.”

Edward cut me off again and said what he had to say.

“It’s dangerous to stick together. They’ll be eager to find the slaves who ran away, so it’s better to disperse as much as possible.”

“Is that so?”

“Edward is right. Do you happen to know which area this is?”

“This is the countryside of Kyrgen’s Callio.”

“If it’s Callio… Thank you.”

“What if you meet a slave merchant on the way? Wouldn’t it be better to stay in the nursery for a few days?”

“No. I have to leave quickly before they search the whole area. Then Edward, it was nice to meet you. Let’s be careful not to be slaves again.”

Fred smiled mischievously at me. Then, without time to say goodbye, he crossed the creek and disappeared to the other side.

I wasn’t worried about whether he knew the way, and it seemed the same with Edward.

He looked away from Fred with his characteristic cold eyes.

“Sister. how have you been?”

“I am entrusting myself to a nearby orphanage. Daniel and Leo are there, so let’s go.”

Contrary to what I thought he would ask to go right away, Edward kept his mouth shut in thought for a while.

He’s a smart guy, so I thought he’d have other ideas, but I was afraid he might say he’d go the other way.

So I clenched his sleeve. I was planning to take him away even if he beats me up.

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Edward’s gaze fell on his sleeve. Not knowing what he was thinking, I waited impatiently for an answer. Soon Edward answered.

“If it is an orphanage, I think it would be good to hide there because many children come and go.”

You don’t know how happy I was for him to say that. A bright smile crept out. I quickly ran towards the orphanage, clasping his arms around me, chattering with him.

It must be hard, but I don’t know how light the steps were on the way.




Pls read only at pink muffin tl.

Daniel and Leo, who saw Edward, clung to him, crying like crazy.

Edward also patted Daniel and Leo’s hair, giving them a hug he would never normally do, whether he missed his brothers or not.

And after seeing that, I went to explain the situation to Mrs. Miller, who had a pale complexion.

“You-you… What the hell happened?”

“I’m sorry for being rude earlier. I was in a hurry…”

As for self-inflicted things, I had to confess to Mrs. Miller that I set the auction house on fire, and that I had met and brought my brother, who was living a wandering life.

Mrs. Miller repeatedly bit her lips to say something. She seemed dissatisfied with the situation. She also seemed a little terrified.

“I was there for a while, so…”

I’m the one who started the fire, so if anyone recognizes me, I’m really dead. For the time being, I’ll have to lock myself up in the nursery and hide.

In fact, just saving Edward was close to a miracle. I was really lucky. I didn’t even know that my unpredictable play with fire would work.

Mrs. Miller stared at me with her pale, weary face as I muffled my words.

“And Edward is now 13. Can he stay here for two years?”

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Mrs. Miller stuttered her words, trying to say something, then let out a deep sigh. She said nervously, biting her lips.

“I thought you were dead because there was a fire over there again. I’ll take care of your brother’s business, so go and rest.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Thank god.

With Mrs. Miller’s permission, I was able to leave her room with a lighter heart. Edward was waiting for me at the door.

“I’ll show you to the men’s room. Well, before that, I need to go to the girls’ room. Just in case, I brought your clothes.”


As I went to my room, it suddenly occurred to me that I have not delivered the letter to Mrs. Miller.

As I was about to go back, I wanted to find some clothes for Edward first, so I took out my envelope to him.

“Here, wash up, and when you see Mrs. Miller, give this back to her. I should have told her, but I forgot.”

“What is this?”

Edward took the letter and checked the envelope.

“I went to deliver the letter and found you, so that’s what happened today. I guess it’s a lucky letter.”


Edward put the letter in his arms. His calm eyes and tone were those of Edward I knew, so I greeted him with a happy heart.

“Welcome back to your family. Edward. Let’s never fall apart again.”

Then I hugged him tightly. It was a really grateful day for saving him.

It was late at night when Edward left his interview with Mrs. Miller.

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I had a lot of things I wanted to ask and a lot of things I wanted to say, but I put them all aside at the image of Edward, who showed an exhausted look.

“You must be tired, so go and rest. Don’t think about it, just sleep.”

I nagged as we walked towards the men’s room. Then Edward let out a short sigh and he called me.



Looking back, I saw Edward with a complicated face. What are you thinking? I still don’t know.

Edward licked his lips. He looked like he was going to say something, but then he shook his head.

My gaze fell on his wrist for a moment. Are your wrists sore? Or maybe it was twisted while fighting with a sword?

“What is it? Feel free to speak.”

“…Are there any injuries?”

“Ah… No. Thank you for your concern.”

It was a lie. There was no pain in the hands, knees or anywhere. However, it still hurts here and there from running away.

“I am glad. Then rest.”

Edward passed me, opened the room and entered. I glanced at the guy disappearing through the crack in the door, and tilted my head.

He’s worried about me right now, right? Oh my gosh…

“Because I live, days like this will come.”

Edward is worried about me.

Rather than liking that, I got goosebumps and went back to the women’s room, scratching my arm.

I thought while lying on the bed, Edward is back. 

I could sleep well today.

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