My Way To You

Chapter 86

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"Cayden.... right now, I wish time could stand still." Ariana sighed as she watched the sunrise from Cayden's embrace. ".... Me too." Cayden whispered under his breath as he tightened his grip on Ariana's body. The Lumas silently followed behind Cayden as he carried Ariana towards the school building, too ashamed to utter a single word. "Cayden, do you know what was trying to attack me?" She asked in soft whisper. "No." Cayden replied promptly. "Oh... Did you see where he went?" She asked. Cayden looked down and and sighed. "He dragged his half dead body into the forest."

"Oh.... Cayden are you ready to talk to me about... you know... about everything?" Ariana asked as she gripped his green, cotton shirt. Cayden's eyes flashed with a cold and aloof look before he shook his head. "I need to organize some things first before I can tell you anything." He said as he furrowed his brows.

"Does it matter that? What happened, has happened and there is no changing the past. I just want to know... I need to know what happened to you. Cayden was it so bad that you can not tell me?" She asked bluntly but Cayden stopped walking immediately. He let out a giant sigh and placed her feet back down on the ground. Ariana tested her strength and let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that she was only weak for a small amount of time but she also felt a little disappointed too.

She pouted her lips and snuck a peek at Cayden's face before she took a few steps forward. "So you're going to ignore my questions and not tell me anything?" She said with a humpf. "I... can't... not yet... please understand. I just... it's not time yet I'm so sorry." Cayden said as he started to follow her.

Ariana let her shoulders sag as her heart ached. Cayden's pleas were too charming and she couldn't even think of having her way. She quickly used the balls of her heels to spin around to face Cayden. She brought her arms behind her back and started to blush as she slightly averted her gaze. "I can't say no when you say please." She said with an obviously playful pout. Cayden's gaze softened as he looked at the young woman before him.

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The traces of the little girl that he once knew were gone. Standing before him was an intoxicating fairy, she had black wavy hair that tumbled elegantly over her shoulders and down her back. The dark colour contrasted so much against her fair skin that it made her look unreal. Her body curved in all the right places, giving her a fuller, more exotic look compared to all the other girls he had seen in the Academy. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence, mystery, mischief and warmth that he always found himself drawn to them. He moved his gaze to her lips, they were slightly pouted. He remembered how soft they were, how delicious they tasted and how red they turned after they kissed.

Cayden gulped as his heart rate picked up. He wanted to taste her again, he wanted to feel her warmth against his own body again, he could already feel his own body starting to react to her just because of a small pout. "Don't you ever think..." A voice rang in his head and her charm was completely unraveled. 'Master... you're allowed to-?! Adonis started to whisper but Cayden walked up to Ariana and grabbed her hand. "Mrs. Dabney is waiting for you." He said coldly and dragged her forward. "Cayden?! What's wrong?" Ariana protested as she tried to pull back her hand. "Nothing... it's nothing. It doesn't concern you anyways" He said as he released his hold on Ariana.

"Nothing? Ha, hahaha! Nothing! It's always nothing with you! Why must you push me away so much?! I can't believe you... I can't believe myself... Do you realize how you are looking at me right now?? Am I really that awful to be around? Do you really want to treat each other as if we are nothing more then strangers? It's breaking my heart! I expect so much, I hope for so much, do my feelings mean nothing to you?! Just tell me you love your finacee, just tell me that you plan to marry her, just tell me you hate me and I will never appear before you again!" She shouted hysterically but Cayden pursed his lips and stared at her. "Cayden.... I think I should go by myself from here. If I run into trouble just ignore me please." She said gently as she wrapped her arms around her waist. Cayden could feel something snap when he saw Ariana try to walk off by herself.

"You are being ridiculous." Cayden said bluntly. "Excuse me?" Ariana asked as she looked back at Cayden. "You have to be the victim every time don't you? I told you I can't say a G*d damn thing yet and you act like I have killed you! You can't be so selfish, so stubborn, so self entitled! I am doing everything I can!" He shouted at her bitterly. He instantly regretted his words, the look on Ariana's face was nothing short of devastating. "I'm so sorry..." She whispered before she ran off. All Cayden could do was watch as her body became smaller and smaller. "F*CK!" He shouted while the Lumas stayed behind. Vasu floated forward and looked Cayden in the eyes. He could see his pitiful self reflected in Vasu's black, beady eyes. 'Moron.' He said before chasing after Ariana. "I know.... I know I am."

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Ariana ran as fast as she could. Sweat rolled down from her temples as her breathing started to become more haggard. She knew what he was saying was true but she couldn't help but be hurt. She wasn't like everyone else, puberty hit her in one go and even though her soul was older then the other kids her age, her emotions got the better of her. "Ariana!" She heard Mrs. Dabney yell. She looked up and wiped away her tears and sweat before she waved back. "Is everything okay?" She asked as she waddled with great speed. "Ya, everything is fine... super fine. I just slept in." She answered as she tried to give her a bright smile. "Did you see Cayden by chance then?" Ariana's eyes grew wide as water started to pool in them. "I don't want to talk about it." She answered as she quickly averted her gaze.

"Alright.... why don't we get started and do some yoga." Mrs. Dabney said as she escorted Ariana to her favourite spot for yoga. Ariana was thankful for the distraction. She didn't want to think about what happened between her and Cayden but when she saw Vasu float closer towards them the hurt came back. "Hun... you don't look that great. Do you want to come to the infirmary for a checkup? Or do you want to talk?" She said as she grabbed Ariana's wrist and checked her pulse. "I'm fine... I just... I got into a fight with Cayden and I really just want to be alone." She answered truthfully.

Mrs. Dabney reluctantly let her go and looked into Ariana's pitiful eyes. "Go have a hot bath and eat something sweet. It must be hard to fight with someone who has a special place in your heart." She said with a melancholy smile. Ariana averted her gaze as she fiddled with her own hands. "Is it obvious?" She asked. Mrs. Dabney placed a gentle hand on Ariana's head and gave her a few pats. "It's alright. A lovers quarrel is like... is like a sad song. It plays with your emotions in a way you never thought possible. One moment you have tears rolling down your face another you feel comfort because you're not alone. By the time the song is done and you know the mean of the lyrics you feel bittersweet and refreshed.... I guess that's a bad example huh?" Mrs. Dabney said as she scratched the side of her nose.

Ariana shook her head. "No... I think I get it. Music has the ability to bring out feelings we never thought we had. Sadness, happiness, remorse, hope all of them are there and by the time the song is done... well you made it to the end and it's not so bad, you've calmed down and sorted everything out... but I keep showing Cayden the worst of me so far... I think our song will always be a bitter and sad song. I act out and seem to only think of myself when I'm with him."

Mrs. Dabney reached out and wrapped her arms around Ariana. "No... you feel like that now because you don't understand yet. You feel no need to be on guard with him. You are willing to show your true self and see if he is willing to accept the good and bad parts of you. No one is perfect, so don't be so hard on yourself or on him. Go talk to Cayden and let him know how you feel. See what happens and if it's not meant to be then it's his loss."

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"Can it really be that simple?" Ariana asked as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Explanations are the simplest thing, sometimes we ramble but words can be said so easily. However actions... not so much. Be brave, I know you can be. Just take the first step in reconciliation. Men are stupid and stubborn and will almost never ever take the first steps when it comes to an apology unless they -?!" Mrs. Dabney tried to finish but a harsh coughing interrupted her. The ladies looked over and saw Cayden with all the Lumas behind him. He looked positively uncomfortable as he blushed a deep red. "Mmmh." Mrs. Dabney said as she released Ariana then cupped her hand and placed it to Ariana's ear. "Unless they are head over heels for their girl." She said then gave Ariana a quick wink as she moved away from her.

"Well about time you showed up!" Mrs. Dabney started to shout as she placed her hands on either side of her hips. "Really now! Cayden if your not careful some gallant hero will come in and scoop this precious angel right up before your eyes and then what?! I will tell you what! You will be crying everyday at the infirmary, babbling about how stupid you were and all that but you know what?! I'm flipping going on maternity leave soon and I ain't got the time to deal with your sorry butt. So man up and talk to her already! Cheese and rice! I helped you by telling you she was joining me! If you think you can just make amends with just a cute smile and hug then you're dreaming!" Mrs. Dabney continued to shout.

Cayden walked up to Mrs. Dabney and looked her in the eyes. "Excuse me but can I speak with Ariana?" He asked and she brought her hands down hard on to his shoulders. "Good!" She shouted again and then started to apply pressure to his shoulder as she brought her mouth next to his ear. "I want a full report." She whispered and Cayden nodded his head. "Fantastic!" Mrs. Dabney said as she turned and started to push Cayden towards Ariana. "Look I have no idea what happened between the both of you but it's a good thing you are willing to man up and start your reconciliation. You never want to go to bed angry, you never know what will happen the next day and we don't want to have any regrets especially between sweethearts."

"Mrs. Dabney... we aren't sweethearts." Cayden said, crashing Ariana's world. "Right, right. You have your fiancee but you can't deny the girl is someone special in your heart now can you?" Mrs. Dabney said as Cayden started to turn a brighter red. "Well this busybody will leave you two alone now..." She said as she removed her hands from Cayden and turned around. "I will just discuss things with my daughter, give her some advice and what not about life even though she can't respond.... you know brainwash her to stand up for what's hers."

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Ariana blushed as she watched Mrs. Dabney leave. "Has she always been so..." Ariana asked as she turned to Cayden. "Opinionated? Yes." Cayden responded. They looked into each other's eyes and held their gaze for a moment. Ariana's heart started to thump loudly against her chest. She opened her mouth and tried to get sound to come out but closed it again. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean what I said." Cayden said. Ariana could feel her eyes starting to sting as she shook her head. "No... you were right. I have been too anxious and emotional. I... I can't help but show you all the bad and embarassing sides of me... especially when we don't have an actual relationship with eachother. I'm just the annoying childhood friend pushing for something.... well... ya." She said as she brought down her gaze.

Cayden stepped closer and grabbed Ariana's hand. The warmth quickly rushed through his body and he couldn't help but rub the back of her hand with his thumb, hoping that the same warmth would spread through hers. "No... I lost my temper too. I can't help but lose control when it involves...." He said as his breathing started to accelerate it. "You..."

Ariana brought her gaze to meet his. She saw his eyes glaze over, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his mouth was partially open. "Cayden... I feel the same way... maybe even more. I just wanted to understand what you went through and why you did what you did. I know I'm being selfish but I can't help.... I can't stop... I feel so jealous. I just wanted to know where I stood in your heart and when you kissed me saying you would tell me everything. I had hoped... there was so much hope that you would... Cayden I love you and I don't think I can stop loving you anytime soon." She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Cayden couldn't stop himself. He closed the distance between them. He brushed back her tears with his thumbs. He looked into her eyes and gulped, he then brought his lips to her forehead, then to her temple, her cheek and then licked his own lips. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation causing his heart to thunder against his chest. He couldn't fight the urge anymore, he started to lean in, inching towards her lips. "Don't hate me." He whispered. "I can't." She replied and he sealed her lips. His one hand slid behind her head while the other slid down her back and stopped in the middle of her back. "Don't hate me. Don't hate me." He said in between his kisses. Ariana moaned. "Never."

The kissed started to intensify, Cayden tasted her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth and invited him in. Cayden moaned as his fingers entangled with her hair. "Don't you ever think you are good enough to be with her." A voice shouted in Cayden head. "Ahh!" Cayden shouted as he pushed back Ariana. "Cayden?!" Ariana gasped as she watched him take a step back. "Sorry, I'm so sorry... I just... I made an oath and I need to sort these 'things' out before.... before I can tell you or do anything." Ariana's face paled as she reached out to Cayden. "Does it hurt?" She asked and Cayden shook his head. "No... it's more psychological." He said as his breathing started to became uneven.

"I'm not supposed to get to close to you... huff, huff, huff... I was only supposed to watch and protect you.... huff, huff, huff... anything else is forbidden." He said as he tried to compose himself. "But Adonis should have taken care of that. The slave contract should be invalid now, I'm so confused... how can this be fixed? How can I set you free?" Ariana asked but Cayden gave her a wary smile. "Like I said I need to settle some things before we can talk." He said as he straightened up his posture and pulled Ariana closer. "For now just trust me... No matter what happens, just trust me and don't leave me." He said before he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

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