My Way To You

Chapter 224

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 "I... I can't let her know. I can't let her know that I'm asking you for this favour." Ariana said pathetically, she felt stupid for even saying it. Halina was her friend but Mirela told her not to let her know. That was why she needed the girls to leave the school, she could careless about the guys. It was Halina she wanted gone. If she left the school grounds she would need to leave her familiar behind as they are bound to the school and student, not the individual person. 

'You made my master leave so you could speak to me?' Ophelia asked with a her beak hanging open. "Yes." Ariana admitted without hesitation. "I will talk to my husband. I doubt I will have an answer right away. So if he chooses to speak with you, he will come find you... That's the best I can do." Ophelia said as she lowered her head in shame. "Thank you." Ariana whispered. Ophelia was helping her behind her master's back, she could imagine what the familiar might be feeling at that very moment.

Ariana looked up at the wall clock and sighed. It was time for her to go. "Ophelia... I'm sorry." Ariana sad she dropped her forehead on top of Ophelia's head. Ophelia said nothing. Not even after Ariana got up. Not even after Ariana walked to the door and looked at her with so much guilt. Not even after Ariana left the room. There was nothing but suffocating silence.

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A rock formed in the pit of Ariana's stomach as she walked away. "Vasu, I'm not sure of what I'm doing anymore." Ariana said with such uncertainty and worry that Vasu became concerned. 'Then do what you think is right.' Vasu said as he floated beside Ariana.

"What if.... what if I'm wrong?" Ariana asked. 'Does it matter? It's your choice. Do what's right for you.' Vasu replied softly causing the heaviness that Ariana was feeling to be lifted but it only lifted slightly. "You're right. It has to be my choice." Ariana said with a bittersweet sweet smile. "It's my choice. I have no one to blame but myself." Ariana said as she stopped in front of Vanessa's room. She raised her hand and knocked politely on the door.

Vanessa opened the door abruptly and walked out, slamming the door behind her. For such a petite girl, Vanessa could show the most powerful expressions and it always surprised Ariana. "You look sickly." Vanessa scowled as she looked Ariana up and down. "You look lovely." Ariana said as she looked at Vanessa. She had her hair down with a peal clip holding a few locks back. She wore a pleated, a line collared, light gold coloured dress. Vanessa looked very elegant.

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"Let's go." Vanessa said as she blushed. Ariana stepped aside and allowed Vanessa to lead. "You know you could have cancelled our tea date." Vanessa stated rudely as she kept her gaze ahead of her. "But then what would you tell your parents? Aren't they the ones pushing you?" Ariana asked bluntly as she smiled sweetly, causing Vanessa to stop walking for half a heart beat. "Let's get this over with." Vanessa said sharply as she started walking faster. 

They had walked in silence until they reached the pick up and drop off area at the bottom of the winding road. "Uhm, Vanessa are we leaving the school grounds?" Ariana asked awkwardly. "Of course! This place at best can only serve subpar tea." Vanessa snapped as a carriage started to assemble before them. "I think I'm going to go back. You're right I'm feeling awful and I should go back to rest." Ariana said as she took a few steps back. "My parents will punish me severely if we don't have this date." Vanessa said coldly. 

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"Are you serious?! You're a complete daddy's girl. You said so yourself. How, no why would they punish you?!" Ariana shouted in total confusion. "You know nothing." Vanessa said quietly but her words had a horrible impact. Ariana dropped her gaze. She wouldn't be alone. Vasu was going to go with her. The others had to stay back so they wouldn't create suspicion. Ariana stepped forward with a heavy sigh. She brought her gaze up and looked at Vanessa. "You know what I am. If your parents think I'm anyone special they are wrong and you know why." Ariana said coolly before she stepped into the carriage.

Vanessa clutched her dress. She knew what Ariana meant but she couldn't speak up to her mother when she interrogated her yesterday. "I won't let them hurt you." Vanessa said under her breath before she climbed in after Ariana. 

Ariana remained perfectly quiet until the carriage stopped in front of a cafe. Ariana looked at Vanessa with utter disbelief. "Why are we here?" Vanessa looked at Ariana and smiled in an unfamiliar manner. "I think a public place is best." Vanessa replied. Ariana nodded her head and opened her own door. 

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They both walked into the cafe and found a table pretty quickly. A sweet looking waitress walked up to their table. She wore a light pink uniform with a frilly white apron. Ariana couldn't help but smile. "What can I get you." The young woman asked cheerfully. "Your best tea and cakes." Vanessa said as she looked at the waitress indifferently. "Right away." The young woman said with a very business like smile. "Why are you looking so smug?" Vanessa snapped. "Is this place new?" Ariana asked brightly. "I think this is the second one I have ever seen in the capital." Ariana continued. 

"Probably? I don't know. We are here based on a recommendation." Vanessa said as she averted her gaze. "Well thank you then. I'm happy that there are more cafes opening." Ariana said as she relaxed. "You're acting like you own the place." Vanessa said as she rolled her eyes. "Only when it comes to this." Ariana said with a wink. The young woman returned with a small cart. She unloaded a tea pot and two tea cups. Then placed a three tier cake stand on the table. "Enjoy." The young woman said before she rolled the cart away.

Ariana took a slice of fruit cake and took a big bite. 

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