As soon as she woke up late in the morning, Thisbe did the things she couldn’t do last night. Among those things was sending a letter to Sor.

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The content was roughly like this.

[Did you get home safely? Thank you for taking me home. As soon as I came back yesterday, I was so tired that I fell asleep early. In case you waited for me last night, I left you a message as soon as possible. Have a nice day.]

I made an excuse in advance, but I usually write much longer than this. Even if I didn’t plan to write it like that, assuming that I write a letter as if she’s talking alone, the words keep getting longer.

However, today’s writing was rather brief because I left an urgent message just in case Sor really waited.

‘I guess he’s read the letter.’

Feeling somewhat pleasant, Thisbe hurriedly sat in front of her desk and pulled the newsletter.

When she touches the newsletter, the mana on the paper interlocks with Thisbe’s. No one else would feel it, but Thisbe, whose mana is highly developed, could feel these small things sensitively.

‘There’s not a lot of instances to use mana normally that’s why I can sense it sensitively.’

Perhaps it’s natural because only few people uses magical tools or holy artifacts.

Of course, if you encounter such a person or object, Thisbe’s ability to detect mana becomes quite useful.

Like this situation right now.

‘The newsletter is a kind of magic tool.’

It is a tool made by injecting mana, since it’s a magic tool sold by the temple.

Therefore, for ordinary users, the newsletter would have been merely a tool for delivering letters, but Thisbe was able to draw out the true capability of the newsletter by using her highly developed mana sensing capabilities.

‘To be able to feel mana means that you can feel the mana’s memories, too.’

In other words, you can feel the emotion or state when the other person writes a letter.

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Thisbe took a light breath and infused mana into the newsletter.

Sor’s letter began like this.

[Good morning, Thisbe. I hope you were comfortable last night. I didn’t wait for the letter because you seemed to have gone to bed early, but I was a little worried that something might’ve happened to you. I’m happy to hear from you even for a short time.]

Thisbe, who was reading the mana infused text, burst into laughter briefly in the paragraph.

“What’s that, Sor?”

He waited.

Although, the emotion “joy” was not a lie, the mana in the ink was filled with obvious relief and joy.

Probably because Thisbe, who always gets in touch with him, spent the night without contact, so he might have been worried that something had happened or that he had offended her.

However, if he said he had waited for the letter, Thisbe would have felt burdened, so Sor lied in consideration of her.

‘You’re such a nice person.’

Thisbe finished reading and went down. Since then, feelings of anxiety and relief have decreased, and pure joy and goodwill have filled the void in her heart.

Unlike Thisbe, who hurriedly left the newsletter, Sor left a long message as usual, so the content was also small and numerous.

For example, Sor asked if Thisbe really wanted the she you saw at the auction yesterday. Sor added that the yellow diamond of the ring resembles the color of Thisbe’s eyes, so if Thisbe wears the ring, it would look perfect on her.

It was indeed.

In addition, Sor added a few other minor things, such as two pigeons sitting outside the window, and at the end, he mentioned a brief summary of his work.

[Do you remember that there’s a banquet at the Imperial Palace? Come to think of it, I didn’t hear the Thisbe’s dress code, so I’d like to ask you in writing. Forgive the rudeness since I couldn’t ask in person. If you leave a short comment, I’ll make sure to make it happen.]

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It was a polite and careful writing, no different from other ones.

Since Sor and Thisbe are engaged, it is common to enter the banquet together and match their dress code.

‘We used to ask each other every time.’

This time, I couldn’t ask because I was distracted by the news of murder. No, I think I almost forgot that I had to ask that.

If it weren’t for Sor, they wouldn’t have had a party day like this.

‘We don’t have much time to match our outfits, so I’ll have to reply as soon as possible.’

Thisbe immediately put down the newsletter and opened an ink bottle.

After the sound of pong and pen dangling in ink, the flag pen crunched and split the newsletter.

[The dress code is sharp. Is it fashionable these days to match the color of the eyes to the color of the jewelry of the ring? Those pigeons might be a couple.]

Unlike the Sor’s letter, hers were short answers. The method often used to answer or appreciate letters.

Thisbe was about to get up with her pen, but something began to be written down right under it.

Angled and straight letters that can only be found in print right away.

Of course, it was Sor.

[Sharp. I understand. It’s a pity that I can’t give you a sure answer because I’m not quick to fashion. I agree with your opinion that the pigeons might be couples. They picked each other’s fur.]

Taking advantage of the fact that the newsletter delivers the messages immediately, answers sometimes came back immediately if the timing was right.

When I infuse mana, I feel like my toes are ticklish for some reason.

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Was Sor happy to receive a reply?

Thisbe dipped the pen she was trying to put down in the ink bottle again.

[Are you ready for the sharp outfit? You seem to always dress up well to say you’re not quick to fashion. If you had told me in advance that the pigeons were on good terms, I would have answered with more confidence.]

[The Boutonniere modeled after the Salvador seal is in the shape of a sword. I think the reason why my outfit wasn’t bad is because the butler who picks my clothes is quick to fashion.]

Contrary to the previous two replies, the reply to the pigeon did not come for a while. I think he’s hesitating to write something down.

After a brief pause, messages were posted on the newsletter.

[Did anything special happen today?]

It was a question that changed the subject very blatantly. Thisbe looked down at the straight writing, and sighed.

Even when I injected Mana, I couldn’t feel anything except for the feeling of embarrassment or hesitation.

Is there a problem with the pigeons?

Thisbe thought for a moment. It wasn’t that long.

In such a situation, her pause was bound to be conveyed to Sor as well.

[I’ll be careful not to get cut by a sword when I dance. It would be bad to pay a little more to the butler. Nothing special happened, but a while ago, Ms. Estelle, the saintess, visited the duke. It’s also because of the party the day after tomorrow.]

[I won’t let you get cut by my sword, so don’t worry about it. If my butler heard that, I think he would devote his loyalty to you. May I ask what does the banquet the day after tomorrow has to do with Miss Estelle?]

[Be careful because you can hit the back of your foot with anything that’s bent. If your butler gives me loyalty, I will issue the first order never to betray you. The concern with Miss Estelle has  something to do about receiving the protection of Callist. I guess there was something to share.]

[If you want, you can use my foot as a carpet. That’s good because I won’t get betrayed by my butler. By the way, may I ask if Miss Estelle was hostile to you?]

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At the last question sent by Sor, all the small talks we shared earlier flew away.

‘Estelle, hostile to me?’

What does this mean?

Before writing down the reply, Thisbe recalled her thoughts. Everything from the time she sneaked out of the back door and went to the carriage, until she said goodbye to Estelle.

Estelle had a lovely and cheerful personality as seen in the book. Of course, it was a part I guessed from the few words from Estelle.

There is also a reason why it was Thisbe’s position to lead the conversation after the two met.

‘I wonder if it was a bit of a shock.’

When Estelle told her why she had to wait the whole time in the carriage, she seemed quite surprised. Was it because of being admitted to the Callist family or because the Duke of Callist and her uncle were fighting over it?

If not, was she surprised by the fact that Thisbe came to mediate the dispute between the two?

I don’t know why, but what’s certain is that Estelle has been silent ever since.

“I don’t know what she’s thinking because she doesn’t open her mouth.”

Looking back, I think we met eyes whenever she looked back.

But if you ask me if she was hostile, that’s another story.

Come to think of it, what did Estelle think of Thisbe in the book? Since Thisbe was a wicked woman and hated Estelle, it was natural that the relationship between the two was bad.

But except for the evil deeds of Thisbe…

How did Estelle see Thisbe?

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