My Way To You

Chapter 257

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Ariana gave Edlyn a complicated look before getting up and walking out of the bath. Edlyn walked right behind Ariana and silently exited the washing area. They quickly grabbed their robes and got dressed, in silence. Edlyn had no idea if she could hold the bomb that Ariana dropped on her but she was going to try her best to wait until they had a chance to speak. When they finished getting ready, they walked out in to the corridor. 

"You're done too?" Cayden called out. Ariana looked up and felt a heat rising up from the core of her body. She swallowed back saliva as she looked at the freshly bathed Cayden, leaning against a wall as he fanned himself with a paper fan. Beside him was Xander, Icarus and Lobo. Each boy had bathed and were wearing robes. It was a feast for the eyes and it caused Ariana to have her breath taken away for a second.

Some girls walked into the bathing area completely flushed as the giggled and squealed. Edlyn looked at Xander and puffed out her cheeks. "Yes." Ariana replied in a slightly seductive voice that Cayden froze for a moment. He stopped fanning himself, his eyes slightly rounded and his Adam's apple slightly bobbed. 

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He opened his mouth as he pulled himself from the wall but Lobo was faster and wrapped his arms around Ariana.

He rubbed his cheek against hers and smiled brightly. "You look so pretty when you come out of the baths." Ariana froze, she started to second guess whether or not having a big brother was necessarily a good thing or not. "Your natural scent is really nice too." He said as he started to sniff her nape. Ariana's hair stood on end. This was too much stimulus for her and she tried to squirm away but Lobo held her in place.

"Lobo do you mind giving me some space." Ariana said as nicely as she could, she couldn't stand that Cayden was looking at them with a deadly glare. "Why? I want to spoil my little sister." Lobo said pitifully. "The way I see it you want to be spoiled by your little sister but you can't even tell she doesn't want you touching her. Why don't you do what she askes and give her some space." Cayden said as he flashed a cold smile to Lobo.

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"Is that true? Do you think I'm being spoiled by you? I swear I just want to give you some brotherly love nothing else." Lobo said with a small whimper. Ariana blushed a deep red as she averted her gaze. "I don't care if you want to be spoiled but I really want you to get off me for a moment or better yet don't hug me when I'm in a robe." 

Everyone looked down and saw that Ariana was struggling to keep her robe on as part of it slipped off both her shoulders from her struggles. Lobo jumped back in a panic and Cayden pounced on Ariana. Blocking her from everyone else's view. He helped Ariana fix her robe before he shot Lobo a murderous gaze. "I didn't mean too!" Lobo shouted as his ears turned a bright red.

"Don't cling to your sister anymore. I don't think I could control myself if you accidentally stripped her." Cayden said with a smile but his tone was anything but pleasant, it was down right chilling. "Now, go get changed. I will meet you out front." Cayden said sweetly as he brushed back a lock of wet hair behind Ariana's ear. Ariana looked at Cayden with a confused face causing Cayden to chuckle. "I owe you a lap pillow." Cayden whispered after he leaned in slightly.

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Ariana blushed a deep red as she ran away from Cayden while Cayden laughed at his prey's escape. "Edlyn?" Xander called out. Edlyn looked back at the boys, she bit her bottom lip before she turned and went after Ariana instead of answering Xander. They reached the change room and Ariana quickly grabbed her uniform from her bag. "Ariana we need to talk." Edlyn said as Ariana closed her locker. "I'm not ready." Ariana replied before she turned away. "How can you not be ready? You just told me... You just told me something unbelievable." Edlyn whispered as she followed Ariana.

"I don't have any proof, for all I know I'm being delusional." Ariana replied as she stepped into the changing stall. Edlyn sighed then turned to go get her own clothes. After she pulled out her uniform she slammed the locker shut. "Why tell me then? You have always been so sure of things and now you're afraid of talking about it. Ariana this is messed up. There is no way what you said is true. It's impossible." Edlyn said in a frustrated tone.

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"That's why I told you. I'm going insane thinking about it myself! I can't handle it. I was hoping once I told someone it would sound so stupid that I would laugh it off but now... Now I don't know. How can it not be true? I don't want to believe it but I have a gut feeling that Gautam knows the truth. If I can get him to confirm my suspicions then I... Then I, I don't know what I'll do." Ariana said as her eyes started to well up with tears.

"Don't find out." Edlyn said firmly as she stared at the closed locker, wringing her robe as she spoke. "What will finding out the truth do? You can't change anything and it will only bring you more heartache." Ariana sniffed as she wiped away her tears. "You might be right." Ariana said pitifully. Edlyn walked over to the changing stalls and stepped in. "Promise me, whatever you choose, you will tell me and we can do it together." 

Ariana let out a small laugh. "It sounds like you already know what I will do." Edlyn went quiet for a bit. Ariana stepped out of the changing stall just as Edlyn did. Edlyn threw her arms around Ariana and held her firmly. "I know what you want to do and I don't blame you. If the same thing happened to me I would want to know the truth. Just don't do it on your own. I'm afraid of losing you." 

Ariana's eyes grew wide. Her friend was too kind. She hugged her back and closed her eyes. 

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