My Way To You

Chapter 96

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The crowd grasped as the two slipped into their own world. Cayden brought up his hands to Ariana's face and adjusted his lips, kissing felt too good, he didn't want it to end. While Ariana started to clutch at Cayden's white button up shirt. She needed something to keep her from floating away and she wasn't willing to let him go just yet.

"You sl*t!" A female voice yelled as Ariana's lips were pulled away from Cayden's. Vanessa had grabbed Ariana's shoulder and forced her to face her. Ariana was still lost in her feelings, her face was slightly flushed, lips were slightly parted and her eyes were glazed over with passion. Vanessa gnashed her teeth as she pulled back her hand. "How dare you kiss my fiance!" Vanessa shouted as she readied herself to slap Ariana with her full strength. Cayden caught sight of Vanessa's hand and quickly pulled Ariana back into his protective embrace just as Vanessa swung her hand. The momentum Vanessa had used was too great and she couldn't stop herself. She ended up falling forward, landing face first into the ground.

"Why..." Vanessa whispered as she laid on the ground, curling her hands into fists as she fought back her angry tears. "Cayden let go!" Ariana said as she struggled against his embrace. "No!" He said firmly. "Vanessa, I'm sorry but our engagement... I'm calling it off! I can't be with you." Cayden said loudly as the crowd grasped again. "What?! Why?!" Vanessa shouted as she quickly lifted her gaze from the ground towards Cayden and Ariana. "Why are you choosing someone like her over me?! Do you know who my family is?! Our power, our prestige, our wealth?! She is nothing but some wh*re's bastard child?! She is nothing special!" Vanessa shouted as she slowly lifted herself off of the ground, her face was dyed blood red from her rage.

"Vanessa... You are the one that is nothing." Cayden said making Vanessa instantly pale as she gawked at Cayden. "How can you say that... we've known each other for years... you don't, you don't mean that..." Vanessa desperately said as she tried to reach out to them. "You don't understand how a horrible of a person you are? You look down on everyone because of what? To prove your self worth? Or looking for compliments or self gratification? Do you really believe you are some sort of Queen, able to have everyone's love and adoration when all you do is speak ill of them? Vanessa Brenton, you are the lowest of low, you are trash. You enjoy belittling so many people just so you can inflate your own ego. Someone like you disgusts me." Cayden said as he held Ariana tightly in place against his chest.

"You're joking right? You must be joking! Ha, hahaha you are playing a very cruel joke Cayden. We have been together for so many years! I have loved you for so many years!" Vanessa yelled as tears welled up in her eyes. "You don't know me! I only existed in the Remo household! What you fell in love with is your own fantasy! Your own delusions of grandeur! Name one thing about me, one thing that only someone who knew me on a personal level would know! If you can then I swear I will give our engagement a chance." Cayden said as he narrowed his gaze at Vanessa.

"... Cayden is this really necessary? N-no one knows you better then I do." Vanessa awkwardly laughed as her whole body broke out into a cold sweat. "One thing." Cayden replied coolly. "Y-y-you like to dance!" Vanessa shouted causing the crowd of on lookers to start whispering. "U-u-uh, um, y-y-you l-l-like to put yourself into everything you do until it's perfect! Y-y-you are good at sports and academics. Y-y-you hate intimacy, you rarely smile, you're very stoic and the second son of the Remo household. You have a bright future planned out as the vice president of operations for Remo Industries and conglomerates. You hate sweets, you like everything with lots of butter, salt or gravy! You can't stand people, your aloofness and cold attitude is the most attractive thing about you! You favorite colour is black!" Vanessa ranted at a mile a minute.

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Ariana finally freed herself from Cayden's embrace and walked up to Vanessa. Cayden grabbed Ariana's wrist and stared at her. Ariana gave him a gentle smile and he sighed as he let her go. Ariana stood right in front of Vanessa and took a deep breath. "Your wrong." Ariana said gently. "What would you know!" Vanessa snapped. Ariana stood elegantly as she placed one hand over the other and rested her hands over top of her heart. "I have known Cayden since I was four years old, we even lived together for a number of years until the Remo household called him back." Ariana said nonchalantly making Vanessa's jaw slack in disbelief.

"Even with all of that I can not confidentially say that I am the person who knows him best but what I do know is he is neither cold or aloof. He is a warm and sweet person. He helps out anyone in need, regardless of their social standings. He hums when he's happy, he loves puzzles, he loves sweets especially sponge cakes with whipped cream and strawberries. Actually... he really loves food. He is a real glutton when he sees food." Ariana said with a light giggle.

"He is very secretive though, he always worries about the ones closest to him and sometimes comes off as harsh but you can see it in his eyes, the fear and determination and them you know you can't mistake his concern. His eyes are beautiful shade of grey with blue undertones... if he ever feels an extreme emotion then they shine a beautiful silver.... cough... sorry... Um his familiar is an orange jellyfish named Adonis... he's cute and loving but very deadly when provoked, actually they matche each other so well I'm a little surprised." Ariana said as she started to blush.

"He works hard everyday to improve himself because he puts such high expectations on himself not realizing that he's perfect just the way he is. I mean... no one is ever truly perfect. We all have our flaws, it's what makes us human and capable to grow and learn, so it's okay to be flawed. Oh! The best thing about him is how he treasures the little things in life, he doesn't care for the fancy or extravagant, he rather explore and be curious... his child like nature when he sees something new makes him so wonderfully charming you can't help but be captivated..." Ariana said with a charming smile, it made Cayden blush. He quickly covered his mouth to hide his smile and averted his gaze. If he looked at Ariana any longer who would pounce on her without restraint.

"You said he is afraid of intimacy but that's not true. Honestly I think it was hard to approach him at first because his life has been... somewhat unconventional for him but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be intimate with someone! Did you ever bother to earn his trust? Did you ever open up to him and have a real conversation with him? Were you ever patient enough with him? Or try to understand what kind of person he is? I don't know everything but I'm willing to wait for him to talk to me and even if he doesn't want to talk to me I will always let him know that I will be there for him! How dare you say he is not an intimate person! He is not some type of machine!" Ariana started to yell.

Cayden calmed down and walked up beside her. He gently grabbed her hand, Ariana looked up into his gaze and let a single tear roll down her cheek. "Sorry." She whispered to him but he just brought her hand to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on the inside of her palm.

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"I can't say I know everything about Cayden." Ariana continued as she turned back to Vanessa. "I don't know his favorite subject in school or his favorite sport or his current favorite food or his life goals but I am willing to ask him and find out! I am willing to talk to him, willing to listen! I'm not gonna lie, I probably will fight with him a number of times but as long as we still love eachother we will make up and become stronger. I am willing to keep learning new things about him everyday, for the rest of my life if I have too... we can buy a house together. Live together again, maybe even start a family... However you... you cry and hold on to him without even knowing anything about him! It's not my place to say you don't deserve him but I am willing to fight for him! Are you? Stand against me Vanessa! I dare you to at least try and get to know him! Be brave and give it your all! I will not be known as a homewrecker because you are too afraid to fight for your chance at love!" Ariana shouted as she glared at Vanessa.

Vanessa was completely speechless, she didn't know what to say or do as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Pathetic... are you not even willing to try? Don't spout out your nonsense next time we see eachother... For now I will take your silence as your defeat. But if you ever do or feel like trying to get Cayden to love you, I will face you head on. I will do everything I can to keep his heart for myself. I will make sure his eyes are only on me, that he is so absorbed with me that his only option is to live by my side until we grow old together!" Ariana said with confidence.

While Cayden turned redder then before, he looked ready to pass out as his eyes swirled and a giant grin was plastered on his face. Vanessa gritted her teeth, she had never been so humiliated before and she had no words to retaliate with. The only thing she could do was stare and cry, hoping that her tears would move a part of Cayden's heart. "Oh! By the way his favorite colour is green. Forest green to be exact!" Ariana shouted as she looked at Vanessa on last time. Then she turned to Cayden and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, blushing as she did.

"Do you even think that Cayden is even worthy of the Brenton name?!" Kyle shouted as he rushed over to his cousin. The crowd started to talk loudly as they gave each other their opinions. Kyle quickly pulled out his handkerchief, he gingerly wiped away Vanessa's tears as his heart ached for his cousin's sorrow. Ariana stared at the two cousins while Cayden smiled at Ariana. "Careful what you say Mr. Brenton. I don't want an excuse to beat you senseless." Ariana said coldly as she narrowed her gaze.

"I'm not afraid of you! Your mother is an outcast! She is nothing! While THAT bastard's mother is just some used mistress Lord Remo tossed aside after she outlived her purpose. Then to only die after living a pathetic life!" He shouted before Ariana rushed over and uppercut punched him in the jaw. "What right do you have to speak about anyone's mother other then your own." She said darkly as Kyle fell backwards. "No violence!" Gautam yelled as he pushed himself through the crowd. "Let them go." Rain said as he and Mr. Dabney grabbed an arm and held him back. "This is against school rules!" Gautam shouted as he fought back. "And it's the weekend." Rain said with a sly smile.

"Kyle!" Vanessa shouted as she scrambled to help Kyle up. "You b*tch! How dare you hit me!" Kyle hissed as blood spilled from his mouth. "Same song and dance with you isn't it?" Ariana laughed darkly. "Your mother is a wh*re! Do you think she deserves any further thought other than the most obvious?" Kyle laughed as he stood back up. Ariana gave him a crooked smile before letting her leg fly, hitting him right in between the legs.

Kyle's eyes widened in horror and pain. "My mother is my mother! Adopted or not, she is a hard working lady who should be respected for everything she has done to help improve the community and erase her past. But I believe if she didn't have that colourful past, she wouldn't have become the person she is today. I admire Zula Drake and love my family dearly! I will never let someone speak ill of them! So Kyle, are you going to give me another opportunity to beat you? Say something Kyle. Say what's really on your mind but I warn you the next words that should come out of your mouth should be an apology." Ariana said as she walked over and looked down at Kyle's trembling body. "I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry." Kyle stuttered as he looked at Ariana.

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"Thank you Kyle but there is someone else who needs your apology more then I do." Ariana said as she stepped aside so that Cayden was in full view. Kyle paled further as he swallowed back saliva. He instantly regretted it as a metallic taste ran down his throat. "S-sorry." He muttered. "To who Kyle?" Ariana asked firmly scaring Kyle to tears. "I'm sorry Cayden!" He shouted. Ariana beamed at Kyle and gave him an angelic smile. Kyle almost puked the blood he swallowed earlier. "Vanessa you should take Kyle to the infirmary so the damage doesn't become permanent... He does want to have children in the future, right?" Ariana asked innocently.

Vanessa quickly collected her cousin and struggled to help him walk away. "You'll get yours." Vanessa hissed under her breath as she carried Kyle away. "If it's the last thing I do, you will get yours in the end." Ariana let out a deep sigh as she turned to face Cayden. He quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. He looked into her eyes hoping to coax her into another kiss but they were instantly frozen in place when they heard their friends cheer as they rushed over. While everyone else in the crowd was in a giant debate.

"Congratulations on the happy couple!" Edlyn shouted as she jumped on top of Ariana. "Finally grew a pair of balls to finally let her know." Lobo said as he slapped Cayden in the back. Cayden instantly let Ariana go and turned to glare at Lobo. While Ariana stared at Cayden's back in confusion. "Cayden has been quite devoted to you for the past couple of years." Xander said as he adjusted his glasses. "He has?" Ariana asked as her eyes sparkled with happiness. "The poor guy became devastated when the letters stopped. athe only thing keeping him together is ribbon in our room. He looks at it every so often when he thinks no one is looking." Icarus said with a shrug.

"A ribbon?" Halina, Talisha and Edlyn asked in unison as they looked at the guys. "Yup, never once said who's it belonged to but we put two and two together." Icarus continued as he pointed to a turquoise ribbon tied to the back of Ariana's hair. "Is it red with tiny stones on both ends?" Ariana asked. "Yup!" Lobo shouted happily but instantly retreated when he saw Ariana's face. "CAYDEN!" She shouted making everyone take a step back and the crowd go silent. "Did you steal my birthday gift that I got from my brother?!" She asked as her whole aura turned ominous. Her hair started to fly sporadically, her face turned dark while her eyes glowed murderously.

"It's not what you think!" Cayden cried out as he turned to face Ariana. His face paled as he laid eyes on her. "Oh please explain. I will love to hear how you stole the first gift from I received from my big brother. You know I only wore it once, drove myself insane looking for it. Even begged my brother for forgiveness for my carelessness." Ariana said with a dark chuckle. Cayden gulped as he took a few steps back. "It's actually a really funny story. You will love it." He said with a panicked voice. "Tell me!" Ariana hissed.

"Definitely! See it was... bye!" Cayden shouted as he ran away. "Cayden I wanted it back!" Ariana said as she chased after Cayden. They both raced out of the training grounds leaving the crowd dumbstruck. "Is that how Cayden really is?" Talisha asked as she pointed in the direction they left. "I think he only shows his silly side to Ariana." Edlyn said with a giggle. "I only met with him a couple of times so I have no idea." She continued.

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Icarus and Lobo couldn't hold back any longer and started to laugh hysterically. "It's good to see that guy finally let loose!" Icarus hollered while Lobo wrapped his arms around his abdomen. "It hurts! I can't breath anymore!" Lobo cried and laughed at the same time. "Think of the fun we can have now!" Icarus shouted as he slapped Lobo's back.

"Finally! Now that everything has settled down let's start up the party again." Xander called out as some people reluctantly agreed. While others were still processing what they had just witnessed. "Cough, cough, cough... Edlyn?" Xander said as he turned to Edlyn and held up a fist to cough into. "Yes Mr. Art?" Edlyn answered indifferently. Xander's eyes grew wide with shock. That was twice now that Edlyn had refused to call him by his first name. He was confused and stayed silent.

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"Mr. Art? Mr. Art? Well Mr. Art if you have nothing to say I will take my leave then." She said coolly and turned to leave. The music had started up again and Xander quickly moved to grab Edlyn's hand. She turned back and gave him a bored expression. Xander instantly flushed as he looked at Edlyn's face then their joined hands. "Let go." Edlyn said after a few thunderous heart beats pounded against her chest. "No." He replied, shocking Edlyn. "Did I offend you Mr. Art?" Edlyn asked as she tried to tug her hand free. "Yes." Xander said softly. "Then I apologise. Please release my hand Mr. Art." She asked politely but Xander could hear the distant tone she used, drawing a line between them.

"Xander..." He whispered, shocking himself as he said his own name. "Sorry Mr. Art, did you just say something?" Edlyn asked innocently. "Xander!" Xander said a little too loudly. People close by turned to look at them and Xander flushed a deeper red while Halina and Talisha nudged eachother. They both nodded to one another and dragged the other two boys away. "Mr. Art?" Edlyn asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Don't call me Mr. Art anymore... please... I want you to call me by my first name again." He said as he slowly released Edlyn's hand. "If that's all... then I will from now on. Goodbye Xander." Edlyn said as she turned to curtsy him. "No!" Xander said as he raised his hand to catch her again but stopped midway, leaving his hand suspended. He curled his hand and pulled back his fist to the side of his body. Edlyn looked at Xander and a small smile appeared on her face.

She moved in closer, squatted down a little and looked up into Xander's face. "You know.... I really like this song they are playing right now." She said with a coquettish voice. Xander instantly turned a glowing red and held out his hand. "Would you like to dance?" He asked as his nerves froze his face in place. "It would be my honour." Edlyn giggled as she placed her hand into his. "Can I have the next one too?" He asked shamelessly.

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