Realizing that, Thisbe’s expression became even more serious.

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‘Somehow the elders stayed up until late yesterday.’

In the original novel, Estelle visited once to greet the Duke of Callist and Thisbe before her addition to the family registry.

The Duke of Callist welcomed Estelle with his down-to-earth bluntness, and Thisbe, of course, came out coldly.

There is another reason why this seemingly ordinary scenario is so important.

It has something to do with what was briefly mentioned in the phone call with Malone a while ago.

A banquet to celebrate the appearance of the saintess, which will be held at the Imperial Palace the day after tomorrow.

This incident is a prelude to the banquet.

‘Come to think of it, it’s only natural for Estelle to come before that.’

Could it be because the elders caused a disturbance yesterday? She took the commotion out there for granted.

Estelle goes to the banquet to celebrate the coming of the Saintess, bearing the name of Callist.

It was something that Callist wanted, but it was also necessary for Estelle because the family name that appears in the oracle is Callist.

‘It would be strange to say a lady from Iller is the one who inherited the blood of Callist.’

In order to emphasize that Estelle is a person who fits the oracle, it has been decided that she becomes a lady of the Callist.

However, the procedures necessary for her addition to the family register have not yet been completely carried out, so as a temporary measure for her, Estelle headed to Callist’s vassal to make her acquaintance with the main family of Callist simple.

Of course, it wasn’t Estelle who planned it.

‘At this time, Estelle was not yet aware of political interests.’

Count Gillette planned it and accompanied her.

So, according to the contents of <Monster Flower>, Estelle should not be sitting in her carriage touching her hair, but should be tilting a teacup with the Duke of Callist and talking about her addition to the family.

‘I need to get along with her to some extent so that it won’t be awkward for Estelle to go out with Callist’s name.’

And it will do a lot of good for Thisbe once she’s abandoned by her family.

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The very fact that Estelle comes out with Callist’s name on a big event like a banquet hosted by the Imperial Palace is proof that Thisbe has been abandoned.

So, from the point of view of the elders, including Count Gillette, today, the Duke of Callist and Estelle would have to sit down and talk.

‘My grandfather is so hard-headed, so it must have been a pity.’

Now she knows.

The reason why elders and vassals have been suddenly trembling in recently.

Thisbe got up from her seat and headed towards the back door that was made exclusively for the servants.

The back door, with an external staircase leading from the second floor to the ground, was the only exit for Thisbe to be able to get out of the mansion under the present circumstances.

‘For now, my purpose is to get kicked out of the family’

Should I help you?


Inside Count Gillette’s carriage.

‘Is uncle here yet?’

Estelle glanced outside as she wrapped her cherry-colored hair around her fingers.

Even though she knew she shouldn’t do this, she couldn’t control her pounding heart.

There were several reasons.

The first reason is that she is a young chick who has only been in the capital for about a month.

Because of this, most of the places she went to were filled with things Estelle had never seen in her life.

It was the same today.

‘I’ve heard that the territory of Callist is great.’

It was great beyond imagination.

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A huge mansion that can only be reached by driving for 40 minutes by horse-drawn carriage. It was surrounded by a vast garden whose end was indescribable in the carriage, and even the walls of the mansion were on a different level from that of a country lord.

She felt it.

‘I thought it was just an old story when I heard that there was a joke about showing the mansion of a great aristocrat to a villager and pretending it was the imperial palace.’

If she had come to Callist without knowing anything about it, it was so majestic that she might have believed it like a rock.

However, this was not the only reason Estelle was trembling.

No, it would be right to view this reason as being practical.

‘Can I have tea time with Princess Callist?’

To meet Thisbe again.

Because of this fact, she couldn’t contain her excitement from the moment she heard from Count Gillette that she was going to go with him at Callist’s mansion today.

I’ve been wanting to see you since that day at the hunting grounds.’

She can believe they’re going to meet again like this again.

The sound of her beating heart was so loud that she would surely be caught if she meets Thisbe again.

But she can’t help it.

Because Thisbe has long been Estelle’s idol.

Estelle was the generation that grew up hearing the story of ‘The Little Saint of Callist’.

Not only Estelle, but in fact, people of the Empire grew up listening to Thisbe’s story.

In particular, the saint, who was young, proud, and even clever, had no choice but to be a role model for many young children.

– You’ll get in trouble if you just whine like this! I heard that the saint of Callikst is already mature even though she’s the same age as you!

She often grew up hearing the same scolding.

In addition, Estelle often heard Thisbe’s story from her parents’ generation since they are a part of the branch family of Callist.

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– I heard that the saint had suggested that the temple’s safe be unlocked this spring season.

– To have mercy on the hungry.

-Probably the Duke ordered it.

-Anyway, the Duke of Callist will be the one who has the largest share if the temple’s treasury is used, so that’s a good thing for us.

– To that young saint, she seems to be living with a lot of grace.

In the Empire, the land that benefited the most from Thisbe was the Callist territory, and Estelle was from the Callist territory.

So, naturally, she had no choice but to have vague affection and closeness for Thisbe, and she had an incident that ignited her heart a while ago.

– Estelle, you’re amazing. Thanks to you, our lives were saved.

The moment she saw Thisbe at the hunting grounds saying that and giving her her thanks.

Estelle only realized it.


This is my saint.

Since then, she has become an ardent follower of Thisbe, and she has been looking forward to the day when they will meet again.

However, since her maternal uncle asked the Duke of Callist for permission, he hasn’t come back yet, so Estelle was twisting her hair for no reason.

She stomped her feet a few times.

Estelle eventually put her hands on her lap and closed her eyes.

‘Yeah, let’s calm down and wait.’

If she meets the princess in this state, it was obvious that she would blush like a country clown. She may commit the rudeness of asking if it is okay to hold her hand in the middle of their first meeting.

So she took a deep breath and calmed down.

She can be elegant and stylish like the princess.

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She can be…

As Estelle closed her eyes and pondered, she heard a creak from her window.

Has her uncle returned? She opened her eyes.

“Uh, aren’t you sleeping?”

“Oh my god!”

The figure she had only dreamed of was smiling through the carriage window.

Dreamy silver hair that is close to gray, and golden eyes that sparkle even more in the sunlight. A strangely cynical expression and a somewhat contemplative impression.

“Ah, Princess!”

As Estelle shouted a call that was close to a scream, Thisbe outside the carriage window turned into a puzzled expression.

“Did I surprise you?”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that. I love it so much.”

With those words, Thisbe’s expression changed from ‘What did I hear?’ and then changed to ‘Well, I guess not.’ It is probably because of Estelle’s confusing mood.

Anyway, what Thisbe uttered afterward wasn’t a question.

Thisbe asked, who smiled and asked softly.

“If it’s not rude, may I open the carriage door?”

“Of course, of course.”

Estelle hurriedly nodded her head. She nodded so hard that her headdress loosened a bit.

At Estelle’s reply, Thisbe opened the door to the carriage with an eager expression on her face and held out her hand to her.

“Come on, come down.”

How miraculous are all these chain of events seemed to Estelle.

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