“Don’t come close.”

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My clothes were a mess, so I didn’t want to get Leo’s clothes too dirty. Contrary to the bewildered Leo, Edward quickly checked my outfit. His face then hardened.

“Sister. What happened?”

“Ah, this? It’s not a big deal.”

“Sister, are you hurt? Should Leo help you?”

“No, no. The egg broke because I tripped over a stone.”

Maybe it was because I was in front of them, so it seemed like my clothes were more messy than I checked when I was alone. Edward’s sharp gaze made me feel a little embarrassed.


“Yes. I bought some eggs…”

It couldn’t be said that I stole the eggs. Especially in front of Leo.

Edward, who was quick-witted, seemed to already know that I was lying. However, he did not want to admit to it, so he calmly talked to Leo with his eyes open.

“Sister accidentally broke an egg. It’s okay Leo.”


Leo sighed as to what he was trying to say, and my heart was pounding and my fingers were numb.

That’s why it seemed like I can’t live without sinning. My heart pounded in fear that Leo might find out that I stole them.

While hiding in the tree to avoid the dog, I could feel the emotions I had locked up beginning to burst.

Inevitably, tears were pouring out. Tears from my eyes were constantly flowing, but I was really embarrassed.

Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?

“Hah. Sniff. Sniff.”

“No, no.”

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Edward and Leo looked confused, but I couldn’t stop. It was an uncontrollable cry that I couldn’t even help myself.

I don’t know what was so sad. My heart was pounding, and below it, the waves crashed like a stormy sea, and something bubbling like water that had reached its boiling point came up nonstop.

“Sniff. Sorry. I… Sniff.”

I felt sorry for my brothers. When it comes to what makes me so sorry, I’m sorry for everything.

We went from Sierra to the Empire because of me, but it was heartbreaking to not be able to feed even one egg properly.

It was a pity to be madly hungry, and it was very difficult to be chased by a dog. I resented my parents who passed away first, and the world was scary.

“Ugh. Sniff. Sniff.”

What should I do in the future? If there is a god, I wish he could tell me a little bit of the future.

If I only confirmed that my siblings’ future had a happy ending, it seemed that these moments could be endured.

“No, sister. Aaaah.”

When I cried, Leo burst into tears. Edward, not knowing anything about comfort, groaned, not knowing what to do.

“Sister, sister…”

Edward looked at me and Leo, bewildered. He clumsily patted me on the back as I cried, then he tried to get Leo to lie flat on the floor.

Daniel, who appeared in the meantime, was bewildered because he did not know what to do. At least the tears stopped, but when I saw Daniel, the tears flowed again.

“No, no. What is it? Did something happen? Brother, did you ever hit sister?”


“Why are you crying, sister?”

Daniel came up to me and hugged me as I cried. Then he gently pushed Leo, who was lying on the floor, towards Edward with his feet.

“Sniff. Daniel. Sorry, sorry.”

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“What are you sorry about?”

“Well, it’s just… Sniff.”

“Stop crying, sister.”

Daniel’s hand stroking my back didn’t feel like that of a ten-year-old child.

Leo, who was lying on the floor crying like a child, abruptly got up and pushed Daniel to the side. Then he slipped into my arms and rubbed his face against my clothes.

“Hey! Why push!”

“Sister, don’t cry. Leo will take care of you.”

He said that he would do it, but his face was full of tears and a runny nose. Daniel was pushed aside and stared at Leo in the midst of it, and Leo stuck out his tongue at Daniel with a swollen face.

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.


I burst into laughter for some reason.

“Sister, are you okay?”

Edward handed me a tissue that he had bought from somewhere. After wiping my face clean, embarrassment came belatedly.

Edward grabbed Leo and Daniel and pulled them off.

“Stop fighting. Please change your clothes first.”

“Ugh. Yes. I will.”

I went inside and changed my clothes. I wanted to wash off the sweat and eggs with water, but water was scarce in the nursery, so I couldn’t take a shower whenever I wanted.

I looked in the mirror and my face was a mess. My hair was messy and my eyes were puffy. Tears were clearly visible on my cheeks from how much I cried.

“Elizabeth. Why are you like this?”

Matilda, startled by my appearance, widened her eyes. Shaking my head, I was too embarrassed to even tell her what had happened.

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Knock. Knock.

A knock was heard outside. Matilda then turned her head and called me.

“Elizabeth. Your brothers call you.”


As soon as she left, Edward was waiting at the door.

Edward, with his arms crossed and his head lowered, lifted his face as I came out.

Unlike me, who was ugly because of swollen eyes, he was handsome even when his face was covered.

Edward held a small basket in his hand.

“Sister. Let’s go for a moment.”


“I know where to go.”

Edward took me to the empty lot behind the nursery. There, Daniel and Leo were glaring at each other.

He took a blanket from his arms and laid it on the floor. Then he sat me there, and put the basket down in the center of us sitting in a circle.

“I think everyone is thirsty and hungry because everyone is crying.”

Then Edward opened the basket. What came out was dry bread and milk.

“You too, don’t fight while eating this.”

“Hey, where did all this come from?”

“I sneaked it.”

For a moment, I tried to rethink Edward’s answer, wondering if I had heard it wrong for a moment.

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“Sigh…did you?”


“If you…”

That’s stealing.

I wanted to be honest with you, but I couldn’t. I was chased by a dog while stealing eggs.

That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter though. Because this is absolutely stealing.

“Oh, Edward. Then it won’t work.”

“I know. I know I shouldn’t, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.”

Edward shrugged his shoulders. 

‘I can’t help it.’ 

Those words pierced my chest.

‘This is unavoidable.’

Looking at Leo again and Daniel who had twinkling eyes, I realized that conscience was not very meaningful. I’m hungry, and the kids need to be fed…

“Let’s eat. Eating deliciously, growing up healthy, and helping children who are struggling like us.”


So we decided to share the bread. Hunger was the best recipe. It was dry and hard, neither sweet nor savory, but it was so delicious that I felt like crying.

‘The day will come when I will remember today.’

On that day, we won’t eat this kind of bread, but an expensive bread filled with cream and the finest wine.

So, I swore and ate all the bread. 

It was a very satisfying meal.

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